
Kinyas - Ziar din Turkey -

Publicat in Turkey - Dezbateri și analiză politică - 24 Jun 2017 06:18 - 68


As everyone know by now that USA and Bulgaria left Vae Victis after a year and immediately formed a new alliance. I see currently they are full of hatred towards Vae Victis. Before I reveal their face, lets get some facts straight.

When Serbia and Bosnia attacked USA months ago, Vae Victis was the one who stood by them. Unlike other alliances, who would just do nothing against the most powerful country of game, we fought bravely there. USA mentions some other military units who fought for them, well who wouldnt for free helis and supply? But Vae Victis fought there for nothing but friendship there. Georgia, Taiwan, Albania and Romania directly involved in battles. It is of course easy to ignore these now while you were quite grateful back then.

The second issue is arrival of Komando. Me and my friends were looking for somewhere new to play in. We did not want to bother with politics or governance since most of us were already been country president and we got sick of it so there should be a country who have enough active lation to rule itself without us. Besides we wanted a country who is relevantly safe so that we wont have to deal with RWs etc but can organize operation anytime we want. While we were considering options, Patton and his army moved in to US and we thought about joining them. I spoke with Diesel personally and he was quite eager to give us citizenship. He even offered us Presidency, actually insisted me come earlier than my friends so that I can run for Presidency immediately. We refused to be part of politics all the time (there is one exception that I will share later). To convince us to join USA, he talked about how much gold they have, how much gold they earn due to BB thing from Admins, etc. I am the one told him that if there is such amount of gold, that must belong to American citizens who worked for it, not some foreigners. I even told him to give that gold to reliable native American citizen so that it will remain untouched. I dont know what did he do with it though. Since all these were personal conversation between me and him, I do not believe it is ethical to share SS here. Diesel can share it on comment section If he likes or If he approves me to do that I can share it here.

After we moved in to USA, we have noticed that there are members of OFC. Both Komando and SoA reacted pretty hard to this situation. Despite our criticism, Diesel approved one more citizen from OFC and things got worse. I kept asking the background of events to Diesel and Ace. They played fool so I had to dig it my own. After I found out their real plans, I immediately suspended them from Vae Victis servers. After that, I pushed Diesel to back off from Presidency campaign (as he was planning to run for Presidency once again.) To do that, I announced my candicacy since I could not let this traitor become President. When I announce it (this is the exception about being part of poltics I mentioned above) he backed off and nominated someone from Brazilians instead.

Here is the meeting of them about who to bring USA. (months ago, before Komando and SoA arrived)


PS: These are captured not from personal conversation but from meeting. To the moderator who will try to remove them, take a look at ticket ID #687382 first.





Remember that these people were acting like loyal members of Vae Victis alliance. So, good luck to Nemesis and all anti-VV people with this kind of people.



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Comentarii (68)

♥ Love Kinyas ♥
When Serbia and Bosnia attacked USA months ago, Vae Victis was the one who stood by them. HAHAHAHAHahahhahahHAHAHAHAhahahahahhahahahaha VOKASI STOOD BY THEM AND NOW I AM IN SERBIA. SO SERBIA IS A FRIEND
eVokasi, you got paid for it. Stop BS.
winter is coming Laugh
Gerçekler acıdır. Biber de acıdır. Soğan da mideyi yakar. o7
true story Smile Kris is крыса
What does this remind of me... hmm... AH!!! the plotting you did to get new members to VV. History is a beach and usually strikes back. And now try to assasinate personalities to cause problems. You won t. Everyone is determined and the target is clear.
got paid?
heil heil heil
ktab, you called French representives pus*y, f*cked them off from joining our alliance and then you got French CS month later. Yeah, history is a beach.
Well, who s USA without SOA and Kommando Smile
You calm down on the French
writing fiction novel, or?
Lmao so basically what you ve proven is that I was shopping between MUs to invite to my country and decided on the stronger one? What grave criminal offense! Also you defending USA from Serbia ahahahahahahaha
On s en bat les couilles le rageux.
su makaleyi cevirene helalinden 3 gold Laugh
butthurt detected
propaganda....propaganda everywhere....
diesel debildiğin orospu karı gibiymiş
Funny thing is your posting of these screenshots like hey look how they betray vv hurrhurrhr. USA hired mercenaries FFS, what do you expect? More mercs they get the better, and they were paying for it, of course they would choose lol, what kind of hypocricy is this?! Only hideous text they wrote was the one about pulling the sneaky move. And you said it yourself that you people predicted it 3 months ago, so why is this a problem? To be honest Ace and Diesel were much more forthcoming and polite than you. Yesterday I asked you a question, and you demonized me and declared me #1 public enemy for it. If this is what people get for just one critisism, Lord knows what kind of hideous stunt you and your people are trying to pull off to keep a whole alliance in check.
When about Canada???
disel if georgia did not hit serbia in your cores to help you. you would be his another bi*c. but wait what are you know?!
Diesel, which country saved your ass, when Serbia was about to wipe you?
rumania who fought with serbia in his cores and georgia who liberated usa cores. but i always prefer few devoted friend s like we had in eclipse rather than usa or bulgaria to be our ally
France join VV or die alone
@Aveun - OFC and Portugal. Kinyas did jack shit. Georgia joined the war when it was already won. Some VV countries intervened on their own accord, but *against* Kinyas s orders to focus on his stupid feud in Denmark, not for them.
Yeah, sure OFC and Portugal alone beaten Serbia, you can tell that fairy tales to your grandsons. #Ungrateful #Traitor.
VV is crying again... If they are traitors, ungrateful etc... Why are u crying about their leaving? U should be happy to get rid of them, no?
You should be happy not to have us if we were such a liability Aveun, not crying your eyes out that we re leaving.
Hail Bulgaria and US for thinking about game and not just of Turkish/Gerogian/Iran resources o7 @Kinyas this is what your article is about You lost your honor year ago with refusal to balance game out when VV achived domination
One more question regarding who controls who...
Yazının Türkçe çevirisi için buyrun:
On ne peux pas empêcher les rageux de rager Smile
actually GB defend USA and we didnt got any payment for that Wink
Ya bi susarmısın artık Sad(
``When Serbia and Bosnia attacked USA months ago, Vae Victis was the one who stood by them.`` What a lie Kinyas. VV didnt help USA almost at all. It was Green Berets who defended them primarily. No wonder everyone is abandoning you.
And to clarify on the `payment` . No, GB was NOT paid for deffending USA and we were transparently AGAINST mercenary mode. The only ones who got some sort of `payment` was Vokasi and Lt Cdr Data who got some helis (not all) to shoot for USA because we ran out of stock of helis that day. Every single damage was free of any charge.
Naki, it is Diesel who often referred you and OFC as armies who will get supply and fight for US. Besides you also admit that your members got paid. About VV did not help, you can visit erevtools to check those battles. 4 countries directly involved in war to save USA. What else could be done.
``almost at all`` And yes, I admit that 2 members (out of 25) got SOME helis to fight for USA. So? What about everyone else? Don`t play those cheap tricks on me Frankie, you still got to drink more milk. Also:
Kinyas what are you smoking I wasn t even president when Green Berets and OFC came here. You don t even get anything benefit for trying to accuse GB of being mercenaries, but you just do it anyways because making things up and compulsively lieing is part of your personality.
Traitors, traitors everywhere :cry:
Dusan bro ya traitors too now dont you know it?
Keep the drama high.
French people are too busy fighting other French people but thanks for your concern.
XD lloron
Im the me one more member of OFC that USA accepted?LaughD I still cant forget u kinyas,crying for 10 days (until i leave) on feeds xD
I still remember when I joined USA, how you made fun of me: *We will wipe Portugal and Ancestral will help us* - Kinyas, March 30 of 2017. So, after 3 months, Portugal stands unwiped, unbend, unbroken. Ancestral stands with his friends. VV stands... Well, idk, I`ll ask Latvia, Morocco and Albania, all of them wiped... And you stand... Idk too. I`ll try to find someone from back in the days who still gets along with you. Because from all the people I know, you are alone. This is not the way, my old friend. o7
Kinyas, why do you only show BS? Everyone knows you re a dictator that was dumped by your GF.... what s worse than that? God... everything you say has no true statement. Yeah, those screenshots might seem suspicious but if I was USA, I would take advantage of private MU s to raise my country s power, just like Portugal did when TROLLS arrived here. However they left and we still remain unbroken. You know why? We have real friends and that s the thing you lack the most. Good luck on trying to resist our wipe.
Ancestral, I remain unchanged. I still play for same things and unlike my -those friends- I did not and will not sell anyone out for any reason. I wont insult a person who fight against my homeland one day and join their alliance after a month. (Remember PT Spain battles) I dont care who is with me and who is not.
Kinyas 37 minutes ago I still play for same things and unlike my -those friends- I did not and will not sell anyone out for any reason. Yet we still remember how you sold Greece for Macedonian damage and deleted them. Spin doctor work again.
Kinyas cant write anything without the word traitors xD
Taiwan and Indo landing to help USA too, oh wait , we are traitors now too Laugh
Lol. It is interesting , how many enemies, not the opponents, this guy has. In the normal situation, I will be like... what did he to them? But this so far from normal... Although this is the game, the EGO is playing a huge role. Knowing some details about your opponents, I can only conclude the next KINYAS IS NOT A SUCH BAD GUY!!! My country is fighting for a long time against his, but ... they are far, far worse. The fall of the VV , if it happens, will demonstrate the true face and the nature of other side. Players will regret because of this.
@misakichan aka Shisui ,STOP right here, join Kinyas, he will be your next Kami Neko
@Diesel . . . georgia won 7/7 battle againist serbia ( 5 your cores ), how the battle was already won? i remember how you were asking me always help MPP/Direct and you were crying , now you are telling that we did nothing, it s friends how you are, but it is not probmen, i think NOW you are with your true friends, you have a lot in common, it s your place good luck Wink)
Popcorn time Laugh
I am not Shisui, Peaky, sorry. I know that you miss him so much :-( Joining Kinyas? Who can understand your way of thinking, Peaky? I am citizen of Izrael, and we are fighting almost every day against his country.
What a party in comments, i like it. Kinyas write more please, we need this!
O dizel motor kime fuck diyor bir sürü fuck demiş. Bize diyorsa bende onu Bide biri çevirsin allah rızası için şu makaleyi
WeRTO what are you talking about, I wasn t even president when Serbia invaded. I was director of technology - the website editor. This just goes to show how full of shit you are. Did the website editor come begging to Kinyas s stooge WeRTO (and somehow knew who you were, despite how irrelevant you were) to direct battles, despite not even having access to the VV channel? At least Kinyas knows how to lie convincingly, you need to suck him a little more so he ll teach you.
Diesel, this article reveal all your lies and you still accuse others. 1- You said that you did not want us join US 2- You said we took gold there 3- You said you did not offer Presidency to us 4- You said you in fact did not betray us but I kicked you out for personal issues. // Screenshots I put prove that all those are just lies. You are not just pathetic liar but you also have no shame.
Pot calling the kettle black? I have no idea what you re talking about. 1- I told everyone from the rooftops I wanted you to join US, and I would have done it again because US became so strong after. Who cares who s president, what matters is damage. Can anyone here point to where I deny I invited you? 2- I never said anything about the gold LMAO. The gold is still with me, because it was on my credit card. The national gold was sent to TrickyDicky. 3- I did offer the presidency to you, what the hell are you talking about. 4- I betrayed you and I would do it again! Believe me Kinyas if you had the choice to shop around for mercs if it makes your country strong, after months of being abandoned by so-called allies, you would as well. Your screenshots don t say jack shit, but that s not even the point. You are the most compulsive and useless liar, because you re not even making claims about me. You re making claims about what I said, but if you read my articles, I admit all of those things and still nobody thinks you re in the right.
Cry cry cry i m drowning in your poor tears
Tears of kinyas, tears everywhere