Publicat in Serbia - Dezbateri și analiză politică - 13 Jul 2017 11:14 - 21

Danas ćemo pričati o novopečenoj vlasti u eSrbiji i o tome ko šta radi tj. ne radi.
Svi oni koji su barem jednom bili na nekoj poziciji u vladi znaju da to uopšte nije lak posao i da nosi određenu količinu odgovornosti.
A naša vlada je pokazala da radi odličan posao što se da videti kroz bonuse koje imamo i sve ostalo.
Pa da počnemo...
Predsednik -【 Ztem 】
Glavni i odgovorni za sve što se dešava u eSrbiji. Odlično radi svoj posao i samo neka nastavi tako i ne sluša glupe komentare drugih ljudi.
Ministar Odbrane -【 djurdjo 】
Uvek je tu kad zatreba našem predsedniku. A najbolje što radi jeste vođenje državnih udara zajedno sa Nilson, B A T A S H A i Archimagus što se da videti po bonusima koje imamo.
Guverner -【 Dora Tonks 】
Ona najviše voli reči porez i keš. Ona je glavna što se tiče vraćanja poreza a to uopšte nije lak posao jer ima dosta stranca koji rade kod nas u državi i treba pregledati svaki dan mali milion SS-ova i svima dati refund. Ona sad ide na more ( predednik joj dao godišnji odmor ) pa je Ztem odlučio da meni uvali to mesto i hvala mu puno.
Ministar Obrazovanja -【 NaDuVaNi LiK 】
Sebe neću mnogo hvaliti jer imam najlakši posao od svih njih a i uživam u tome što radim.Takođe tu je i Srdjan M koji mi je pomagao a i ubuduće će nadam se.

Takođe, država raspisuje konkurs za MoD pomoćnika a potrebna su 2 čoveka. Za više informacija javite se predsedniku.
Ministar obrazovanja
NaDuVaNi LiK


My dear friends and fellow citizens!
Today, I am gonna present you new eSerbian Government, and who has which role.
All those who were once part of Government are quite aware how hard this job is, and how great responsibility it requires from those involved.
And our Government proved that they work really hard and well, considering bonuses we have and all other successes.
So, let me begin...
President -【 Ztem 】
The guy responsible for everything going on in eSerbia. He did a of a job so far, and lets hope he will proceed this way - hopefully without listening to stupid comments of some people.
Minister of Defence -【 djurdjo 】
He is right hand to our CP, and he is best in leading Military Coup together with Nilson, B A T A S H A and Archimagus, and prove for that are bonuses we have.
Governor -【 Dora Tonks 】
She loves two simple words - tax and cash. In charge of tax returns, and that is quite huge task, considering number of foreigners in our country, and requires big nerves to go through million of SS's daily and refund. She's now going to vacation (CP granted her few free days) so Ztem igned me to her position as replacement. And I want to thank him for this opportunity!
Minister of Education -【 NaDuVaNi LiK 】

Also, Govermnet is opening position for MoD Assistant, and 2 persons are required - please, contact CP for more information.
Minister of Education
NaDuVaNi LiK

djurdjoUrzaelNilsonsrb1n96XandermalisinisaArkhTopSecretEl ProfesorComentarii (21)


Iam also the epatriarch of Holy orthodox church...edit that pls

Ima džurdžilo - ima NAP

My suggestion: tax return is totally unacceptable decision, taxes belongs to the country and further to the community, not to players as a units. Instead of this, better introduce loans, based on tax return amounts, with zero interest and couple of months period to return it. This way you will create a formidable investment fond, able to to rise the power of your economy. Thanks for your attention, it s just an observation of eccentric industrialist from eIsrael.

o7 Ti levi pisi na srpskom!!

Bolan zemo, nemoj vise zijaniti! Satisfied now, Nilson? BTW, I am delighted coss your CP is using an anime character for his avatar ;-)

Good luck you all

vidi ovog levog što se pravi englez
idi gledaj titane 


Tnx levi 


svaka časnost čika naduvani liku o7

Thank you for the EN version 

@Levi Ackerman: nonsense. We in rHungary have both: generous loans with no interest and also full tax return on buildings. If you do not give tax return, people just go to invest to other countries that do.

Kakav povracaj poreza? Ja nisam dobio ni dinar


@Bikkin, it s not my fault for the lack of patriotic feelings among citizens of your country. The majority of my income is going for the investment in industry (minority is going for taxes and training), but I never ask for tax return. The country is something what belongs to society, to all citizens. It is obvious that country needs money, and return of taxes is the way how to make this income lower. Try to educate citizens of your country why taxes are important and what is good what public money can bring to all in community, not just to leaders.


Legia+SoS=Buranija sa sosom