
multies yeah?

Publicat in Georgia - Analiză militară - 27 Oct 2017 14:50 - 9

o eworld

sirbians and also other enemies alaways say  and ridicule us about  multies   here we have facts 
first  the most epic battle in erev history ( I respect both sides )
in this battle  from iran side  582 people were fighting and from sirbian side 714

after battle some people was sayng  that  
we used multies and now they are out of stock  and waiting next battle   but  now we can see other battles

turkey vs sirbia   (vojvodina war)

from  tr side  376 and from sirbian side 333  

first time  714  and  then  333 ?   wtf?   where is  381 people  from sirbian side?

I think  thay are multies and  now thay are out of stock  becouse  sirbians  did everything what thay can.



pls vote and sub  (  sup if u can :D )


Goodbye o7KinyaseCarterReturn of KiNGrednim

Comentarii (9)

You Gurgians go and fight for bonuses in Russia. Stay out of the fight between big boys.
are u kidding me? http://erevtools.com/battlecountries.php?battleid=20123 look at this georgia do 22 b dmg more then everyone apart of iran and sirbia
Yeah Irans multi account are empty now Turkey shooting from their multis xD 5 RSD for spamming
Tepic tnx for 5 rsd I will prodiuce in sirbia after wipe Laugh
all serbian are multi - everyone know that Smile
You would just have to use your brains and check the countries fighting in both Battles. Your brains would then get to the conclusion that there were a LOT of countries fighting in first Battle and thats why so many acc hit in it. But then again, you would have to have brains, cause this is super math rocket science stuff (not). So, big round of aplause to All the dumbfucks out there Laugh *clap*
o yeah Smile
Admin love multis more then us because they keep game alive 🤣🤣
fynh yine sırp taşağı yalıyor xd