Publicat in Hungary - Socializare și divertisment - 01 Feb 2018 11:22 - 17

P.S. vote + sub + endorse if you liked it :)
Zaganos PashaPalermoPalermoTovarDanteTovarDanteTovarDanteTovarDanteassecoFORTUNAFORTUNAKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaTovarDanteJacarevenger81AncestralLajbachnikirunagant895PolarB34rTraian BasescuG A M p3trOs2 V E RComentarii (17)

Buuurn 😁


Naping time 💪

We love NAPs, and what is the problem with this?

hahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahah to je to !!!! doc ce mojih par sati kad ih Gazda drogan napadne 

A ☀️ susson rád

That s not true man. My snake gives an other sound. I tried it.

This was a funny one 

Crytia as always
mental problem nation since yugoslavian war ended :S

Baby Jesus, this is yugoslavians and not Croats! We have problem with this balkanisch primitives too, they making very bad advertising for our country! Just ignor them, they are not worth nothing

@HrvatskiCrniSokol dont misunderstand me as well im not hating croatian people I have many friends irl cause I lived close to Croatia. I know just fat virgin kids trolling here, im one of them ahaha lol.
Dobra večer!

WTF este periódico es pura mhelda