Publicat in Hungary - Analiză financiară - 18 Feb 2018 03:31 - 85
Dear Fellow Citizens!
As we are all used to it, admins try to make us leave the game because they somehow are offended by the fact that people actually play their game. In order to make everyone hate the game and leave it they came up with their latest update invention, storages...
(On the sidenote dear admins, if you are not intentionally trying to make people leave the game the only other option I have to think is that you regularly have LSD for breakfast...)
So, instead of bragging let me give you 2 options to fix this update and instead of creating more leavers, create more real money.
Option no1:
Make storage requirement different and realistic for everything:
100 raws = 1 storage unit
Food products = 1 storage unit
Weapon Products = 2 storage unit
Houses = 500 storage unit
Hospital, DS = 5000 storage unit
Option no2:
Keep everything as is and introduce Silos as a seperate storage for raw materials.
25000 capacity Silo = 25G
50000 capacity Silo = 50G
Anyone who agrees that this update sucks, leave a comment.
Love and kisses,
Yeah, btw...
Introduce freaking country storages...
Presidents and government members should store the country's all the time? Really? REALLY?
Make it expensive, make it RL money exclusive... whatever, just make it happen...
As we are all used to it, admins try to make us leave the game because they somehow are offended by the fact that people actually play their game. In order to make everyone hate the game and leave it they came up with their latest update invention, storages...
(On the sidenote dear admins, if you are not intentionally trying to make people leave the game the only other option I have to think is that you regularly have LSD for breakfast...)
So, instead of bragging let me give you 2 options to fix this update and instead of creating more leavers, create more real money.
Option no1:
Make storage requirement different and realistic for everything:
100 raws = 1 storage unit
Food products = 1 storage unit
Weapon Products = 2 storage unit
Houses = 500 storage unit
Hospital, DS = 5000 storage unit
Option no2:
Keep everything as is and introduce Silos as a seperate storage for raw materials.
25000 capacity Silo = 25G
50000 capacity Silo = 50G
Anyone who agrees that this update sucks, leave a comment.
Love and kisses,
Yeah, btw...
Introduce freaking country storages...
Presidents and government members should store the country's all the time? Really? REALLY?
Make it expensive, make it RL money exclusive... whatever, just make it happen...
MVJSDarken RahlDarken RahlDarken RahlBikkin BOZGOR Talan CHEATERBikkin BOZGOR Talan CHEATERAncestralXooKaip3Old LegendOld LegendOld LegendTsiggerLackoaNemethLackoaNemethGuepoGuepocOSHiPew PewPony of DarknessRomyNikola RSCacique PariaguanDroogieFightMasterRick_TWDKPYMJinxBrunoLeon98bryendericksonWakkoTheMarioComentarii (85)

Good idea. But a separate government storage is more urgent to be implemented than ever. You cannot expect each president to store a whole country-s reserves in his own personal storage!

#je suis storage #metoo storage Golika +1

Option 2 is a good idea.. And +country storage..

Nice one man 😁

I dont care much for storage and all of this game but i support you defenitily! stop with stupid updates!
Vote o7

like them both :3

+1 Αridarna (Option 2 is a good idea.. And +country storage..)

no.i like admin ideas

Country storage would be great

Obviously this update sucks. At lest give us some time to figure what to do with the extra raw.

Very good proposals. Also MAKE MU ORGs!!!


good concept at least for raw! i seriously complain raw producer!


agree, or just give us more time to make something (not 1 day).


option 2 is grate ideea, it is fair for all

+, i can not even complete the DO With this f****** update

Storage2Rent 10K storage units for 100 gold /month

V +

I like these ideas. V +

Agreing with all of this... And why cant cuntry have it s own companys? At the moment the brazil is taking all of taxes becuse of its bonuses... Witch is nice, but smaller cuntry dont have that option... We sould be able to bould country companys and sell goods for profit...

Bunch of cry-babies! Stop whining! You produced more than the market can take, now you are crying you have too much. You are either bad managers or greedy speculators! The greed hit you back

There is no positive effects for the players at all with this update

Shit sucks

Give 2 weeks for selling rw


@quentin tarantino you are not a smart seller , if yuo know the markets you should know that is stupid to over sell your product cos you will decrease the cost , so you will always sell the amount that the market need , just today i ve seen something like 2b raw all over the worlds market that will be destroyed for sure tomorrow , that means in 1 week you will see how many the prices of the raws will increase :3


No to Storage Update!




And Finally The Game is Dead, because of ADMIN stupid decision
Fuck, BAN me Please Admin, you show your idiotic update to the whole (v) world....
wkwkwk lol...

@katakuri and if You are overproducing You are very Smart, right? Just keep it stocked in deposits?

introducing such important change for game rules IS A PIECE OF SHIT
admins are kiddies for sure
about 20 YO and they don t understand anything except their wallet

oh... i cant make food...time to quit the game :v

YES! I like to buy raw with 0,00000001 

Storage blocked!!!

The only way they can make this storage change work as i said before in another thread is to give out 1000 storage in a battle damage challenge every week you do so much damage you get 1k storage free.

agree 07
