Publicat in France - Socializare și divertisment - 15 Apr 2019 05:14 - 7
Missions! All missions in one overview.
Weekly Mission 1: Hard Work
Work every day for 10 days as an employee, and show us that you are hard worker.
0 / 10 This mission is available from Day 1,191 and expires on Day 1,204.
+50 Strength
to complete
Weekly Mission 2: was something like*1
Have an active house and work twice a day.
0 / 2 This mission is available from Day 1,191 and expires on Day 1,204.
+4 Worker Tokens
to complete
Weekly Mission 3: Getting strong
Strength is very important, train every day in order to be strong and great influence in the battlefield.
0 / 300 This mission is available from Day 1,191 and expires on Day 1,204.
+50 Intelligence
to complete
Weekly Mission 4: Hit after hit
Your help is needed in battlefield. Make 15,000 hits to rise moral on battlefield.
0 / 15,000 This mission is available from Day 1,191 and expires on Day 1,204.
+5 Life Kit Q5
to complete
Weekly Mission 5: War influence
Soldiers saw you on battle their adrenaline is boosted. Help them win war and make 10,000,000,000 damage on battlefield.
0 / 10,000,000,000 This mission is available from Day 1,191 and expires on Day 1,204.
+10 Missile Q5
to complete
Weekly Mission 6: Thinking strategic
In strategic buildings you make items essential for big battles - Life Kits and Missiles. Show you are thinking ahead and preparing yourself, make 10 Life Kits and/or Missiles.
0 / 10 This mission is available from Day 1,191 and expires on Day 1,204.
+1 House Q5
to complete
Weekly Mission 7: Big appetites
You are lacking money and energy. Activate 5 houses of different quality and enjoy their benefits.
0 / 5 This mission is available from Day 1,191 and expires on Day 1,204.
+150 Aircraft Q5
to complete
Weekly Mission 8: Energy addict
There are big battles all around world, you have plenty companies to work in and train in training center. You are addicted to energy in order to win your goals use 100 Energy Bars.
0 / 100 This mission is available from Day 1,191 and expires on Day 1,204.
+25 RPG Q550
to complete
Weekly Mission 9: Going stronger
Your appetites are greater then in beginning. There are wars needed to be win, companies managed. To accomplish your goals you need energy, recover 50,000 energy by consuming food.
0 / 50,000 This mission is available from Day 1,191 and expires on Day 1,204.
+20 Energy Q5
to complete
Weekly Mission 10: Subscriber
Newspapers are inevitable media, you need to subscribe to 20 newspapers.
0 / 20 This mission is available from Day 1,191 and expires on Day 1,204.
+250 FRF
to complete
*1 Thank you Misteriosa for Info
Ohai #Easteregg event -- Day 1,191 to Day 1,204
s4s , if you like

Weekly Mission 1: Hard Work
Work every day for 10 days as an employee, and show us that you are hard worker.
0 / 10 This mission is available from Day 1,191 and expires on Day 1,204.


Weekly Mission 2: was something like*1
Have an active house and work twice a day.
0 / 2 This mission is available from Day 1,191 and expires on Day 1,204.


Weekly Mission 3: Getting strong
Strength is very important, train every day in order to be strong and great influence in the battlefield.
0 / 300 This mission is available from Day 1,191 and expires on Day 1,204.


Weekly Mission 4: Hit after hit
Your help is needed in battlefield. Make 15,000 hits to rise moral on battlefield.
0 / 15,000 This mission is available from Day 1,191 and expires on Day 1,204.


Weekly Mission 5: War influence
Soldiers saw you on battle their adrenaline is boosted. Help them win war and make 10,000,000,000 damage on battlefield.
0 / 10,000,000,000 This mission is available from Day 1,191 and expires on Day 1,204.


Weekly Mission 6: Thinking strategic
In strategic buildings you make items essential for big battles - Life Kits and Missiles. Show you are thinking ahead and preparing yourself, make 10 Life Kits and/or Missiles.
0 / 10 This mission is available from Day 1,191 and expires on Day 1,204.


Weekly Mission 7: Big appetites
You are lacking money and energy. Activate 5 houses of different quality and enjoy their benefits.
0 / 5 This mission is available from Day 1,191 and expires on Day 1,204.


Weekly Mission 8: Energy addict
There are big battles all around world, you have plenty companies to work in and train in training center. You are addicted to energy in order to win your goals use 100 Energy Bars.
0 / 100 This mission is available from Day 1,191 and expires on Day 1,204.

Weekly Mission 9: Going stronger
Your appetites are greater then in beginning. There are wars needed to be win, companies managed. To accomplish your goals you need energy, recover 50,000 energy by consuming food.
0 / 50,000 This mission is available from Day 1,191 and expires on Day 1,204.


Weekly Mission 10: Subscriber
Newspapers are inevitable media, you need to subscribe to 20 newspapers.
0 / 20 This mission is available from Day 1,191 and expires on Day 1,204.


*1 Thank you Misteriosa for Info
Ohai #Easteregg event -- Day 1,191 to Day 1,204
s4s , if you like
Kame SenninPony of DarknessKrugerKrugerKrugerKrugerKrugerKrugerKrugerKrugerKrugerKrugerComentarii (7)


i was to fast.
if someone knows mission2 or did not cleared the task (maybe a copytext or a screenshot would be nice), let me know
thank you

s62, voted, finally an useful article!

v c s


updated: added correction to Mission 2, Thx Misteriosa

Subs: 121 Vote: 28
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