Plebe Deals

Guepo - Ziar din France -

Publicat in Serbia - Analiză militară - 15 Apr 2020 02:31 - 34

Hello, today we will see how to be a good ally in only 3 steps !

I learnt from the best (Nilson, SteppenWolf, the_penger, etc...), so you can trust me !


Join the alliance of the country you want to be ally with.


Sign a MPP (Mutual Protection Pact) with this country.


Rush against them to steal the bonus they want in Japan.


HarleyQuinnMeksikanac91Meksikanac91Meksikanac91GigaNilsonNilsonNilsonAzzazel87Azzazel87Azzazel87Azzazel87EReJSednauVitalicvagueKingorionchiva29DaudPeakyvaguevagueGabriellathe_passengerthe_passengerthe_passengerthe_passengerthe_passengerCrocodile DundeeCumulonimbsBMorgado10hawkoulisBig Pappa WolfBig Pappa WolfBig Pappa WolfsamschamsamschamsamschamsamschamsamschamsamschamsamschamsamschamsamschamsamschamsamschamsamschamsamschamsamschamsamschamMee6Zonky82ArtaArtaArtaArtaArtabarcelona oleeeViGoTwo Hawks77Obito Uchiha77FITOMARmiteladDoctor JoDoctor JoDoctor JoDoctor JoDoctor JoFabrghannibal reloadedGeneral PidbulaovicaDurantax1B A T A S H AovicaIvesIvesIvesIvesIvesIvesIvesIvesIvesIvesIvesIvesIvesIvesIvesdimimitsBannerBannerBannerBannerBannerBannerBannerBannerBannerBannerBannerBannerBannerBannerBannerBannerTrevasouTrevasouTrevasouTrevasouTrevasouTrevasouTrevasouTrevasouTrevasouTrevasouTrevasouTrevasouTrevasouTrevasouTrevasouoflubozkurtBuri_ramBuri_ramOriNaskiOriNaskiOriNaskiOriNaskiOriNaskiOriNaskiOriNaskiOriNaskiOriNaskiOriNaskiOriNaskiOriNaskiOriNaskiOriNaskiOriNaskiTehLuvsTehLuvsTehLuvsNefyriusNefyriusNefyriusNefyriusNefyriusNefyriusNefyriusNefyriusNefyriusNefyriusNefyriusNefyriusNefyriusNefyriusNefyriusNefyriusTehLuvsTehLuvsTehLuvsTehLuvsTehLuvsTehLuvsTehLuvsTehLuvsTehLuvsTehLuvsTehLuvsTehLuvsVettellVettellVettellVettellVettellVettellVettellVettellVettellVettellVettellVettellVettellVettellVettellNarcisMaanNarcisMaanNarcisMaanNarcisMaanNarcisMaanNarcisMaanNarcisMaanNarcisMaanNarcisMaanNarcisMaanNarcisMaanNarcisMaanNarcisMaanNarcisMaanNarcisMaanNarcisMaanDark WolfLogitechIriosmister18FallenAngelBelgorMr IndigoSymontomcrisBRUNO CDRBRUNO CDRBRUNO CDRPlayer39144PapaNoJobJuan05OktiennePrdarBiHAgui Gnakouri

Comentarii (34)

Hail RUBBngeRs !!LaughLaugh
japan is Serbia
I decline all responsability of these article. But I take 90% of endorse, so give money to this guy Laugh
comme quoi le journalisme se réveille en france ^^
friends should not attack behind backs. if you go to fight you must say it. now serbia is traitor
Les japoserbes font encore parler d eux
Mékilékon 🤣🤣🤣
Tadaaaa Now your allies will support you even though you fought against another ally because you gave your rare bonus to another ally. And like that you will be the biggest.... in the world Smile France, expect a war from Serbia, or they will ask you 5k G per 1 region as a rent (but you *can t* do anything about it because they are your ally and they *gave* you that resource)
shit just got real 🍿🍿
cpamota golube...
cpamota bpe!
Strategy v:
What a shamefull move, no words....
Eh beh
tho technically I do not know if Georgia is in the same alliance as Serbia 🤔
Serbia shame on you
We should offer our great support for Romania ... Laugh Just in case for resistant war missions xD
ture love story!
@lucifer serbia will coming for you dont woryy Smile
@xBeoWulfx: at last Serbia showed his real face! ...again! They learned it from their Romanian Masters!
Nothing new under the sun....pfff
as i heard it happened because of lack communication and misunderstanding... but even so making op was still very bad move... but real allies will always find a solution, i hope that we are the ones...
@yomadafakka we have a saying in greece, it goes like this: τα ευκολως εννοουμενα παραλειπονται.
How many times have you seen ally *accidentally* doing OP? Laugh Laugh Laugh Hey buddy, sorry about that, I didn t know that you needed that region, so I did the OP Laugh And we re going to continue living like nothing really happened
Serbia and Japan are the same country in this game too Laugh
they made op in naval battle and so big dmg here is not some misunderstanding ) we are not kids they just take region whats they want and make whats they want it is true
@Georgia Legend , time to come back in our side bro , we still wait to see you again Smile .. Best !
When Georgia has friends like these, they need no enemies! Sad
why you fart from your mouth when you have no idea what you re talking about Smile
Is this something new ? For me its long time clear with who you can cooperate normally in this game and with who not... Smile