Publicat in France - Socializare și divertisment - 12 Jul 2020 17:34 - 7
So, I've been a French citizen for over 3 weeks now, and things here in France have been interesting to say the least!
Today I'm introducing you all to our national pride, the French Army.
Food is very important, and especially new born players will get food from experienced players if they just ask :)
Some French soldier shows how to eat.
On the battlefield we dont have any fancy computers, so we have to use basic pencils...
Strength and intelligence are very important if we want to succeed on the battlefield!
French Army soldiers training.
The road sign close to French Army headquarters.
We are also very big patriots here in France.
Unnamed French military commander saluting our president OrignalQc.
I'm just messing with you guys!! :D
This is actually the real France:

So if you guys want to enjoy full 4x100% bonuses and nice atmosphere, do like I did and join France!
Today I'm introducing you all to our national pride, the French Army.
Food is very important, and especially new born players will get food from experienced players if they just ask :)

Some French soldier shows how to eat.
On the battlefield we dont have any fancy computers, so we have to use basic pencils...

Strength and intelligence are very important if we want to succeed on the battlefield!

French Army soldiers training.

The road sign close to French Army headquarters.
We are also very big patriots here in France.

Unnamed French military commander saluting our president OrignalQc.
I'm just messing with you guys!! :D
This is actually the real France:

So if you guys want to enjoy full 4x100% bonuses and nice atmosphere, do like I did and join France!
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No homo😅😅

@SaKaZuKi: of course not! 

very nice alpha males here ....

@Carnax: yeah France is full of masculine and manly Alpha Males, you can almost smell the testosterone!

OMG ...


this is indeed the real france