Publicat in Bulgaria - Primii pași în eRevollution - 31 Jul 2020 08:52 - 7
Hello everyone i joined the game 2 months ago, and now i have reached the maximum of 5 x Q1 and 5 x Q2 food factories you are allowed to have, but the thing is it still is not cutting it in order to be able to hit my energy in battles. So i decided to humbly ask for your support. So if someone has a bit more than he needs, please share it so i can keep fighting.
Here is my way of saying THANK YOU FOR THE DONATIONS OF FOOD!!!saying Thank you !!!

Here is my way of saying THANK YOU FOR THE DONATIONS OF FOOD!!!saying Thank you !!!

devil04MarteLusoGimailzgulCroMaXorkakashi681Kame SennincertacitoVadgesztenyeAminaJadelyastonrivllComentarii (7)

Thank you for these images i was pleasantly suprised 

v c


My math is a bit rusty, bu this does not add up to 2 months i am almost sure:
Member since:
Oct 2, 2018
(however, since you asked, i ll send you some foods)

food sent

You should now try to upgrade all to Q3 - Q3 and above have no limit in quantity of factories you can have.