Publicat in Bulgaria - Analiză militară - 23 Mar 2016 18:47 - 19
Hello eWorld! ;)
This game is more interesting when we interact with each other as more as possible :)
This is why i give U this table to help U in your development.
It shows the progression of damage levels for acquiring True Patriot medal.
Thus U'll be able to plan better your future gold income ;)
Have a great game and I'm sure U'll not forget to sub&vote!
Wouldn't mind also if U support the article. ;)
medal # / damage x1000
1. 50 (50 000)
2. 150
3. 300
4. 500
5. 750
6. 1 050
7. 1 400
8. 1 800
9. 2 250
10. 2 750
11. 3 300
12. 3 900
13. 4 550
14. 5 250
15. 6 000
16. 6 800
17. 7 650
18. 8 550
19. 9 500
20. 10 500
21. 11 550
22. 12 650
23. 13 800
24. 15 000
25. 16 250
26. 17 550
27. 18 900
28. 20 300
29. 21 750
30. 23 250
31. 24 800
32. 26 400
33. 28 050
34. 29 750
35. 31 500
36. 33 300
37. 35 150
38. 37 050
39. 39 000
40. 41 000
41. 43 050
42. 45 150
43. 47 300
44. 49 500
45. 51 750
46. 54 050
47. 56 400
48. 58 800
49. 61 250
50. 63 750
51. 66 300
52. 68 900
53. 71 550
54. 74 250
55. 77 000
56. 79 800
57. 82 650
58. 85 550
59. 88 500
60. 91 500
61. 94 550
62. 97 650
63. 100 800
64. 104 000
65. 107 250
66. 110 550
67. 113 900
68. 117 300
69. 120 750
70. 124 250
71. 127 800
72. 131 400
73. 135 050
74. 138 750
75. 142 500
76. 146 300
77. 150 150
78. 154 050
79. 158 000
80. 162 000
81. 166 050
82. 170 150
83. 174 300
84. 178 500
85. 182 750
86. 187 050
87. 191 400
88. 195 800
89. 200 250
90. 204 750
91. 209 300
92. 213 900
93. 218 550
94. 223 250
95. 228 000
96. 232 800
97. 237 650
98. 242 550
99. 247 500
100. 252 500
101. 257 550
102. 262 650
103. 267 800
104. 273 000
105. 278 250
106. 283 550
107. 288 900
108. 294 300
109. 299 750
110. 305 250
111. 310 800
112. 316 400
113. 322 500
114. 327 750
115. 333 500
116. 339 300
117. 345
118. 35
119. 35
120. 363 000
121. 36
122. 37
123. 381 300
124. 387
125. 39
127. 4
128. 412 800
129. 419 250
130. 425 750
131. 432 300
132. 438 900
133. 445 550
134. 452 250
135. 45
136. 46
137. 472 650
138. 4
139. 486 500
140. 493 500
142. 5
143. 51
144. 52
145. 529 250
146. 53
147. 54
148. 551 300
149. 5
150. 566 250
151. 57
152. 58
153. 589 050
154. 596 750
155. 604 500
156. 612 300
157. 620 150
158. 628 050
159. 63
160. 644 000
161. 65
169. 718 250
170. 726 750
171. 735 300
I've got the numbers from the statistics and that is why the sequence is broken at places but with time I'll update ;)
Some people think that by buying helicopters they advance faster without sacrificing cost. They are right only in terms of military rank and thus their hit but in long terms they ultimately sacrifice their development because helis are a lot more expensive than food but only 3-4x more fire power.
For example, for next TP medal U need less than 1 gold for food to fight without weapon and 5-15 gold to reach it with helicopters (depends on your strength and rank). It's a matter whether U play for the moment or for longer period ;)
Thank U 4 your time! ;)
Който не е разбрал...па да вземе да научи английски :)
Щом се оправяте с играта, значи имате достатъчно познания да разберете и написаното за да не си играя да го пиша и на български, но ако на някой не му е ясно нещо да пита ;)
Разбрали - неразбрали, давайте глас и се абонирайте! ;)
Ако решите и някой лев да сложите в касата, няма да се обидя ;)
This game is more interesting when we interact with each other as more as possible :)
This is why i give U this table to help U in your development.
It shows the progression of damage levels for acquiring True Patriot medal.
Thus U'll be able to plan better your future gold income ;)
Have a great game and I'm sure U'll not forget to sub&vote!
Wouldn't mind also if U support the article. ;)
medal # / damage x1000
1. 50 (50 000)
2. 150
3. 300
4. 500
5. 750
6. 1 050
7. 1 400
8. 1 800
9. 2 250
10. 2 750
11. 3 300
12. 3 900
13. 4 550
14. 5 250
15. 6 000
16. 6 800
17. 7 650
18. 8 550
19. 9 500
20. 10 500
21. 11 550
22. 12 650
23. 13 800
24. 15 000
25. 16 250
26. 17 550
27. 18 900
28. 20 300
29. 21 750
30. 23 250
31. 24 800
32. 26 400
33. 28 050
34. 29 750
35. 31 500
36. 33 300
37. 35 150
38. 37 050
39. 39 000
40. 41 000
41. 43 050
42. 45 150
43. 47 300
44. 49 500
45. 51 750
46. 54 050
47. 56 400
48. 58 800
49. 61 250
50. 63 750
51. 66 300
52. 68 900
53. 71 550
54. 74 250
55. 77 000
56. 79 800
57. 82 650
58. 85 550
59. 88 500
60. 91 500
61. 94 550
62. 97 650
63. 100 800
64. 104 000
65. 107 250
66. 110 550
67. 113 900
68. 117 300
69. 120 750
70. 124 250
71. 127 800
72. 131 400
73. 135 050
74. 138 750
75. 142 500
76. 146 300
77. 150 150
78. 154 050
79. 158 000
80. 162 000
81. 166 050
82. 170 150
83. 174 300
84. 178 500
85. 182 750
86. 187 050
87. 191 400
88. 195 800
89. 200 250
90. 204 750
91. 209 300
92. 213 900
93. 218 550
94. 223 250
95. 228 000
96. 232 800
97. 237 650
98. 242 550
99. 247 500
100. 252 500
101. 257 550
102. 262 650
103. 267 800
104. 273 000
105. 278 250
106. 283 550
107. 288 900
108. 294 300
109. 299 750
110. 305 250
111. 310 800
112. 316 400
113. 322 500
114. 327 750
115. 333 500
116. 339 300
117. 345
118. 35
119. 35
120. 363 000
121. 36
122. 37
123. 381 300
124. 387
125. 39
127. 4
128. 412 800
129. 419 250
130. 425 750
131. 432 300
132. 438 900
133. 445 550
134. 452 250
135. 45
136. 46
137. 472 650
138. 4
139. 486 500
140. 493 500
142. 5
143. 51
144. 52
145. 529 250
146. 53
147. 54
148. 551 300
149. 5
150. 566 250
151. 57
152. 58
153. 589 050
154. 596 750
155. 604 500
156. 612 300
157. 620 150
158. 628 050
159. 63
160. 644 000
161. 65
169. 718 250
170. 726 750
171. 735 300
I've got the numbers from the statistics and that is why the sequence is broken at places but with time I'll update ;)
Some people think that by buying helicopters they advance faster without sacrificing cost. They are right only in terms of military rank and thus their hit but in long terms they ultimately sacrifice their development because helis are a lot more expensive than food but only 3-4x more fire power.
For example, for next TP medal U need less than 1 gold for food to fight without weapon and 5-15 gold to reach it with helicopters (depends on your strength and rank). It's a matter whether U play for the moment or for longer period ;)
Thank U 4 your time! ;)
Който не е разбрал...па да вземе да научи английски :)
Щом се оправяте с играта, значи имате достатъчно познания да разберете и написаното за да не си играя да го пиша и на български, но ако на някой не му е ясно нещо да пита ;)
Разбрали - неразбрали, давайте глас и се абонирайте! ;)
Ако решите и някой лев да сложите в касата, няма да се обидя ;)
bengan75TopSecretComentarii (19)

Thank you for publishing this article
It will be benefirt to all users.

Great article keep doing

50k step accumulative


well done o7

v and s

If you fight with helis you need at least 150 for the next TP that cost you a lot its 1.5 gold profit from the medal. So its better to fight only on FF and weapons you produce its slower but 100% win win 

Nice article, pretty helpful. o7

Great job. Vote and sub12 

ovo bugarski?? Ovo citam bez problema

Има люде, де не читат на англезки 

60. 91500. It's obvious

Just edited it, but I write only what is checked, nth calculated. Thanks to naton confirmed this one.


Good job!

well done, sub and vote o7

I commented before, just gonna say maybe admin will add WIKI from your great articles

I started it after the admin did not give info on the subject.

+500 000 for level