Publicat in South Korea - Dezbateri și analiză politică - 27 Apr 2016 00:17 - 60
Hello. I'm an usual player jungrim from South Korea.
The Land of Morning Calm, South Korean ctiizens made hard decision today.
As representative of eSK, I officially request to Eclipse alliance to accept South Korea to walk with them long way.
This was absolutely hard decision because South Korea is small nation bordering big nations nearby
And eSouth Korea have been ensured security by the TRS country.

Many users who have been playing erevollution could ask us "Why do eSK choose such difficult paths to accept risk?
We would like to respond to realistic users who asked about this,
This is the free game for fun not concerned with real life to obey order from others.
As other users may know, Asian countries have maintained only one system ruled by TRS alliacne from now.
At this moment, It's hard for us to contradict the TRS influence on other countries in erevollution world.
The alliance have been growing up and affected e-global situation.
South Korean users have been forced to choose one decision by Serbians in Japan.
To be out of TRS or To obey their order.
If eSK want to remain this position, they want eSK to accept following rules by them.
Until now, Asian leading power Japan keep trying to influence on this small country.
I respect to TRS countries and users used to be colleagues in the alliance.
But I felt we miss something imfortant in that powerful alliance.
The precious value of brotherhood, friendship not ruleing or domination
I am taking a part in global mercenaries team with brothers and have met global clients until now.
Our team was composed of multi-national members and there were users from TRS, Eclipse, ex-Eagle, neutral countries.
Thanks to friends in our team, I had some chance to meet good users in various of countries.
In general, the relationships between nations in same alliance must be stronger than natural relationship built by deal from clients.
I agreed that this powerful union have been great accomplishment but lack of most important thing - brotherhood, friendship.
I trust we have been ruled by power or money not for friendship.
Two days have been permitted as deadline for this question of Japan.
South Korean users don't expect that we can be survived from this decision now.
But I hope we can get fre to choose anythings with our will at least.
I was surprised to see the results of survey from our citizens.
eSK citizens are willing to be fight for fre and I trust our citizens derserve to get it.
Even if we lost everything, I trust we will fight to the end for valuable value nobody has right to touch that.
I'm happy that we can respond to them about this question now.
We would like to reply to Powerful guys this answer.
Let us to play this game and give us interesting game to enjoy.

Finally, I would like to express gratitude to brothers who have isted us so far o7
Next president of eSouth Korea
The Land of Morning Calm, South Korean ctiizens made hard decision today.
As representative of eSK, I officially request to Eclipse alliance to accept South Korea to walk with them long way.
This was absolutely hard decision because South Korea is small nation bordering big nations nearby
And eSouth Korea have been ensured security by the TRS country.

Many users who have been playing erevollution could ask us "Why do eSK choose such difficult paths to accept risk?
We would like to respond to realistic users who asked about this,
This is the free game for fun not concerned with real life to obey order from others.
As other users may know, Asian countries have maintained only one system ruled by TRS alliacne from now.
At this moment, It's hard for us to contradict the TRS influence on other countries in erevollution world.
The alliance have been growing up and affected e-global situation.
South Korean users have been forced to choose one decision by Serbians in Japan.
To be out of TRS or To obey their order.
If eSK want to remain this position, they want eSK to accept following rules by them.
Until now, Asian leading power Japan keep trying to influence on this small country.
I respect to TRS countries and users used to be colleagues in the alliance.
But I felt we miss something imfortant in that powerful alliance.
The precious value of brotherhood, friendship not ruleing or domination
I am taking a part in global mercenaries team with brothers and have met global clients until now.
Our team was composed of multi-national members and there were users from TRS, Eclipse, ex-Eagle, neutral countries.
Thanks to friends in our team, I had some chance to meet good users in various of countries.
In general, the relationships between nations in same alliance must be stronger than natural relationship built by deal from clients.
I agreed that this powerful union have been great accomplishment but lack of most important thing - brotherhood, friendship.
I trust we have been ruled by power or money not for friendship.
Two days have been permitted as deadline for this question of Japan.
South Korean users don't expect that we can be survived from this decision now.
But I hope we can get fre to choose anythings with our will at least.
I was surprised to see the results of survey from our citizens.
eSK citizens are willing to be fight for fre and I trust our citizens derserve to get it.
Even if we lost everything, I trust we will fight to the end for valuable value nobody has right to touch that.
I'm happy that we can respond to them about this question now.
We would like to reply to Powerful guys this answer.
Let us to play this game and give us interesting game to enjoy.

Finally, I would like to express gratitude to brothers who have isted us so far o7
Next president of eSouth Korea
HannwiMarlockCaptain HarlockStrangersTyraelMohammad SaadTHE ONELeite de MacacaIl MarioSultan Haydar BasGovernadorComentarii (60)

Good luck!

Such a brave decision and powerful article! What will other Asian states do after this? Have you all this kind of courage? Vote + support for my friend!




vV @jungrim - I would like to hear more about that obey the order. Can you be more specific about what was supposedly asked from you?


Kimchi maxxx

Do not beautify the betrayal
Korea abandon their trustship to allies

Success will come with passion and organization, brothers are with u 


Your brothers from Turkey with you! o7

Very good and brave decision, good job SK! Personally I want you to join eclipse, so I support you o7

hail SK !

Who said TRS was an alliance of serbian/japan slave and not real allies ?
When i think Japan and Serbian 100% troll on France for bad alies XD

V this was brave from you I hope goodluck to you

strong and brave decision o7

Good and great decision! Eclipse has decided on the adoption of South Korea in the Alliance. Coming soon you can see article abouth this! Hail South Korea! Regards, Sareus.


Great Article my friend!
All eSK have my respects! You were trustful allies in our wars 

V o7

Good luck jungrim..Brave decisions made by you..I respect that o7

Good luck South Korea! Brazil wishes you well

@synhro. I expected of you to treat your allies as a partners, not as a slaves. Why are you surprised now? This is not a way how to treat other players in the game! And please, left this awful words, as a traitor, behind yourself. It s a game, after all. Do not involve your personal fillings, and be so rude. Japan deserves better representatives.

Venezuela will back you up on the Battlefield! o7

All Hail South Korea!

We did not force you anything, we merely asked you to explain why you were hitting against alliance members, and making MPP s with alliance enemies. You can t sit on two chairs, so do not lie to people, you were planning this all along 

And also, there can t be brotherhood and friendship if you show none
SK, just like Ukraine, only watched their own ass and never helped allies

we forced you to do WHAT?

Denouncing South Korea

o7 My friend!

@Shisui Uchiha - I don t get what part of my question has provoked you to give such a harsh answer. It was a simple inquiry about his side of the story, because this article contains only vague qualifications as obey the order without any tangible facts (not claiming that there aren t any, just that they are not shared).

Very strong decision my friend
...Hail TRS

well good luck.

bullshot, mercenary talking about brotherhood

Let s to be clear all things, To obey your order.
You Japan indicated 3kinds of thing of SK. and gave us only 2days of dead line to remain TRS or out of TRS by this.
1) Turkish MPPs
2) Brazilien Assistance
3) Occupation NK
Where are our willing to decide something? A nation can not have relationship with brotherhood nations? I think eSK citizens have tried to contribute to alliance like ohter nations so far. You need to handle that case by case. Any country have right to make relationship with other nations.

You have my Sword, my Bow and my Axe.
anything you need, ask

We gave you 2 days to split government and mercenary... About North Korea, that was an order, yes - because you invaded a peaceful friendly country for NO reason. About Turkey, if you are in alliance, you can t sign MPP with alliance enemy, at least tell us you plan to do it and explain to us all. Not behind our backs.

Naki No it s not true friend. the spllit idea was from me first. You warned me for sure.
Turkish relationship was natural things to us. Turkey and SK have brother-like relationship in reall life. NK-SK you want to say that the nations are different Korea? Please don t say about that.

i m ever with patriot players o7

V+S All hail eSK

So it would be a natural thing for you if we become friends with your enemy and help them hit against you? Spare me please.

@naki how could we fight against alliances if we have strong relationship?

Sorry, all of this aren t important. More countries will left your TRS. People does not wanna follow your orders. They are free men, not a slaves. Or your workers.

gj SK

You will always have my respect and my support, friend! o7


Gopd luck my friend o7

Always my Respect my Brother! o7

Good decision

TRS requests are always forceful.

@Shisui, you still have a lot to learn from Goebbels. Your propaganda is funny.

Even I am on the opposite side, must admit that you got the point. And about Naki, I am ashamed cos we art members of the same nation in the RL. Your comments are just disgusting, as your still of playing. I believe that you learn such rude behaviour from the past times, and of the RL enemies of our country .


South Korea has balls

