Publicat in Georgia - Dezbateri și analiză politică - 09 May 2016 11:52 - 9

Welcome my dear readers !!!Â
i am Nostradamus the great prophet !!!
I can say what will happen in the eWorld future !!!
Now I can predict ... that.....

TRS reaction when they sow this prediction ....

My Support

thats all what i can predict for now guys !!!Â
w8 for my next predictions !!!Â
dont forget Vote & Subs PLS !!!!
CaveaComentarii (9)

TRS is disbanded lol

If Nostradamus says so it must be true 

Agree with you ...100%

so you werent able to delete all ex-eagle members, were you ? XD

wow. you discovered memes in 2016! good for you! XD