Publicat in Republic of Moldova - Dezbateri și analiză politică - 10 May 2016 05:01 - 2
Hello everybody
I am a long time was not due to a virus on your computer, so could not fully engage their responsibilities. In this article I will announce the composition of our new Government ministries and objectives for this term.
The composition of the new government:
Prime Minister: Otilia
Minister of Defence: SteffanoS
Minister of Foreigh Affairs: Moldova (temporary acting)
Governor, or Ministry of Economy: Moldova
Minister of Education and Demography: (vacancy)
Objectives for ministries (in order):
Chairman - SteffanoS
1. Publication of current orders for Moldova.
2. Coordination beats Moldova.
3. Cooperation with the MoD and Allied MU and member countries "Eclipce".
Chairman - Moldova (temporary acting)
1. Finding new allies for Moldova.
2. Maintain communication with our current allies.
3. Active participation in the development of "Eclipce" MoFA and cooperation with member countries.
Chairman - Moldova
1. Support for the currency market by exhibiting a normal state funds rate.
2. Support commodity market by exhibiting goods purchased from foreign manufacturers or produced manually, with normal market prices.
3. Increased wages.
Chairman - (vacancy)
1. Moldovan community to actively participate in creating a strong game in Moldova.
2. Help newcomers to adapt in the game and granting them some soldering from our state resources in the near future.
If you want to get some position, please contact me or our PM! ;)
And the minute of ad!)))
Our ally, Germany, is offering to foreign workers to come in Germany, and find for themselves a fine payed jobs. Now they have a wages around 0.65 Gold per day in cc! Write here :)
Ukraine is also looking for foreign workers. Salary - 45 cc (approximately 0.7 Gold) daily (+ 5 Gold 30 working days from the state)! Write here)))
Since you were now the Country President of Republic of Moldova Dena! Good luck!!)
DieingloryComentarii (2)
[MG] - The composition of the new Government and their objectives
Awesome sause!!!