Publicat in Hungary - Dezbateri și analiză politică - 21 May 2016 08:56 - 18
Hello everybody!
These are the eRevollution all countries irc channels list. Which i could i gathered. More countries have no channels,i couldn't talk with presidents or i didn't get any answer.
Who knows those who aren't on the list,they can comment down below.
Albania #erevollution.alb
Argentina #erevargentina
Austria #eRev.Austria
Bosnia and Herzegovina #eRevollution.bih
Brazil #er.BR
Canada #Zmajevi_ratnici
China #erev.china
Croatia #eRevCroatia
Cuba #erevcuba
Czech Republic #erev.czech
Denmark #DNK
France #erevollution.france
Greece #Erevollution.gr
Hungary #eRevHun
India #er.india
Indonesia #erevollution.ina
Iran #revolt.ir
Ireland #eRev-Ireland
Italy #erev.ita
Japan #rNippon
Lithuania #erev.lt
Mexico #eRev-MX
North Korea #er.nk
Pakistan #erev_pk
Poland #eRev.pl
Portugal #pt_erevollution
Republic of China (Taiwan) #eRevollution.tw
Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) #eRev_mkd
Romania #erev.ro
Serbia #srb.revollution
South Korea #erev.kr
Spain #eRevo.es
Sweden #eSwe
Switzerland #erevollution.swiss
Turkey #erevollution.tr
United Kingdom #erev.uk
United States of America #eRev-usa
Uruguay #ruruguay
Venezuela #Rvenezuela
These are the eRevollution all countries irc channels list. Which i could i gathered. More countries have no channels,i couldn't talk with presidents or i didn't get any answer.
Who knows those who aren't on the list,they can comment down below.
Albania #erevollution.alb
Argentina #erevargentina
Austria #eRev.Austria
Bosnia and Herzegovina #eRevollution.bih
Brazil #er.BR
Canada #Zmajevi_ratnici
China #erev.china
Croatia #eRevCroatia
Cuba #erevcuba
Czech Republic #erev.czech
Denmark #DNK
France #erevollution.france
Greece #Erevollution.gr
Hungary #eRevHun
India #er.india
Indonesia #erevollution.ina
Iran #revolt.ir
Ireland #eRev-Ireland
Italy #erev.ita
Japan #rNippon
Lithuania #erev.lt
Mexico #eRev-MX
North Korea #er.nk
Pakistan #erev_pk
Poland #eRev.pl
Portugal #pt_erevollution
Republic of China (Taiwan) #eRevollution.tw
Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) #eRev_mkd
Romania #erev.ro
Serbia #srb.revollution
South Korea #erev.kr
Spain #eRevo.es
Sweden #eSwe
Switzerland #erevollution.swiss
Turkey #erevollution.tr
United Kingdom #erev.uk
United States of America #eRev-usa
Uruguay #ruruguay
Venezuela #Rvenezuela
DarkBlackBiskvitComentarii (18)

first comment 


Bulgaria - #erev.BUL Latvia - #eRev.LV Bolivia - #eRevol.BO North Korea - #er.nk Israel - #erev.il Saudi Arabia #erev.SA Italy - #erev.ita

The most isn t registered room.

Meg a magyar cset is halott, nemhogy egy boliviai
Ezek csak azok amiket en kaptam anno az aktualis elnoktol.

eRevCroatia - new Croatia national irc channel

eRevGeorgia - #eRev.GEO

Great work v,s o7

vice, voted =)


veri gud!


