Publicat in Bulgaria - Dezbateri și analiză politică - 02 Jun 2016 09:26 - 58
Today, 2 of June, year 2016, the following honorable representative :
* Kinsc for Turkey
* ktab for Greece
* Jus7LeTHaL for Bulgaria
Consulted, agreed and sign the following agreement:
Art.1. Both three countries end the wars between each other and for the period of NAP none of them will set DO against the other side.
Art.2. NAP is concluded on following:
-Bulgaria will keep it cores region and none attacks will be made over them.
-Bulgaria will not defend regions which are outside their cores, and will not
attempt to attack Greece and Turkey regions
Art.3. All three countries ensure and guarantee no financial reparations will be owned from and to any country in this treaty.
Art.4. The period of signing of the NAP is until the end of day 6 of July, in which future
country Presidents of the countries will rearrange the situation between them.
Art.5. Because all three countries are represented by honorable people, and both threecountries believe their honor and word cost much more than ingame gold in anyamount, treaty is signed with trust based on mans word, and not on gold greediness.
Art.6. All three countries end the war by this NAP in sense of honor, respect and saluteover the brave and fierce way in which this war was leaded, both by them and by each side respective allies.
TyraelAncestrald0ct0rward0mHadrielFantasticMasterthertiaComentarii (58)


Signed by Bulgaria



Signed by Turkey




Signed by Greece

o7 v

nice guys +1 from me


nice betfile güzel

v o7

Art. 5 This is what a normal agreement should be based on. o/

Art. 5 !!! o7


What s the benefit for Bulgaria here?

congratulate to both side .


vote hard especially Art.5..o7

Time for break neighbours

@el Macedonico there is no benefit needed. Its about honor and relations. Voted.


No MKD in the terms?!

Jus7LeTHaL please teach me how to always stay calm and always speak kind words

hahahahahahahah lol fyrom its your turn 

Good job voted

FYROM has every right to get upset. They were going to fight to the last Bulgarian

U think that now greece will ve free? Hahahahahahhaahhaha

i need bulgaria for my game event completion

game is onnnn !!

Art 5


The NAP is because of the baby boom in Bulgaria
Keep calm and let the games begin

What babyboom? There is no babyboom. Just we betrayed Macedonia...

Ok i think i know what this NAP mean
i dont blame Bulgaria for this i blame alliance because we didnt help you in war where you lost few Q5 DS and now you need NAP...
New target, i am sure in that, is MKD 

Voted. Best wishes for all 3 countries o7


v o7


You wont set DO against each other, which means Bulgaria wont defend Macedonia... niiiceeee... This NAP is almost like Babo (Macedonian hater) written it LOL

Crassus, the CP may not set DO for Macedonia for his own MU but Bulgarian Special Forces will and have done it atm. Hail Macedonia! 

both 3 countires HAHAHAH

That s stupid and useless. I dont agree.