Опубликовано в государстве Poland - Социальное взаимодействие и развлечения - 04 Aug 2016 03:51 - 15

Don't trust ReyKuN82 He's SCAMMER.  He deceived me on 12 gold.

He posted 2 announcement on main chat with Q5 helis offer.  
In first,  price  was 5.8g/100pcs in second 6g/100pcs 

I've asked him  if it is actual..
and after confirmation I donated him 12 gold.

It was more than 48 hours before. Since then he achived 1 True Allay and increased his strenght from 84 to 156.  

I know I shouldn't trust so young players...

Dla formalności 

ReyKuN82  - jest oszustem oszukał mnie na 12 gold.  Ugadaliśmy się na 6 gold za 100 Q5 Helis przelałem mu 
12 gold i tyle z tego.  Gościu cały czas się loguje - widać to min po wzroście siły. 

Wiem na własne życzenie zaufałem takiemu młodzikowi. 



Комментарии (15)

Just report him to some admin or moderator.. he will get punished and you will receive your gold back
report him via support so he can received the scammer sign
zgłoś go Smile
Hes just 20vl.... dont trust new players Smile Especially if he sell q5 on 20 lvl Laugh
Admina don t refund gold from black market transactions I had same situation but with criadonline
As Some of you advised me I wrote to Admins.
do not send gold to a player that have 80 strenght,tell him that you want helis/everything youu buy first
20 lvl i mu uwierzyłeś? no proszę Cię...
@Gibe You have right, but I have to get them fast.
-_- I hate scammers
He has been permanently BANED ;
s196 / v32