bosnia a puppy

Опубликовано в государстве Turkey - Политические дебаты и анализ - 20 Nov 2016 12:46 - 14

What kind is whether Bosnia has not CROATI and Serbia in their arm is only one unprotected babies can be long casts with more than 200 million dmg is a crying baby who have fled to the parents. Where is serbia is not being prayed not possibly wiped off the map. bosnia go to drink milk that is cooled.


Ermal xhani

Комментарии (14)

we want pictures!
o/ heil VV
This must be the smartest albanian in history.
o7 qajo
10/10 understood everything
So you insult because one player made all of your damage? Low IQ. Choose your next words wisely.
@Crnobradi You will se tomorrow haw many dmg cant make 1 tanker of albanian today only ff have spend not Life kit and Energy drink. Good luck on battle
Bosnia is full babies and just crying.bosnia is looser is terrible state
@imigraiboz you will see tomorrow haw many dmg cant make 1 tanker of albanian? wtf? hahaha
@IMIGRA you have low respect towards Bosnia and that is shamefull Go to your mama and drink milk
Bro first learn English Cheeky Btw, congratz for battle, that was really epic o/
Knight my english suck i know Cheeky but this is realty what we do