Опубликовано в государстве Iran - Военная аналитика - 30 Jan 2017 14:44 - 47

Dear eCitizens,

Today I will brief you about our recent actions, our progress, and our recruitment initiative.


- Progress and our recent actions -

Green Berets were created 3 months ago, from scratch. During the first 2 and a half months we were undergoing through economical and organisational projects in order to maintain a steady MU economy and in order to strengthen our soldiers. One of our maxims is ``One for all, all for one.``, so by following that principle we have invested in each of our soldiers regarding the training grounds and life kit production. All thanks to the feeling of mutual friendship, hard work and willingness for sacrifice by all members. 

Today we can boast with 100% activity, mobility, and ability to unleash mive damage constantly. We have organized hits with sizable supplies every single day, economic cooperation with other military units and eCountries, weekly tournaments in social games and we are developing a highly organized internal market. As for other organizational systems I cannot speak more as it is clified.

We have jumped to rank 2 in Iran and 32 in eWorld with 73 billion damage, but we are just starting to pick up the pace. The accomplishment we are proud of is achieving rank 2 in damage last 7 days while using that damage effectively and with surgeon precision. Most of which was dealt for USA against Serbian invasion, more about this event you will read from Mortarion.


We created a family, but a family that will always perform the duties of a professional soldier with utmost efficiency and iron discipline. We also have to thank our Iranian brothers for their love and friendship and for welcoming us into Iran with great hospitality and sincerity. Iranian people truly are the best in this game and we are glad to call them our brothers from the start of this game.

As always, we strive for being the best in every aspect and we will always provide help to our friends.
I will use this opportunity to thank our friends from Iran, USA, Order From Chaos, and Morocco. We are looking forward for more cooperation and comradery in the future.


- Recruitment -

We announce that we are recruiting ONE (1) soldier for our Military Unit.

The basic requirements before considering to apply are: 9.500 strength or SF Captain military rank.

If you are an active and disciplined team player who wants to advances further in this game, contact me or Mortarion for an interview and details about the Green Berets. 

Note: Since we lead private wars and do not declare ourselves under any alliance, potential recruits should be aware that we do not accept people from: Hungary, France, Venezuela, FYROM, Germany and South Korea as these countries are on our hostile list.

With love,


P.S: Just for our dear friend PolarB3ar:



Nino19MiLeNaAaAaKinyasVucicu PederuVucicu PederuVucicu PederuAjkeNAjkeNlemmzsepoyspitfireYGversTony Sopranono0bsailbotAhileusPhantom986Phantom986Phantom986Phantom986Phantom986Phantom986Phantom986Phantom986Phantom986Phantom986Phantom986Phantom986Phantom986Phantom986Phantom986Phantom986Phantom986Phantom986Phantom986Phantom986Phantom986True FighterEdgarFigaroThe Red

Комментарии (47)

nemojte da Vam pustimo ktaba opet bit ce bezanije o7
Vidim ne možete zaspat da ne pomislite na mene hahahahah
【Green Berets】Commander`s briefing and recruitment https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/22457
Ganny je pička propala o7
Janicari o7
*Sends Hug* Hail GB o7
You need more dmg to fight for the side who already have the bigger amount of dmg? feelsbadman =(
It is obvious that your conditions are made for not hiring Sultan Sad((
Ambize bio je jedan koji je tak drzao Tigra pa se nije najbolje proveo ni kod nas ni doma, budi oprezan Laugh
Data a gdje ti je prijatelj nino19!!!!
GB o7
Oh, nooooooo, you dont accept from Germany , mwaaaaaaahhhhhhhh
Hail GB o7 !!!! Hail Morocco o7 !!!
@nino brate jednom pustili mene na ktaba lik pobeze sa servera saveza Laugh
Jednom pustili Nemce na tebe, ti pobeže iz Japana, pa iz igre, pa u Srbiju, pa iz Srbije, ne diraj Ktaba da te ne ubije švaba Smile
Brate ako pricas meni onda si pogresio Peaky Laugh
as if Germans are dying to join you please cut the crap and this cheap propaganda
hah, ladjano ovo, cudo da srbija nije na toj neprijateljskoj listi Laugh
pa kada malo malo menjate imena, ne mogu da popamtim ko je ko Wink
Kaveh, there is not a single false fact in this article. Smile
Ma Krsta bre, koji crni Japan i ja Laugh
Подршка о7
janjicari, zamenili Gazimestan za balohistan Sad
Agoria ahahahahahahah
before using name of Germany anywhere please wash your mouth and hands please that s the part I have problem
prangija je pravi covek za vas! ali morate tamo da mu obezbedite i neku stranku obavezno!!!
Weltšmrc, politika nije dozvoljena kod nas jbg
neither Iran or berets are in my friends list too, so it seems fair
prangija je pravi covek za vas! ali morate tamo da mu obezbedite i neku stranku obavezno!!!
Hail GB o7
Pravoslavlje o/
count me in
You made mistake, you can not refuse Germans, because there is no Germans in the game. I believe, you was talking about fake Germans. About ktab, people are right, accept him and soon there will be no Green Berets, or Iran,... this guy is talented to ruin from inside every organisation ;-) Your have some power because you used Japan in the past and I believe that your way of ruling destroyed this country. Maybe I am wrong, so I will give you a chance to prove this. Here is a challenge: come back to Japan and make this country powerful again! If you succeed, you will earn not only my respect. For now, players in the ERevolution s world recognise you only as a group of opportunistic players with strong accounts and developed industry, thanks to public money. Repay Japan with this adventure, and you will not be anymore on the list of thiefs and homeland destroyers.
najveca greska je ta sto ste gricka primili........
Zli jezici bi rekli da je taj gricko doneo prevagu Laugh
Levi, 5g
I know ktab, how much you love gold, but you don t deserve a single penny. Ask Germans, maybe they will organise a new money laundery, known as a Reward program. If there is any gold left in Germany, after your successful government :-(
blah blah blah.. 5g http://image.prntscr.com/image/68788453161e43718a2ebd9a84a943f0.png
You was their friend, did you forget this fact. You betrayed your alliance to save Shiro, Japan and Serbia, when Ukraine fights in Kanto. Now you are lecturing others? Ultimate hypocrisy is that the very same goal is justified if you are running the war, and it is not justified if you are not the main acter. Obviously, Green Berets have more honour than you, ktab. It is time to admit that you lose your influence in this game, and your time is passed.