Опубликовано в государстве France - Социальное взаимодействие и развлечения - 20 Feb 2017 05:23 - 13



Комментарии (13)

You DWed Albania 7v1 and could not win the campaign. You can cry as much as you like now Smile
I don t cry at all Kinyas, it s just fun that your are proud of your victory http://erevtools.com/alliances.php
Be careful Kinyas, Norway has armoured bear ^^
On arrive peut être pas à leur rouler dessus, mais avec tout ces articles qui tapent sur VV on gagne de loin la guerre journalistique ^^
A force de voir tes articles arko ça m a inspiré ^^
Trop d honneur Laugh
kinyas. kinyas. i think france take the path of germany and greece, and it is astouningly funny
true story
Always complaining. If is a victory, must be with risk... Are you serious? This is war-political game, and if you want to win, you must follow the rules of success. Read first Art of war (Shun Tzu) if you don t understand the reasons. If you want, be free and gamble with the own des , instead of lecturing other, more successful players and countries.
You can read Levi ? SurprisedMG
Don t worry, Magellan, I have nothing against France (personally). Russia is a different story, sorry about this (although is leaded by French players, don t except of eUkrainien players to have different approach)