Is this the game that we want?

Опубликовано в государстве Greece - Социальное взаимодействие и развлечения - 30 Jun 2017 09:38 - 30

Hello community of erevolution

Recently we became witnesses in greece of a thief president tha he stole over 1500 gold from greece treasury .
As the curent president of e greece i made a ticket if there is something that admin can do to return the gold or at least give justice to our community and punnish the thief.Unfortunately they didnt do anything of this 2 things 

I am very dissapointed from this progression.
This is the game that we have to play admins? If someone have some friends and with the deceit of some other people someone can be president and can steal all the country treasury and nothing will happen.
You will say that its no fault of the thief but fault of the community???

If its so then you must tell it clearly to us.
We have such things in our real life, we dont want to have such things also in a game

Thanks for your time


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Комментарии (30)

Friend, its clear enough that admins dont give damn about community. That is breaking even one of their main rules that can get player banned - BOOSTING account.
BS. PURE BS. At least it s always sure that people DON T FORGET! He will get what he deserves! It s a matter of time.
First of all, admins must ban all the multies AND the owners of those multies. This is the bigest fraud. Second, you are a #super multadors# pupet, not a president.
How he could stole those gold when congress voted to donate to him those gold? For admins this case is clear, you gave him those gold. Laugh
you trust the wrong person into power, admins wont interfer, he was elected, congress allowed the transfer
But... he won an election and the Congress aproved the Law :/ I dont see why Admin have to act in this case.
Since you elected him as president and congress voted YES on all the donation laws,he can use the money however he wants as cp (sometimes ,bad for me,he can boost his account with these money)...
When KapganHan stole 2500 gold from TR treasury, you Greeks were celebrating. Serves you right. Admins never returned the stolen gold to TR, and they shouldnt return stolen gold to Greece either. Deal with it.
Sadly, you helped him to steal that Gold legally, I hope Admins will help, but I doubt. It s awful thing for sure.
Why are there no country orgs in this game, only donating money to president. This is ludicrous.
Long time ago there was an update about loans of money and boosting accounts. There was also a period for giving back those loans. So, all what s must be accomplished is that mods/Admins. should accomplish their job. On the other hand, there are numerous players in the game who still believe that it is allowed to take something what does not belong to you and boost own account or sell gold on the black market. Why is so? That is another question for Admins. Maybe their team of moderators is not effective enough? Or they are protecting favourite players? IDK... Let us see the game mechanism is working, if you allowed cheating, why did you ban so many accounts, anyway?
its sad but congress members alowed it... its something called democracy , but its sad i know. v
the account that is suposed stolen gold from the greek treasury is solkegr. But I think that is not true. He used the golds for build his own helli comp, and then (after 2 days) he payed the tax return of 93% to all that had the right (around 1000 golds). So, if he has stolen, the ammount is -at most- the 10% of what the golpists are claiming. Onother greek obscure story...
Its same everywhere like real life. Try to ban this guy who run your country? You will be silenced or dead... No one give a shit about mistake like this, you need to think before yu do something. If you not think you are easy to manipulate. Atleast you have a choise, you don t know this guy - chek this guy, who is he, where he come, what he wanna from OUR COUNTRY, its working for country ot for himself ?????? So many question and wasted time.....
The president is elected by the people of Greece and law passed by congress, it clearly indicate that you guys lack communication within the community. It will be much good picture if you actually start working with in the community rather than blaming to anyone of your community mistake.
Make me CP in Greece, I will get 1500 gold and return you 1700 in 3 months. You will have 1500 golds pack withitin about 21months that way. Let me know, almost 2 years is nothing...jajaja
It is not a community mistake, community can not know the future and predict what will CP do with the public money. It s a crime, and crime should be punished. That s what moderators should do, public money doesn t belong to CP, his role is to use the money for the public interest, not for own selfish desire. Creators of the game made this mechanism, it s their responsibility why is this outcome even possible. I am expecting administration of the game to react, inspect the case and punish this player or publish the explanation what happens here.
Levi Ackerman +10000
@kromion αφου κ ο ιδιος ο ΚΠ ειχε μουλτι τι κες τωρα?
So by that you mean we should ask all CP what they do with the money? Wake up my friend it is not administration responsibility we gave you enough fre and flexibility to choose wisely as a citizen it is your responsibility to check background of a candidate before you vote for him/her more importantly candidate is nominated by a party president you should ask yourself and you should ask party president rather than asking the rest of the world.
@lequid, although our countries are in war, I will stand up always for the justice... @St0l3n, please read this article and explain what is written here
The difference b/w my article and this article is i was exposing the CP not blaming administration for his/her action.
Jep it is very hard to find good CP in thews times. I like that gold of country is CP responsibility so people need to care who vote but when election comes everyone forget what CP can do. for your ex-CP, he is a big noob because you figured that he stole gold good cp stole money and no one figured Laugh
petros2 Αυτό ακριβώς. Καταπίνουμε την καμήλα και μετά κάνουμε χαμό για 10-20 χρυσά που ΙΣΩΣ υπεξαίρεσε κάποιος...
O CP λεω ο σολκε
Ναι petros2, για τον solkegr λέω και γω. Αν τον είχαν μπανάρει για τα μούλτι, δεν θα φτάναμε εδώ. Αφού έκανε την ΜΕΓΑΛΗ απατεωνιά (τα μούλτι) λογικό είναι να μπορεί να κάνει και μικρότερες απατεωνιές.
So, St0l3n, when you are a common player, you are against robbery of public gold, but as a moderator, you don t find this unappropriate. With different game mechanism, this robbery would be impossible, this is responsibility of creators of the game. Your responsibility, as moderators is to follow the rules and punish boosting account. Instead of this, you are blaming community. Please, be reasonable and inspect this case. I am not happy to see untouchable players in the game, if someone brakes the rules, punish him and this is an end of story. If you don t want to do this, why are you asking to become a moderator, anyway? BTW Good CP will never stole public money, but some players here has a twisted sense for justice. It s a good thing that Admins are making the difference, and such a people will never get chance to become moderators in the game.
I was moderator back than too Smile So rest your argument/speech is null Smile
If you was a moderator back in this days, you should know that response of administration was quite different in the past. Your answers are simply trolling, and I truly believe that you are not appropriate person for the title of moderator. I am still sad that I can not put some real money in the game, as long the Admins continue to be so unserious and allow thiefs and cheaters to be unpunished for their behaviour. This way you are demonstrating your attitude, giving an advantage for skilful players/cheaters over, not only common players, even so over the VISA players. After your little demonstration here, I am forced to ask you politely to step back of the duty of moderator and continue to play just as a ordinary player. According to my standards, your ability to be a moderator is equal to your valuation of my comments here.
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