An obvious try to make me ban

Опубликовано в государстве France - Социальное взаимодействие и развлечения - 28 Feb 2018 14:36 - 21

Some weeks ago, 2 people created an account with my referal link, the fact is that i haven't post my referal link in the last 2 years so they
took it directly from my number of account (so they know how work this
game and they arn't new player)...

I send them a message asking who they are and they never replied to it. So i began to suspect them.
I checked their connection time each day and they always connect one after the other at nearly the same time...

It's obvious that those 2 guys are multi and are made in the goal to make me
ban. It's a poor and unfair tactics to act like that... Please vote it
so everyone can see what is going on here...

Have a good day/night
See you soon on battlefield o7


HalfvolleXVIWellidkPony of DarknessG A M p3trOs2 V E R

Комментарии (21)

Interesting case :thinking:
I forgot their name : W8ing and Wellidk if you want to check their activity Wink
*brui 2 stupeur*
Probably B4B make this multi Laugh
Do you think that i can take the gold from the quest and the 10% gold they get without being banned ?
Rien que pour ça tu mérites un ban !!! :s
Tu peux voir avec les admins a propos de ca bro.
J ai déjà envoyé un mail aux admins, ils m ont répondu qu ils allaient faire des investigations il y a 2 semaines.
thats me bro
preato they won t ban you until you don t have same IP as them. If any of them send you any transaction just send it back. otherwisew is a free gold Wink
And one of them voted the article oO
That is someone stupid...there is no reason to ban you,they are wasting time
That is not how we ban people. Dont worry Smile
I would like that those 2 registred trough my ref, in that case I would finish mission Wink