Опубликовано в государстве France - Социальное взаимодействие и развлечения - 28 Mar 2016 04:41 - 9

It is the real goal of "The japanese Union project" ! Domination of few pikaple over the world, every country should stand up and fight against this !


Captain Harlock

Комментарии (9)

lol,you guys can even fight against Serbia,and you expect to beat Japan. a desperate step http://prntscr.com/al1wo8
Well, idk where you are seeing a threatening towards Japan here XD
It is just about fun, don't be mad TerrorMachine, what have you to proove here ?
cant* I'm not mad,I'm just saying that.
I wanna support a freedom in France. Vote + Support
This Pikachu army are so scary bro Sad
I don't want to be controlled Sad