Опубликовано в государстве Albania - Первые шаги в eRevollution - 16 Jan 2016 08:02 - 7
This is my first article in this game.I will share with you my first impressions about this game.First when i log in here i said my self,oh god another game :P
When i went to game Store i was very dissaponted becouse this game will be just another Visa Game,like a stock exchange buy this and buy that.I see some Ice features here implemented too.If you want to make a good and attractive game make it Simple and Clean.All we know that this is just the begginig but i would like that game administration would consider a new skin for this game,the current one is to old,copy paste of .Keep it original,Keep it real.This was my frist article i haven't much to say and i hope that will not be the last.
Best Regards
The Godfather
p.s if you like sub if you don't,Thank you :)
ALBANIA ARMYКомментарии (7)