A Hobo's Diary

Objavljen v Turkey - Družbeni stiki in zabava - 19 Apr 2017 14:12 - 27

Hello players of eRev,

Today I bring you an update proposal, one something that unfortunately made several of my friends lose a lot of gold, the other is a simple journalism problem. I have two updates in mind, but they will help the players a lot. I will cut it short, here they are:

1 - Display company quality in Companies page: 


 Simple, before the icon update, there was a text displaying the company quality next to the image. I have had two friends delete Q3 companies because they thought they were Q1 factories. Please display what Q is the factory next to it, as I have marked with red.

2 - Quotation marks:


Another simple thing eRevollution lacks. We need quotation marks, especially the journalist  players. Please add this as these marks can change a lot.

As you can see, the updates I have proposed here are quite simple and shouldn't take much time, but they will improve our gameplay. Please consider implementing them, or including them in a future update. Please vote.

TR kısmını kısa kesiyorum beyler az çok anlamışsınızdır. Fabrika sayfasında fabrikanın kaç Q olduğunu yazması gerektiğini düşünüyorum, 2 arkadaşım Q3 fabrikaları Q1 zannedip sildi bu r güncellemesinden sonra :D Diğeri de tırnak işaretlerinin getirilmesi hakkında, gazeteci arkadaşların işine yarayacağnı düşünüyorum. Esenlikler.


ChrisGeoRMEl Profesor

Komentarji (27)

Seems to be a very reasonable and practical change... for it o7
When you select a product from your warehouse to put on market, it doesn t show the quality of the product. That could be fixed too and it can t be that difficult. Voted.
i thought the buildings have a star rating underneath their image? this is difficult to see?
@Zagarius raw factories don t have, i think you have quote implementet. Try this [quote] Tis be a bad day[/quote] Quoting someone in particular [quote=Bjarne]This be the day of days![/quote]
@Zagarius Companies have this star as you said.But not Raw companies.The images on these article,are for raw companies Wink
Please add the COMPANY NAME too like before !!!!!!!!!!
I want to delete my factory FRM and I cant Sad
Katılıyorum. Oylandı
hammadde şirketleri için geçerli bir durum bu. normal fabrikalarda belli seviyesi http://prntscr.com/eymwwr
Voted.. and like/unlike/vote/unvote for comments or mention and notification(when get mentioned/liked/voted in a comment), make it like f*ceb**k or tw*tt*r.. and different colors for mention/action in chat box.. and animate the battle.. and [enter] in a comment.. and emoticon.. and many more.. Laugh
Yes, i am one of the Dummies who dissolved 6 FRM thinking they were q1`s. When you hover over a company it should say what q it is. But, to be honest i thought it was just fine the way it was. If your gonna have them silly pictures at least include a key to show what the hell a Granite Farm is or whatever
@LawyeR resimdekiler de FRM zaten
We need tout add catapults.
Ve tabi damage lerinde gösterilmesi gerekiyor. Q4 heli tank gemi kaç vuruyor göremiyoruz.
You can use #for quoted# as un alternative solution...