Objavljen v Georgia - Politične debate in analize - 23 Jan 2018 16:04 - 35


Hello everyone

I want to declare an agreement

1. Nemesis-Atlas will not dow georgia and Vice versa.
2.Georgia will keep Russian regions and finland regions.
3.Georgia will not Fight in Nemesis-Atlas Rw's and Vice versa..
4.Georgia will keep Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg for 10 days and Germany will keep North Caucasus for 10 days
5. This NAP Durations is 30 days (day 774)

Signed, SC of Nemesis
Signed, SC of Atlas
Signed, CP of Georgia
Signed, CP of German
Signed, CP of Spain


                                                                       მოგესალმებით სუყველას

                                                                  მინდა გამოვაქვეყნო შეთანხმება

1. ნემესისი-ატლასი საქართველოს არ გამოუცხადებს ომს და პირიქით.
2. საქართველო შეინარჩუნებს რუსეთის რეგიონებსა და ფინეთს რეგიონებს.
3. საქართველო არ იბრძოლებს ნემესის-ატლასიში აჯანყებაში და პირიქით.
4.საქართველო შეინარჩუნებს შლეზვიგ-ჰოლშტაინს და ჰამბურგს 10 დღის განმავლობაში, ხოლო გერმანია 10 დღის განმავლობაში ჩრდილოეთ კავკასიას შეინარჩუნებს
5.  ამ NAP ხანგრძლივობაა 30 დღე (დღე 774)


ხელმოწერა, Nemesis SC
ხელმოწერილი,  Atlasis SC 
ხელი მოაწერეს საქართველოს პრეზიდენტის
ხელი მოაწერა გერმანიის რეზიდენტის
ხელმოწერილი,  ესპანეთის რეზიდენტის

Georgian version is identical to the English version ( ქართული ვერსია და ინგლისური არის იდენტური)



Komentarji (35)

signed MC of nemesis-atlas and eternal ruler of Germany
Dreth ure shite
Signed, kitty hunter and Atlas/Nemesis SoFA.
Ure shite too
Antimon 2 days no supply for talking like that to your superior
Signed, CP of Georgia
Go back to ur caves u fake germans no girls like you, and you are really lonely
seen by Sc of TNO
You are not on facebook stop being posh and go farm more opium and feed the multi family u suck bullet
Hey you georgian i missed you with my fire cuz u so small so i no see you there u suck too and you have no frnds georgia is a multi country i will ban ur multis and take all your virtual gold and laugh u will lose your q5 house and live in a small shitty q1 house because i will take your all houses and i will tell everyone that you eat boogers so frnds will point fingers at u and laugh and you will cry and go home to play minecraft #NoRemorseModeOn
Signed CP from Spain
@antimo you mustnot drink last cup on new year Laugh
Jesus Christ Hallelujah History is made i am witness! praise god a religious alliance is made.
signed be Admiral
Hermer spain suck in rl u have debts and crisis and catalonia wants independence and here your number of players is so small that everyone laugh at you and you think you are so important but you are not and you should better stop playing this game and play other ones because you are not good in this and everyone laughs at you @beast you are not a beast you are just a normal animal who is afraid of human and dont want hurt in rl so you want to be good with everyone and smile at everyone but they all talk behind your back and laugh at you because you are wierd and girls ignore you when you ask them out because you are really wierd and you are really lonely Gabrielz you have missed a century or two go back to the history most guys here are atheists and think that you are wierd and they know Badger is Better than Popeye and deserves to marry Olive and live happy so everyone laugh at you and think you are not cool Admiral you are no admiral this is not sea only pixels and wierd things that you dont understand because you are a little kid who has no friends and loves little ship but in fact never been to the seaside and never made sand castles and has no friends and always hear others about how they go to sea but you dont you dont have money so boys laugh at you and the girls too #FireContinuesNoRemorse
antimon, hermer is one of best guys here, you are on my list now , beware Wink
signed by sc of nemessis
ანტიმონა გამოყლევდა :დდ
singed antimons words.
ai eseti ylea antimo da eset yleebshi rom gviwevs tamashi ufro yleobaa Laugh albat 43 wlis vajishvilia da auchuchunda Laugh
Impeach drethgear
Mishas xeli ureviaa eg hobiti ega sg beast sg sastav
Signed SC Atlas
Sad Sad
@Antimon Astartes, give up smoking crack.
Arada madridshi mindoda fexshishveli gavla ))
: D Dreth = Kinyas
Antimon Astartes i personally know atheist that now believe in god Wink you are embarrassing brazil with your bad english and weak insults.
@Antimon - Someone put LSD in your heroin.
Term 3 show no balls :|
Antisa se nashika fajn
peace is here, yes!
Signed, Vortex s papito