Objavljen v Greece - Družbeni stiki in zabava - 11 Oct 2022 12:04 - 1
Raise a boy - you will raise a man.Educate a girl - you will educate a nation.
Happy International Girls' Day,
October 11, to all girls.
The International Day of the Girl Child raises awareness of the many issues and inequalities facing girls around the world. Many global development plans do not include or take girls into account, and many of the issues and problems they face become "invisible." More than 62 million girls worldwide do not have access to education. Worldwide and collectively, girls ages 5 to 14 spend more than 160 million hours more on housework than boys of the same age. Globally, one in four girls get married before the age of 18. On October 11, 2016, Emma Watson, who is a United Nations Goodwill Ambador, called on countries and families around the world to prevent child marriage. Many girls around the world are vulnerable to acts of sexual violence, and the perpetrators often go unpunished.Day of the Girl helps raise awareness not only of the issues girls face, but also of what is likely to happen when those issues are addressed. For example, educating a girl child helps to reduce the rate of child marriage, disease and helps to strengthen the economy by helping girls have access to better paying jobs.Podpri