pamadapa - Časopis iz Argentina -

Objavljen v Argentina - Družbeni stiki in zabava - 01 May 2016 21:48 - 20



You can read the Rules Here -------------- Horse Racing Rules (English Version y en Español)

 The Runners and Handicaps

Handicap Cards: to create a handicap for each horse 3 cards from each suit It was removed. For instance, a horse that loses 3 High cards is less likely to win than a horse that has lost low ranking cards, but anything could happen

: The Handicap is shown and the race is going to start on Saturday 07/May 
Place your bet (Buy your Ticket)

To buy tickets you must donate the amount mentioned (up to 5 tickets) and send a Private Message to pamadapa by mentioning the horse you bet. You receive as soon as possible the confirmation/information  of your bet and a link to the draw for the race.
The results of the race be published in this article with the simulation of the race (images)

The Ticket Price is 3 Q5 Helicopter (if you dont have and want to participate in the Race, please send me PM)

---Bets are not allowed---

EXPLANATORY NOTE:The Horses Race takes place at a track which is divided into 5 segments and each segment you can see them highlighted by a vertical line in the images of the simulated race.
Prior to the race and after making the bet, each bettor has received information on the bet that they made and a link with the draw scheduled for the specified date, so the end result was known at the same moment for both, the organizer (pamadapa) as for bettors.


Text Commentary: 
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the inaugural event, Horse Racing Revollution, the race is going to start soon.

#Going Down, At The Post, Going Behind, Going In Stalls... OFF!!!

ROUND 1: Three cards will be drawn from the deck

♢4 - ♣6 - ♡4

Avalanche in a great movement succeeds and manages to surp and take 1rst place 
Infuse quickly rises and Liberal Lady fight the 2nd place 
Hurricane with problems at the start is a clear 4th place

ROUND 2: Three cards will be drawn from the deck

♣A - ♠Q - ♡2

Avalanche takes greater distance from the opponents, fast surping the second segment of the track and is still in the front
Hurricane is Up with the pace and regaining the position by sticking now as 2nd
# Liberal Lady progresses rather slow but is in 3rd place

ROUND 3: Three cards will be drawn from the deck

♣7 - ♡7 - ♡6
# Avalanche continues on good rhythm reaching the fourth segment of the track while retaining the 1st place
# Liberal Lady by placing pressure hurries the march and is in 2nd place
# Hurricane is dropping back and now is 3rd

ROUND 4: Three cards will be drawn from the deck

♣10 - ♣Q - ♠5

# Avalanche is Close to home inside final segment, and for several lenghts of the photo finish  for him
# Hurricane is being pushed along but not enough
# Liberal Lady loses the pace, but keeps the 2nd place


(Clubs) Wins. Wining 5 segments clear of the field.

Thanks to all who participated, voted and comment on this article 
Sorry for my poor English lenguage

If you have questions, send me a message or comment this article


Komentarji (20)

Participo con 1 ticket, ahora envío el mp con la apuesta.
Resgistrado y enviado PM con informacion de la carrera. Gracias
And the reward is...? We got like 25% chance to win, not sure if its worth it.
In the rules is written: depending on how many bets were placed in one specific horse, the more bets, the lower value the horse payoff. That`s why a horse that was not expected to be the winner pay more for those bettors who have chosen. Anyway, thx for your comment
there are few horses, so the chances of winning are high and the price of the ticket I think is accessible. So you have some entertainment, excitement and chance to win if you make the right choice on the winning horse and you re lucky
Ok but still there is no example of how distribution of rewards will look like. For now from my poin of view it looks like: Statistically 25% of competitors will win. So leftover 75% of helis you can take for yourself. Of course you can pass some of it to the winners, like 1/3 of it so that they feel like they have won something. Soin the end this way it looks like your private free heli farm.
Well, my intention is not scamming people, never have done neither in real life nor in games like this, this is the first time I do this competition, so it s good to hear feedback because it helps to improve
I have added an image that clarifies your doubt and any other person who may have it. Thanks again voidcall
Thx for the effort, voted Wink Ill pass on this race, and will look on its results and how it turns out. Maybe i ll join next one.
You are welcome at any time o7
Quiero participar =D
enviame PM con el burro que creas posible ganador y te envio comprobante e info para la carrera. Gracias
Entonces si 5 apostaron por el mismo caballo y esos 5 compraron 5 tickets, cuantas helis se ganan?
Hola Shadow Fire, es muy extraño que todas las personas apuesten al mismo caballo, de hecho eso no sucedio
@pamadapa, en el supuesto caso que eso pasara, como se haría?
la casa se haria cargo de esa situacion y por lo tanto una apuesta simbolica a uno de los otros caballos como para que los apostadores al menos obtengan un premio, obviamente seria infimo lo que reciben como paga, pero si todos apostaron al mismo caballo y finalmente resultaron ganadores era evidentemente el gran favorito de la competencia y la diferencia en cuanto a sus caracteristicas era abrumadoramente amplia. No obstante como dije es muy extraño (pero no imposible) que suceda esa situacion y sinceramente no se como lo resolveria en la vida real la casa de apuestas. El sistema de apuestas parimutuel es ampliamente extendido no solo en caballos de carrera y por eso es que yo opte esta forma de efectivizar la paga a los apostadores, pero si usted tiene alguna otra idea que sea mejor estoy dispuesto a escucharlo y analizar si podria se factible de llevarlo adelante
Tal como le dije a Voidcall, estoy abierto a escuchar criticas o posibles mejoras al juego ya que asi es la forma de mejorar. Gracias por haberse tomado el tiempo de leer mi articulo y de formular su inquietud.
animo Cheeky
Gracias Miguel o7
Perdi!!!!! Quiero revancha =D