Објављено у Turkey - Друштвена догађања и забава - 19 Jun 2016 05:16 - 111
Dear Admin,
I want to start by saying that i'm neutral in vist's case, whatever happens to him it's up to Moderators and their judgement,just want to make sure he gets the right punishment, permanent or temporary ban, it's not up to you.
Yesterday i wrote a article trying to explain how vist exploited a bug. You can see it here:
Scripts + Why vist got banned!
I also made a printscreen 17h ago with the rule about automated softwares and sc.ripts
The punishment was Permanent ban, but today YOU changed the rules.
No matter what happened to vist and his case, you can't change the rules to modify the outcome of punishment to one player, that's a step in the wrong direction.
Only admins, those who created the game have the right to change rules, they shouldn't interfere in players cases by changing them. Let the Moderators decide his punishment, that's why you chosed them.
I thought that admins are mature and have a fair judgement but i was wrong, playing with rules have negative feedback on our fragile community, all i can say is:
HungryKevin has a good point there. vist (probably) read the old rules and agreed to obey them when he registered. Even if you changed them after his case was opened, old rules should apply.

I want to start by saying that i'm neutral in vist's case, whatever happens to him it's up to Moderators and their judgement,just want to make sure he gets the right punishment, permanent or temporary ban, it's not up to you.
Yesterday i wrote a article trying to explain how vist exploited a bug. You can see it here:
Scripts + Why vist got banned!
I also made a printscreen 17h ago with the rule about automated softwares and sc.ripts

The punishment was Permanent ban, but today YOU changed the rules.

No matter what happened to vist and his case, you can't change the rules to modify the outcome of punishment to one player, that's a step in the wrong direction.
Only admins, those who created the game have the right to change rules, they shouldn't interfere in players cases by changing them. Let the Moderators decide his punishment, that's why you chosed them.
I thought that admins are mature and have a fair judgement but i was wrong, playing with rules have negative feedback on our fragile community, all i can say is:
HungryKevin has a good point there. vist (probably) read the old rules and agreed to obey them when he registered. Even if you changed them after his case was opened, old rules should apply.

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#BAN ADMIN , #All-Tr-With-Kinsc



If you job is to enforce a strict game rule and you can t , then law should enforce you 


STICK TO YOUR OWN RULES ADMINS :: http://image.prntscr.com/image/08fececdfeef4115bd51c5786fb988d5.png


The game management like a child cooking.


the message of admins is clear:If you invest money in the game..you can do what you want.

#not #fair #me #boss #me #king #admin #fail #tempperma #OP #itsjustagame

not a good idea to change the rules as you go :/

Even if you decided to change the rules, you can only apply it to any case AFTER you changed the rule, not before! That guy agreed the OLD terms and conditions when he join the game and he have to face with the punishment he AGREED to! He didn t even have a chance to agree with your new rule and that magically apply to him? What kind of freaking stupid logic is this? Every time you fucked up you wait people to report you and then change the rule and you are out of this?

HungryKevin has a good point. vist read(or not) the rules when he registered and agreed to obey them. Delete


Good Article. Here, have an Endorse.


vote ban for cheaters

vist cheating on a biggest battle, he know it many people focus there and he still did it obviously, and admin cheating to changed rule to release the cheater obviously, what a xxxxing game we are playing...


Bunun Turkcesini de yayinlayin da anlayalim ▪:-)



As lawyer i can tell you you sre wrong. In criminal law if there is new law after someone did something wrong je can be prosecuted by new law if it is better for him.


If admin remove his ban i end with this game

The last battle making Kinsc and vist get banned www.erevollution.com/en/article/9881
please help sub and vote

Bana Vist

Same if admins change rules for one guy, and unban him i will end with this game o7

vist read the old rules and agreed to obey them when he registered. Even if you changed them after his case was opened, old rules should apply.
I agree with that. He cheated, he lost.

Next time prepare some prizes for people who discover bugs and situation will never happen again



Last battle before Kinsc and vist get banned www.erevollution.com/en/article/9881 (you can see the battle damage) (real-or cheat)

As a math major graduate who knows nothing about law but logic, you sign a term and condition for services, and you break the terms, then it leads to end of the services. What I can see now is the services provider making clear that he can do whatever he wants because he fear the vast number of Ukraine players, and guess what? we will tell him there is a bigger community here standing against this. And you don t need a math graduate to tell you which side would have more people supporting.

Admin not again plox :l






s / v / c


If you scold the admin, you can expect that they will give you the truth?
Of course, a poetical question.


Archimagus, in criminal law, if the criminal is judged(In this case, if he s banned) before you change the law, you cant retroactive it. So Vist has to be banned definitly

I m neutral in vist s case but... The rules have been written, try to write in large letters as the Decalogue. People have been banned and no one asked who was unbanned because they did not wear the same damage. The law is not equal for all? There should be no differences between players but to know that they earn by following the rules.



ı dont trust to ametors

http://prntscr.com/bihej5 They changed it again, add this update to your article if you want 









It s their game, they can change the rules whenever they want.
If players are not respecting the rules, why would you expects admins to do that?

Because if they do shit like this, admins will soon play alone in their game because most players will be smart enoughf to leave the game and find a better one where rules are rules and applies the same way to everybody. Duh..

The one who couldn t keep his rule couldn t keep anything.

v !

i dont understand so much tiers about one guy who used , yet nobody is wrighting anything about tons of small accounts made just to serve as workers thats way to obvious that is real player playing, even if it would be multy, accounts are not growing just working for others. That has huge impact on entire world, not just one battle . ..

ur rich with that support

Lex retro non agit, one of the fundamental laws based on the law of Roman Empire, and the law of Europe [real of course] is based on it!
They changed the rules, but who cares? Vist was banned when old rules were active, so he should stay banned according to old rules. It doesn t make sense even more to unban him now.

last rule:
We reserve the right to change the aforementioned laws at any moment.


very good written. sv