Објављено у Romania - Друштвена догађања и забава - 21 Jun 2016 05:36 - 56
NighcherHUN made a article not long ago and succeeded to piss me off like no one else did before. (Voice of Hungary) Thank you friends and allies!
He's spreading lies about me and Romania and i have to defend myself and show his real face.
I'll take step by step every acusation he made and explain everything.


We changed side only ONCE at the beginning of the game and that was alliance's fault, we left long ago in first month of the game. Been over 3 months going through roughest period and we still stick with Turkey, that proves something, doesn't it?
You call us backstabbers for NO REASON and be sure i'll make you pay.

The war started because of BornaX and YOU, both of you denied any proposal of NAP and the only choice was WAR. I wasn't fighting to CONQUER you, i was fighting for my cores.
I offered you a chance to end the war by giving you Maramures-Bucovina-Moldova for 50g/region/month and you call it humiliating?
Let's see who's a backstabber my little friend, for a good deal you would leave Bulgaria behind, wouldn't you?

To clarify the acussations of breaking NAP with Croatia:

About the accusations that we joined ECLIPSE or UNITY like 100 times till now, those are all LIES.
All the time i kept in touch with Frank and Kinsc, they are aware of every proposals you made.
It's true that we have support from Eclipse, but that's based on friendship.
We're neutral since long ago and we stayed that way all the time.
NighcherHUN , your article is FULL OF LIES and i promise that as long as you are in charge of Hungary i will hunt you down and make you pay for everything you said wrong about us.
TyraelnicutКоментари (56)


His article was full of lies and worthless.

Don t mind those liars... Supported by a citizen of Turkey. o7

If a man named himself as NightWatch, he should has sworn about being honest, and trustful, but it seems this one is a oath-breaker -,-


no gifs. NO VOTE! XD

Well, my perspective is. Bro you lost your temper, what can i think about a politican, Mu leader who has no self controll?
Anyways because i know some real facts about the old game, and guess what what? The old games players are playing thisgame, i realy think, that Romania is a turncoat.
Realy i think even if they ask something, thats even a lie 

Alexander, i didn t played the other game, judging me for mistakes other players have done there it s a big mistake. Yes, i lose my temper when someone spread lies about me and my country.

I have to say, you loose your temper, when somebody writes the trueth down, what has no connection with your lie.

What u can expect from guy that insulted allys MoFa and than act suprised couse we declare war to them...

Cry me a river! I m thirsty!

Ok, what about a river of pee? still thirsty?

battleHerro dont you see that Nightwathever is menttaly ill? Look at his last comment... loool.... Cry me a river! I m thirsty! in case he delete s it

whenever someone start to put up logs without asking people for permission, you know better than to talk with them again

and it s quite funny how you chose to stop what I am saying at I was afraid
Afraid of what? Dark? Big tits women? Trump? xD

You even stole the name of our official newspaper? I wonder if it is possible to describe with words how filthy low dogs you are. Over the centuries, it became a roma nian passion to put your gluey fingers on Hungarian property. It should be the first priority for Hungarians to keep you deleted and only the second to defend their own country I think.

@Marlock muhaha now we know all your fears! 

And you really want me publish links about the massacres committed by Horea, Closca and Crisan, or by Avram Iancu, or about the Maniu-guards, or about the dictatorship of Ceausescu, or about the ethnic clashes of Marosvasarhely (Targu Mures), or about the rights of 1,5 million Hungarians in Erdely, or about todays organizations like Vatra Romaneasca and politicans of sovinist partys (example Romania Mare Party), like Gheorghe Funar? Who are you kidding eh?


Looks like you could adduce too many arguments. But what did I expect, you are roma nian.

@Marlock, you re scared because me! Your fear is Tukyu!

Look whos talking about killing innocent people. https://youtu.be/fiRTtnGlsrE
Only during the revolution of Marcu Giurgiu, Ion Oarga and Vasile Ursu Nicola, about 4.000 (!!) Hungarians were bruttaly murdered, and 133 village were completely destroyed. It is far higher than the number of ALL roma nians that were murdered by Hungarians over the WHOLE history. Hypocrite.

And you are celebrating those as national heroes because you do not have real ones. Disgusting rats.

Thanks Krna, that is a good avatar picture!

You are welcome! Good luck both in RL and ingame! Peace! A jó román kurva anyádat.

I don t understand why some people are been stubborn and they want more and more until all bad things he/they made will come back... Keep it real guys and think twice before doing something.. Good night!

yeah yeah, kurtos colacs

fu* k uNgaria

@Krna: the fact that you can write right now is prove to the fact that we were waaaaaay to generous with our neighbours...

Like you had a chance, dog. We should have annexed our vassals and remove its go-atfucking vlah population and that would end the story. Too bad we needed buffer states between us and the Ottoman Empire. Otherwise the two vlah cesspit would be conquered and annexed like 900 years before they formed this sh.it fake called roma nia.

And give back Chad s flag, thiefs!

Return to asia, Krna! That s where you came from, that s where you belong to.

There was a Hungarian state in Europe in 895. There was a Romanian state in Europe in 1881. End of story.

@Krna, i m talking about Romanians and Hungarians, not about countries. We are descendents of Dacians, the oldest tribe, we belong to this place since beginning of time.

We didnt even try you dumb fack. Read my previous comment and try to understand it. By the way, even Pechenegs and Cumans annexed Wallachia and Moldavia, and after that these two cesspits became the Hungarian Kingdoms vassals, because our kings recognized the Ottoman danger. We even fought a lot of other wars and you were still our vassals, paid tax to Hungary, etc. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_I_of_Hungary After that, France and some Hungarian traitors gave you Erdely, and demilitarized our army. So you were brave enough to enter an empty country without military together with entente. Bravo. At least you were better than Slovaks, who couldnt even defeat a country without army. LAWL. Nowadays, only Erdely is something in your shitty country, but the idiot roma nian politicans are busy destroying the medieval Hungarian culture, and with that, the Transylvanian economy as well.

@BattleHero sure you are. With some cuman, pecheneg, hungarian and Roman blood xD

Almost forgot the Bulgarian part.

You talk a lot about kingdoms, but you skip the part that you were NOMADS without HOME and how sh*tty you are now.

@krna, those guys from Erdely should go to Hungary if they want a country. They are not our people, we dont keep them here with force.they can leave whenever they want. We are destroying medieval hungarian culture? Very well, but what about them which are not respecting romanian constitution and put their shitty flag on governamental institution? What about their terrorist attempt against romanian citizens because we dont want them to make their shitty autonomy?this are something? Yes, you are right: this are something like shitty people. Why dont you call them to Hungary?

Yeah, we are nomads 1000years ago. But now you are
http:// .com/zax5u4x

@battlehero you fucked goat between your mountains, so please better do not start any conversation about who was shitty, and who is shitty today. I walk two streets away from the Opera House in Bucharest and there are decaying corpses of dogs in front of the houses. @RaduBrinzan we are changing the topic of this discussion too fast. I never said that there should be autonomy inside roma nia as I personally find it impossible. But the current status of the Hungarians in Transylvania is far worse than it should be of an ethic group of 1,5 million people. It is part of the roma nian governments policy to keep the hate between the Hungarian and roma nian population. There are many romanians who does not hate Hungarians so your theory about genetics is a faking big bullshit.

You started to insult Krna, call us roma nia and expect us to do nothing? You provoke us and don t expect hate comments? I guess we have to settle this on battlefield, NO VASELINE for you.

damit battlehero you cried your eyes out, i didnt expect you to be such crybaby... like tlee year old

Are you really that low to talk about vaseline? In that case, currently you need it when you come to Turkey to talk about their help
)) You have a big mouth with Turkey ON YOUR BACK, i bet they do not do it for free
You even switched side at beginning of the game, it looks like you are truly unable to forget your real genetics and stay loyal once in life... If you would have balls, you dare to fight against us 1v1. But no, you suck Turks dick to liberate you lawl. But who cares about you, we already deleted you.

We never switched side, we just left a alliance and stick with Turkey since then. That s loyalty, that s why Turkey is helping us.

NEVER? You are saying that you never switched side? Just view your country administration tab, 5 months ago. You signed MPP with MKD, Serbia, Iran, etc and than you completely changed your MPP set to a proEagle one! Liar.


You even admit that in the article above http://prntscr.com/bjiz9v Own-goal, fail roma nian, lie to someone else. Rat.

@krna, i probably said it the wrong way, i admit we changed alliance ONCE but that wasn t our fault, was a mistake joining there in the first place. Since then we stay on Turkey s side so you have no right to tell us backstabbers, we never did such a thing even when we had no regions.

The freindship between Bulgaria, Hungary and MKD is alive since the beginning. You can blame that alliance but not we are the ones who changed side in real, e rep and erev history as well. So, my dear roma nian, do not try to begin a conversation about who sucks who, because it will have an embarassing outcome for ya. Turkey came to Ukraine and to Hungary to liberate you, and in return, they could also came inside you. End of story, traitor. @BattleHero i will not complain about the reasons of your alliance change beacuse I do not know them, i was never in gov power, all i see is that you changed your mpp set in a few days.

România in șaizeci de ani a trădat de 6 ori aliații lui
În medie, o dată la zece ani.
Ardealul ca pradă!
George Jonas, un scriitor canadian, afirma ca dacă se poate vorbi despre virtuțile individuale ale națiunilor, cum ar fi etica de lucru a germanilor constiinciosi, puteți vorbi, de asemenea, de defectele lor de caracter. Jonah se concentreaza la exemplele negative, dintre toate statele lumii, ale României si menționeaza, ca au un comportament nedemn de încredere pentru fostii aliați.
1. Tradarea Bulgariei
În primul rând România in războaiele balcanice a tradat aliatul sau principal Bulgaria, și, prin urmare, ca o recompensa de trei mii de kilometri patrati de teritoriu a achiziționat pentru el însuși de la aliatul sau, Bulgaria.
2. Tradarea Imperiului Austro-Ungar
În al doilea rând Nerespectarea Monarhiei austro-ungare, cu un tratat de neutralitate, și atunci când a considerat că puterile aliate au o șansă mai bună de a câștiga razboiul, a legat un contract secret cu Puterile Antantei, și in 1916 - a invadat Ungaria.
3. ROMANIA TRADEAZA Puterile Antantei
IN AL TREILEA RAND Romania a rupt alianța cu Puterile Antantei și a legat pace cu Puterile Centrale la București.
4. Romania tradeaza pacea cea mai recenta, legata la Bucuresti
Romania a rupt pacea de la București și a invadat Ungaria, după prăbușirea monarhiei, chiar in timpul cand comunistii la Budapesta, ajuns la putere, dizolva armata maghiara.

5. Romania tradeaza din nou Puterile Aliate
Romania a trădat Puterile Aliate, când steaua lui Hitler a fost ascendenta ca sa impiedice pierderea totala a Ardealului. De aceea, în 1940 -, sa întors numai nordul Transilvaniei la Ungaria.
6. Romania tradeaza si pe germani
Când Hitler a fost condamnat, România a trădat alianta lui cu Germania si cu Puterile Centrale (Puterile Axei), si a fugit pe partea Puterilor Aliate, și așa mai departe.
Din nou, a primit ca recompensă, Transilvania.
Potrivit lui Jonas, prefacatoria României este fara exemplu
în istoria țărilor

@DreSanu You call haters retards and tell me to fuck myself with a cactus? Dont you see your own-goal you stupid sh.it?

) banned
)))))))) fu**

I wasnt online all day, but if you say I am banned, than I surely am. Where is DreSanu s comment? I cant see it
))))) However we shall see if there s a hypocrite roma nian moderator or something else, because not only i broke the rules

I fear Tukyu and women with 4 size ti...s xD