Објављено у United States of America - Политичке дебате и анализе - 30 Jun 2016 09:57 - 22

As you've known, this Presidential term is ending and I have recently announced my bid for the Presidency for the coming month of July. We have achieved a lot of things together this month and a lot of work was done, not just by me but also by my administration. However, while I could be listing here the accomplishments of this term, I believe at this moment we have to look forward.
I didn't give all of you a set date for the release of my platform because unlike my opponent I am still your President and I have the country to govern, but today is the day you all will know the plans I have for our nation in the coming month!
The platform is divided in several chapters which you may find listed below:
I. Department of State - Foreign Policy
II. Department of Citizen Affairs - Education and Community Liaison
III. Department of Defense - Military
IV. Department of Media - Transparency
V. Economic Council - Economic stability
VI. Department of Technology - Techy Techy
I take the chance to also indicate that while I am a Federalist myself and possibly their official candidate, this isn't a "Federalist", a "Contractor" or a "Revollutionary" platform of any sort. This is a platform for the United States of America and all of its people.

I. Department of State - Foreign Policy

Regions and bonuses
First of all, it is important that people understand that while the administrators decide what to do with the regions and the world map, it is pointless to debate whether the regions currently held by Japan and Indonesia are to be returned. While I do want those regions back to our domain, it is important to understand that we may lose a good amount of regions depending on the plans the admins consider and that there are a lot of countries that do not see fair that we have full bonuses in our cores from the start. So this bit will be suspended until we have a full answer from the admins or we have the chance to debate solutions.
MDP Alliance
We are currently alligned with MDP and we are its member, as such, we will support our alliance operations and we will engage into military conflict according to the strategy decided by the alliance Headquarters. This will include signing MPPs, declare war and set Daily Orders according to alliance priorities.
Ambadorial Affairs
The Department of State will be reopening the Ambadorial Program. This program was used before as a mean to improve communication between our nation and other nations regardless of their status with our country, in this program we will accept new players wishing to have a initial understanding at how foreign affairs work.

II. Department of Citizen Affairs - Education and Community Liaison

eNASA Mission
Some of you may have heard of this, it is a program that hands links to interested citizens in order to advertise eRevollution outside in the real world in the hope to get new players and force a baby boom in our country. We will continue to support this program with a slight amendment, we will work with Congress to allocate a certain amount of gold for the citizens who stay a certain amount of time in the game. I am expecting to open a private fund raise to support this program as well and make it at least 50/50 in what regards private and public funding for this program in order to ease the burden on public finance.
Supply Programs
We have already quite a few supply programs. I won't be doing changes here and all citizens can already benefit from such programs by following the links on the main web page.
Education - American University
I mentioned earlier this term we were working on an educational platform to support our citizens. This platform and it's conclusion will be our main focus on this front for the coming term. The platform is based on moodle systems which is a program used by many real life universities accross the world, it is still under construction but you can have a peak at it by following this screenshot link: http://prntscr.com/bn2jjs
Community Liaison
During this past month we have seen some political disputes between political parties, particularly when the Congressional term begun. As I have mentioned several times before, blind partisanship will lead us nowhere and eventually it will just fracture the community bringing people more distant from each other. It is with this in mind as well as having someone newer and more independent that I am selecting one person to be the Community Liaison. This person will have full cabinet rights and accesses and will be the person to address whenever there is a political dispute or a meeting is required to settle reconciliation and compromise. This person will also take note of the concerns of the people and address them to my administration so we can easily take care of the issues in a peaceful and civil manner.
It is of extreme importance that our country remains united and we all work together for the common good.
Government Internship
We will be opening internship programs for new players wishing to understand how our government works. The intern will be working closely with the department in the hopes of learning the ropes to either become a deputy of a future Secretary in a cabinet. It is of extreme important that we give a chance to our new players to learn so that we train future leaders.

III. Department of Defense - Military

We have accomplished a lot in this area this month. I've seen our country drop 300 million damage in a battle and I've seen an increasing coordination in terms of military, however there is still work to be done in this front. As such, here are the plans for the coming month
National Security Council - US Armed Forces (USAF)
We started to reform the National Security Council and structure the Armed Forces, this is an ongoing process and there will be some meetings with the remaining of the USAF Military Units in order to settle a progressive structure for our soldiers. Most likely some divisions in one or another military unit will be locked and others opened. It will all depend on the solutions we'll find in order to fully oil the structure the NSC voted on.
Arm America
I started this program in order to boost military activity and coordination. While we didn't have yet a mive attack started, it is something that will happen and will carry on through the coming term. The soldiers who participate in this events will get rewards they can use.
Defensive Shield - American Maginot Line
This is going to be a rather expensive project, however it is important we go ahead with it in order to keep the integrity of our territory. As such, our government will be looking to purchase or sign deals with producers of Defensive systems in order to create what I'd call the american "Maginot Line". This will be a line of fortifications in all of our borders in order to prevent make future invasions a lot more difficult. Once again, I am hoping to start a fund raise for this program and hopefully fund it in a cooperation between private and Congressional sectors.

IV. Department of Media - Transparency

I have also personally opened two other programs in order to open communication between the government and the people, one direct form where any citizen can post his feelings and rating about the current government as well as give suggestions and another form in order to start petitions for the government to answer. This two programs will carry on for the next term as a mean to get a pulse on the public opinion.
eUSA National Public Radio
We have been benefiting from regular updates in the national radio from quite regular hosts, this program has been in our government mostly since it's inception and will carry on for the coming term.
Presidential Audiences
As a mean to approach the President to the people, I will be personally be opening an Audience for any interested citizen at least once every week. In this audience the citizens may bring any matter before the President for his sole evaluation. It can be literally anything: a question, a suggestion or even just a small chat with the ensurance that your matter will be taken care of.
Cabinet Board
This was a pet project from Former President The Mad Catter which I have been re-evaluating what to do with it. The idea was to set up a board on Trello where any citizen could publicly see the goals and work of every cabinet member. I can surely say we will be working to make this work in order to allow the citizens to be further informed on government activity.
Naturally, some of the information will not be on Trello if it pertains to sensitive matters that are to remain secret (mostly battle plans and some sensitive foreign affairs matters).

V. Economic Council - Economic stability

Printing and injecting USD
We will continue to monitor the devalue of our currency. Currently our goal is to get us at 75:1g, we currently don't see it as a major goal to force us to 100:1. We may print a new set of currency in order to achieve our goal and to fund the Government purchase program and the Government Grant Program.
Tax Reform
We have started to reform our taxes this month and we have been meeting the expectations of the bill Monkus proposed, I do intend to push import taxes down and perhaps a short raise on VAT depending on how our government revenues look like.
Economic Council Reform
There have been some legal concerns regarding the Economic Council Director and it's legal job prescription considering we no longer really have a Secretary of the Treasury. As such we will be addressing this issue and evaluate a proper solution. Most likely the Economic Council Director will take over the same functions Secretary of the Treasury had and we'll ign the functions of the Currency warden to someone else. This is something I'd like to see debated in Congress and resolved for the coming month.
Government Purchase program and Government Grant Program
As part of Monkus bill 2.0.1, this programs will continue for the coming term as mandated by Congress. Whether or not the programs will carry on after the currency for them is exhausted will be up for Congress to decide. However, it is my clear vision that I'd like this programs to continue if further deflation is necessary.

VI. Department of Technology - Techy Tech

Many of you have noticed the technological gadgets and websites we've added. I can confidently say we are the country who possibly has more information available and organized for the citizens. It is a practice I wish to continue for the coming month, as such we will continue to add more websites and centralize our systems.
Currently we have National Forums, Citizen Hub, Citizen Affairs webpage and a couple other pages from political parties and military unit. We will be working on possibly add all political parties webpages (in case they're interested) to the national domain as well as the possibility to request supplies directly from there and other features.
This things will be evaluated by my Secretary of Technology as well as the rest of the Department of technology staff.

A lightning bolt erupts bringing light to the darkness!
I have nothing further to add to my platform, however if you are interested in serving my cabinet, there are a couple deputy positions still open! Don't be shy, feel free to message me with the Department you're interested in and how you can contribute! My inbox is also open for any suggestion you'd like and you can even meet me at my own Campaign HQ here: https://discord.gg/NGMZmvZ
If you have questions about the game, I will also give the istance I can in the best of my ability.
Thank you all for your support and kind regards,

Inarius RebornКоментари (22)

Abraham Lincoln for President! Another month!

do you need first lady position ?

@komeng_saja, I already have a first lady.

you are a true writer. o7

This is your chance Abe better take or you Will regret it

Chirp Chirp.

Here here

SpitfireYG, Tanishq is the First Lady and that will not change for anything in the entire world. I hope I was clear enough on that 

Thorough platform Abe! I especially enjoyed the new concepts of the Community Liason. With a multipolar party legislative body its important we keep partisanship as far away from the workings of government as possible. Communication and context is key! Also stoked for ambassadorships, would definitely be interested in that!

*cough* Abe maybe you should add a Second Lady option to your government. *Cough*

Good information.
I receive as much help as i need from this Gov. Thanks.

haha @talesweaver. If my VP wants to pick someone, then maybe we ll have a second lady 

You don t just pick a lady, its just not that simple for Abe s murderer 

can i be director of secret service ?

Shiro, you can join my security detail 

Very good organization. Good luck, Abraham.

Good luck!

you will find my rebuttals here: https://www.twitch.tv/biohaze101

Abe you talk about future invasions being made harder by your proposed Maginot Line, but you do not once talk about what if you were to be attacked during your term by lets say Brazil in our South after they create a border with us by eating through Mexico. Question: Are you going to simply panic if they declare war? Or are you going to do something about it? And if so, what will you do?

On a side and much more humorous note, I would call Monkus s economic bills this: Monkus s New Doctrine or Monkus s Stimulus Tenet. Also that Maginot Line sounds a lot like a Trump Wall :3