Childish Analysis

DaltonicD - Новине из Portugal -

Објављено у Turkey - Финансијске анализе - 16 Jul 2016 10:40 - 30

Hi! In this article I will put the prices of All Chat. I'll provide an interval, or a concrete number, that is the AVERAGE PRICE. Anything lower should be considered a good price, and anything above is therefore a bad price.

This edition's notes:

    Food has been floating between 2300 and 2400, price that doesn't seem to change (even tho it was caused by the X2 event). You will, ocasionally find people selling at 2450, and rarely at 2500. Q3 is the more common quality of food, with some Q2 and Q4 here and there.
    Q5 Helis have been VERY steady on the 0,067 mark, even tho some 0,065 sellers have been appearing. Q2 Helis and Q4 Helis have been very hard to find.

Starting off with the retards :D



1G = 2300-2400 Energy

Q1 Helis = 0,027 - 0,032

Q2 Helis = 0,032 - 0,036

Q3 Helis / Q5 Tanks = 0,042

Q4 = 0,050 - 0,055

Q5 = 0,067

Q1 = 3,0 - 3,5

Q2 = 4,0 - 4,5

Q3 = 5,0 - 6,0

Q4 = 8,0 - 8,5

  Q5 = 11,0 - 12,0

Thx for your attention! If you liked it be sure to vote, if you think this is a good idea subscribe, if you have any suggestion go ahead and comment in the secton below!


TopSecretTito ArgentiMax KirbiYasharFeloarminDTjagas

Коментари (30)

Good article once more o7
Black market pole Laugh
Q1 houses 4-4,5 / Q2 4,75-5,25 / Q3 5,5-6,5 / Q4 8-9 / Q5 11,5-12,5 I think it is more correct. There lowest prices when the new day begins and up at rush hour. Higher prices also on weekends, especially the Sunday early evenings.
I hope, you will keep updating this every week or smthng :}
Voted Smile
I sell q4 helis Wink
where did you find q1 house for 3,0-3,5 golds? I want haha
nice article
Thx for the feedback! Ill definitly keep making these.
keep it
helies so expensive on black market?? im selling them on country market for much better than that and im not only person. and as Starked asked, where did you find houses for that price??
House Q1 is definitly outdated, its more on the 3.4 mark now. When it comes to helis, Q2 and Q4 are very rare to find, so the prices I mentioned aint accurate. When it comes to Q1 s, Q3 s and Q5 s, if you re selling cheaper, PM me Laugh
q5 helies when i put on market, im selling at most expenisve (if i intend to sell), at around 17 to 19 per g. Deppnening on if i want to sell or not. lets say now im not pushed to sell , but calculate how much i have it on for in Argentina Smile
pakit q5 helis was on 0.05-0.055 last week Sad
And then you went to jail, and they got more expensive Laugh
pakyu heli seler
Sell 64.45 bgn, 98.98 rsd, 64.02 frf for gold or RON
Scamers can change the name/nick in game. Put Scamers ID number, he cant change ID Smile
Votado e subs
Very good article ! And the baby in the photo is amazing !!!
I know right Ironcode :3 Obg Rui