Објављено у Turkey - Финансијске анализе - 18 Jul 2016 03:39 - 22

Hi! In this article series I put the prices of All Chat (black market - no taxes). I'll provide an interval, or a concrete number, that is the AVERAGE PRICE. Anything lower should be considered a good price, and anything above is therefore a bad price.
This Edition's Notes:
First and foremost, I've now added the Subscriber's Trading Area, in each section. If you are buying or selling any of these items, make sure to send me a message!
- Food price is now SLIGHTLY cheaper, you're finding a good quantity of 1G=2500 sellers, even tho the main price is 2400.
- Q5 Helis keep going down in price, and are now floating between 0,066 and 0,067, with the ocasional 0,065 sellers. Q3 Helis, on the other hand, are seeing their price raise to 0,044!
- The House market is, like always, very unregular. As far as I've seen, Q1 Houses are around 3,4 Gold, and Q5's between 11G and 12G

Starting off with the retards :D


1G = 2400 Energy
DaltonicD - 1G =2550 Energy
Djaki - 1G = 2600
Selling: none

Q1 Helis = 0,027 - 0,032
Q2 Helis = 0,032 - 0,036
Q3 Helis / Q5 Tanks = 0,044
Q4 = 0,050 - 0,055
Q5 = 0,066 - 0,067
Buying: DaltonicD - Q5 Helis - 0,065
Selling: none

Q1 = 3,4
Q2 = 4,0 - 4,5
Q3 = 5,0 - 6,0
Q4 = 8,0 - 8,5
Q5 = 11,0 - 12,0
Buying: none
Mohammad Saad - House RAW - 6161 = 4,94G
Fresher - Q1 House - 3,75G
Romeo of AJ - Q1 House - 4G

Thx for your attention! If you liked it be sure to vote, if you think this is a good idea subscribe, if you have any suggestion go ahead and comment in the secton below!
Tripl3Коментари (22)





I think everybody should follow your newspaper

Utiliza os links dos profiles de quem está em buy/sell para ser mais fácil.

Thx sultan
Hum ok Ancestral


really very useful o7

Sell 3 Q1 houses in Turkey Market

bom artigo

s98 v40


V + S

Votado e subscrito! 

Thx everyone! Obrigado!

CelioMG sells HQ5 for 6g/100 xD


buuy q2 food


Defense System Q5 120 gold.

Q5 0.07 for sure