Објављено у France - Ратне анализе - 18 Jul 2016 13:20 - 41
Bonne soirée France
After latest developments regarding German NE against Japan and reactions we faced from what we considered as friends till yesterday, it’s necessary to clarify things a bit so we all know where we stand and who we can depend upon.

Germany has been a friend of France all along since the beginning of the game. We were there when you were defending against your current Japanese friends combined attack with Serbs,
in the darkest hours after EAGLE disbanded and TRS was eliminating all individual countries out of revenge, even now that you are in MDP, an alliance we are NOT a member.
Because we believe that friendship is beyond alliances.
All this time, our only and sworn enemy has been Japan. This was the reason we never entered MDP alliance. This is the reason we will never do, as long as they are there, ruling you all for their own benefit. Cause you have to admit, looking at the map, that the only country of MDP that is secured and has all bonuses and never get bothered upon it, is Japan. Not even mighty France and Turkey benefit of 100-100-100 bonuses. On the other hand, Japan is ruled by Serbs, and we all know that Serbs mind for one thing only: bonuses. And they could do anything about it.
So it was a big surprise receiving a pm from French CP asking for explanations from me, why we voted for NE law against Japan. France and Romania are the only countries I could never believe even if I was told, that would ask for explanations upon such a NE.
Against a country that attacked you, broke your hospital and bullied you. Yes, they are your allies now. The question is, are they your friends too? So close friends, that the response of French CP is threat against Germany that France will declare war on Germany if we attack Japan?
So, France that was left alone to face FAS and Brazil, France that had to capitulate to Brazil in order not to have problems, is now volunteering to attack a friend in order to protect Japanese bonuses.
If this is OK with you, so be it. We will meet in the battlefield even if this is the last thing we wish to see. But there is absolutely no chance to back off, just because France threat us with DW.
The NE stays and we will fight with Japan, even if they got all e-world with them. Cause we know them. You used to know them too, but it seems that people easily forget.
Kind Regards,
CP of Germany BlackWidow
After latest developments regarding German NE against Japan and reactions we faced from what we considered as friends till yesterday, it’s necessary to clarify things a bit so we all know where we stand and who we can depend upon.

Germany has been a friend of France all along since the beginning of the game. We were there when you were defending against your current Japanese friends combined attack with Serbs,
in the darkest hours after EAGLE disbanded and TRS was eliminating all individual countries out of revenge, even now that you are in MDP, an alliance we are NOT a member.
Because we believe that friendship is beyond alliances.
All this time, our only and sworn enemy has been Japan. This was the reason we never entered MDP alliance. This is the reason we will never do, as long as they are there, ruling you all for their own benefit. Cause you have to admit, looking at the map, that the only country of MDP that is secured and has all bonuses and never get bothered upon it, is Japan. Not even mighty France and Turkey benefit of 100-100-100 bonuses. On the other hand, Japan is ruled by Serbs, and we all know that Serbs mind for one thing only: bonuses. And they could do anything about it.
So it was a big surprise receiving a pm from French CP asking for explanations from me, why we voted for NE law against Japan. France and Romania are the only countries I could never believe even if I was told, that would ask for explanations upon such a NE.
Against a country that attacked you, broke your hospital and bullied you. Yes, they are your allies now. The question is, are they your friends too? So close friends, that the response of French CP is threat against Germany that France will declare war on Germany if we attack Japan?
So, France that was left alone to face FAS and Brazil, France that had to capitulate to Brazil in order not to have problems, is now volunteering to attack a friend in order to protect Japanese bonuses.
If this is OK with you, so be it. We will meet in the battlefield even if this is the last thing we wish to see. But there is absolutely no chance to back off, just because France threat us with DW.
The NE stays and we will fight with Japan, even if they got all e-world with them. Cause we know them. You used to know them too, but it seems that people easily forget.

Kind Regards,
CP of Germany BlackWidow
TanninLoving Pabl0PeakyMengrelianAgoriaBATASHAeVokasiBlackfuryTyraelJeanOeufddddКоментари (41)



3rd maybe



Waiting for public answers

Destroy fake Asians o7

france NE on German will broke georgian-france relationhip s and generaly eclipse-mdp relationship too I think. and let see guys what will be alliances change this time every decade but friendship stay forever
if you are not a traitor like Turkey of course


Support for Germany. France are traitors !

MDP and generaly Japanees tryed to destroy that friendship. which actually they do not know what is
they just have interests no honour
and so on . . they made a new redistribution country s in a new llinces. which we do not recognize
. yes we have some friend s in SA too and we will keep them as friend s forevor as friendship stand s above alliances

Once in this life i will get explanation why Germany hate us . I hope so. Whatever you Germany say me and Japan respect you and dont wish you nothing bad. I dont know what else to do,go in war i will send Amaterasu in full force to fight for you maybe that will show our good will . And why countries deff Japan ? Simple : We are always there second in dmg for our ally , we respect other countries and we help them on any way we can . About our full resources its just luck that we have that position on map and strong army and strong ally but Japan proved many times that we are not afraid to lose CORE regions till we help our ally . So i public call you Germany to bury hatchet between us. Also Germany is ruled by Balkan players as well and you have many Serbs as well
But like i love to say I am Japanese and what i am in RL dosn t matter . I play and Fight for interest of Japan and alliance . Shiro has spoken .

Traitor Turkey ? hahahahhaa
The man who even shit his own Cp, broke their word just after 1 h gave it, messed up everything in his country and even doesnt beloved by his country has talked...

Friendship is friendship, alliance is alliance. If members of alliances would do more for friends from neutral alliances than for allies, then what s the point of making alliances? There must be discipline, everyone have to follow orders and protect members of alliance. Sure, we all have friends which are not allies..or ex-enemies which are now allies. I personally like all countries from Eclipse and i consider you friends, but if you are going against MDP i will have to fight against you. That doesn t mean we can t be buddies despite battles
Strategy is strategy and you should respect France s decision to protect allies.

Hate is a poison which kills slowly the one who is endowed with it.

Indeed, no bear anger against France or Rom for that explanation. We made an Alliance, and gave our word. What would happen if we wouldnt keep it ? I personally love Germany, and be there for them if they need me, BUT Japan is our ally in our Alliance, so prio is prio. Let s focus against common enemy.
And like BH said, we will be friends even if we have to fight against each other
Look at shiro, he is fighting against Serbia, but drinking beer with them in RL. This is game tho. No offense. The one who loves Germany, Aer0Knight.

4ever with germany! o7

aero you chuuuu Georgian nation expected more from you they are not free like me to speak everything in a publik as they want political titlles but me not. ok next time if future will repeat and you will need our help we will say like you ok guy s we are neitral let s say cro is not my enemy that is not my war. . . you should start negotiations and let give them stambul and meditterian coast to them
would it be friendly? that is what you expect from friend? if enemy invades you should start negotiations with them giving something s. and if one day you will go crazy and accept such nap and will give let s say arabian land s them which you had previously rented for time and is not your s is such like agreement a valid? can i give you something which is not mine? lamer if you are a school boy ask other s who know a law. so georgia did not broke anything. as unvalid agreement s doesn t exist generally and that night a was agree to give that U.A land s to local nation not Iran because i saw what ally you where. even another friend france helped more taking haviest battles against serbian s. but i say you all used that war. you said to Iran see guys no one help s you they do not care let enter our alliance and you know noone will help IRAN on advance will serbia and japan was defending themselfes. that is of course great strategic move that you used that conflict too well but tht is not friendly move georgia will never acted so. battlehero. that alliance will also disbaned for a time no alliance is eternal and let see how many of it s members will stay your friend s
i would say only friend s will stay and it s up to you how much of them you could keep
everyone should think a future not on that what is it now

http://prntscr.com/buj601 (? Take a rest on a beach in Cancun, and let the universe flow, the hatred kills the soul (? /-/ My hatred to Kirito not reach much: /.

I just saw, bla bla bla, meh meh meh, nah nah nah, grr grr grr.
Keep on talking bs. Maybe someday, you can convince someone.

aero do not say so. you just are not such improved to understand such deep case or you do not want to understand it
same th*t for me you should yourself for me

@omg Giga that is the longest comment in erev s history 

Shiro sorry but how many times do i have to tell you IM NOT BALKAN even if you want that so much ; and Germany is one of the most mixed (by nations from rl) country on erev but we just love each other and we are Germans!!! On the other hand this article is for France not for you or Japan

I don t forget how Japan is in our past, and as soon as i get back the lead of France, be sure that we will increase our relation, my german friend
. I saw so many bad move in MDP now, this is not what we will when we create it with ktab and kinsc... I m so sad to see that...


@Carapicho Stop the demagogy please. MDP was ducked up till the start of it.

Who was CP of France when we created MDP with Japan and so many ex-ennemies ? It s easy to talk now, and give so much lessons. MDP was a mistake from the beginning. Nobody can t ignore this fact.

I love this, this will be very interested war, good luck both country

Support for germany, and emperor tannin


@Japan I love you my country

At his creation and for some time, MDP was the best alliance in this world since the beginning i mean in friendship, solidarity and help. But leader change and with it strategy... Vincibabe and Dorian, you are little minded if you tell that MDP has no success before... Now there is a problem with new leader and the only way to make them understand that they are wrong, is to leave MDP !!!!

We want ktab !

generally as for me creating such alliances destroys a game we should create 4-5 regional alliances not one or two world powerfull ones. we already saw each country s dedication if how they act when are in trouble
and can surely say that if one day serbia occupies bulgaria it will go to it s side. he he :d

Serbia will not occupy Bulgaria

revokasi that was joke
and example

Well it should do it

all i know is: FYROM STRONK

Strategically right move, but...Wrong moment. Wrong advices. Tacticly bad decision.