Објављено у United States of America - Политичке дебате и анализе - 28 Jul 2016 05:44 - 29

Hello dear readers!
Today I have something different for you! It is with a great deal of satisfaction that I announce that Mr. Abraham Lincoln kindly accepted my invite to come to my newspaper and give me an interview. Abraham Lincoln is a very qualified eRev moderator, current United States President, and also, funnily enough, shares nacionality with me, being a portuguese citizen in real life. Without further ado, let's get to the interview.
NOTE: The interview was a fluid conversation on Discord, and therefore I thought it would be appropriate to use screenshots instead of copy-paste. Hope you like it!
Also, special thanks to Flindix, who made the banner for this article!


AjkeNAdminAdminAdminAdminDiamond LadyTricky DickAncestralCaptain HarlockКоментари (29)

Voted. Good Article.


hail Robinson

Nice Iniciative Daltonic, keep these comming!

nice article.. keep it up

Thx for the feedback guys!

Good article with interesting advices for newbie

Propose us others similiar interviews 

Ur articles are useful and interesting, V+S 

Aggree @Underwood great interview

Thanks for your coments, and special thanks to admin s 4 supports
Funnily enough, one of the comments is from one impostor: F Underood
, the true Underood changed name to Kinyas 

Abraham Lincoln thank you for everything, It s a privilege that I met you in game

Good article!

Thank you everyone and thank you DaltonicD for this interview
Also particular thanks for the admin team who has kept with me all this time, it has been a priviledge to serve you

Short note: I am not leaving the game or the moderation team. I know admin comment can make you think that but that ain t it. It is most likely related to the fact I m an old member of the team.

Damn got my hopes too high. Jck Jck Jck xD

Well done!



Thanks Kinyas!
iBringYouHell, Einsten once said, for the small mind, even the biggest of geniouses looks boring

Nice job!

Intellectual questions and wise answer, I hope you keep write this kind of article cheers

Thank you! I will definitly keep making these.

Dalton tell me what the hell is geniouses here , in game and in that interview. Haha u are funny! If u use your mind just for game and sleeping..than ok sorry mate LOL

Thanks for the excellent article. I highly respect Abraham, although we was on the opposite sides, when I was in eJapan. Thank you for your honest way of playing the game. VOTE + SUPPORT