Објављено у Turkey - Политичке дебате и анализе - 13 Aug 2016 08:33 - 33

Hello guys!
As the last interview had a lot, and I mean a LOT, of positive feedback I decided to invite the Turkish CP, SC of MDP, Kinyas, for an interview. He kindly accept it, so lets go :D
NOTE: This interview is more political-economical then the last one, let me know if you liked it!

Hope you liked the interview! If so, be sure to Vote to support me, and Subscribe to get notified for more awesome content!

giovinco10EddieAAgamemnonGranikusKinyasHadrielTricky DickCaptain HarlockКоментари (33)

ama sen bunu resimli paylaşırsan biz nasıl çevirelim sayfayı 

ne demiş ne demiş 


yuoTO yu hazine bakanı yapıp devleti fortumlatam demiş.

voted o7

V Another great Interview

Kin got the endorse. (:

who cares?



Thx for the positive feedback, @PlaySuperman, I m aware some of my audience is more interested on the market analysis articles, but I really want to diversify a bit, hope it doesn t botter you too much 



HajraTuran o7 @NightwatcherHUN xd

Thank you D.

güzel ama ingilicce




Baskan bunu cevirsene :-)

Excellent interview, thanks to both of you. Notice about economy - incompetent Governors in some countries should read this several times and try to understand how to improve economy of their countries. Thanks again for an excellent lesson about importance of economy in the game. Vote + support

Thanks for the feedback Shisui! o7
