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mrtvac - Новине из Japan -

Објављено у Canada - Ратне анализе - 29 Aug 2016 16:20 - 6

Dragi gradjani eKanade na danasnji dan 232. eKanada je pobjedila u RW u Manitoba protiv Meksika.
Svaka cast svima borcima na dmg. 
Danasnja BH medalja je pripala nasem drzavljaninu Deliji
U nastavku su SSovi od bitke.

Dear citizens of eCanada on this day 232. eCanada won the RW in Manitoba against Mexico . 
Congratulations to all the fighters on their dmg
Today's BH medal went to our citizen Delija
Below are SS's of the battle .



Коментари (6)

canada uber alles :p
Svaka cast, samo napred u pobede o7
New battle, New victory!!
Even now ,a single Canadian flag glides thru the wind of a now free MANITOBA o7 HaIl Be To CaNaDa