Traitor testimony

Peaky - Новине из Germany -

Објављено у Germany - Финансијске анализе - 06 Oct 2016 14:31 - 12

Fellow German citizens,

Germany and its industry is geting stronger everyday,as you all know discount period
is approaching and there will be some loans for players.

This discount period we will try something different. So ,dear applicants read carefully and if you find yourself in this loan proposals , you may apply for loan. There will be 3 different kind loan proposals  every company, so you can choose one that benefits you more

Weapon raw companies

1st proposal

 Loan amount: max 200 gold
 Payback time:100 days

Paying loan through wraw  50% daily of total production at fixed price 0,06 (can be changed if wraw go bellow 0,06), rest will be payed back in cash at last day

2nd proposal

 Loan amount: max 200 gold
 Payback time:60 days
Paying loan through wraw  30% daily of total production at fixed price 0,06 (can be changed if wraw go bellow 0,06),rest will be payed back in cash at last day

3rd proposal

Loan amount: max 150 gold
Payback time:30 days

Player pays 50gold every 10 days

Food raw companies

1st proposal

 Loan amount: max 150 gold
 Payback time: 100 days

Paying loan through fraw  50% daily of total production at fixed price 0,06 (can be changed if fraw go bellow 0,06), rest will be payed back in cash at last day

2nd proposal

 Loan amount: max 150 gold
 Payback time: 60 days
Paying loan through fraw  30% daily of total production at fixed price 0,06 (can be changed if fraw go bellow 0,06),rest will be payed back in cash at last day

3rd proposal

Loan amount: max 150 gold
Payback time:30 days

Player pays 50gold every 10 days

House raw factories

1st proposal

 Loan amount: max 150 gold
 Payback time: 100 days

Paying loan through fraw  50% daily of total production at fixed price 0,06 (can be changed if fraw go bellow 0,06), rest will be payed back in cash

2nd proposal

 Loan amount: max 150 gold
 Payback time: 60 days
Paying loan through fraw  30% daily of total production at fixed price 0,06 (can be changed if fraw go bellow 0,06),rest will be payed back in cash

3rd proposal

Loan amount: max 150 gold
Payback time:30 days

Player pays 50gold every 10 days

Weapon/Tank/Heli companies

1st proposal

Loan amount: max 200 gold
Payback time:60 days
Loan return : After first 10 days 25 gold then on every 10 days 35 gold

2nd proposal

Loan amount: max 400 gold
Payback time:100 days

Paying loan trough products (only for q5 helis) at fixed price 5,5 gold per 100 (can be changed if q5helis go bellow 5,5 gold per 100)

House factories

1st Proposal

Loan amount: max 200 gold
Payback time:90 days

Paying loan with houses to the nation.These offer can work for players who produce own HRM.

Q1 house – 3 gold
Q2 house- 4 gold
Q3 house –5 gold
Q4 house – 8 gold
Q5 house – 10 gold

Food factories

1st Proposal

Loan amount: max 150 gold
Payback time:90 days
Loan return : 50 gold every 30 days


MicroLoans  25 golds ( no question asked) payback time :10 days
MicroLoans  50 gold  (No question asked) Payback time :15 days

*Players cant leave country if loan is not payback in full
*For every LOAN some player must vouch for applicant
( in case that applicant is banned or leave country or game person who vouch must payback loan in full)
*Loan can be given only to players who have more than 30 days German CS
*Every applicant who get loan will be contacted before country send him gold



ePazDiamond LadyEnrique 10

Коментари (12)

I will need 200 golds for wraw factories thanks
Tako se to radi u Njemackoj Smile Svaka cast o7!