Објављено у United States of America - Политичке дебате и анализе - 14 Oct 2016 20:16 - 17

Hello eRevollution citizens,
As expected today we have some topics to cover and it has been quite a while since I wrote an article. So here we go!
1. Merkel Rent Agreement
2. Congressional elections
3. Seal Team 6
4. Letter to the returning citizens

Merkel Rent Agreement
As Portugal did with Spain where the regions were returned to its previous owner before starting any type of military conflict, we expect the same honorable treatment from Germany while we recover our regions and later decide upon their fate.
Considering this, we will start recovering our regions tonight, starting with Indiana.
For the purposes of proof, right below are the screenshots of the conversation between the Heads of State of USA and Germany regarding this subject. (Just click the links)

As your current Secretary of State, I am pleased to inform you that the Ambadorial Program will be opening for recruitment once again. We will be accepting new ambadors and they will be igned to a country in order to work on foreign relations.
If you wish to gain foreign affairs experience, this is a good place to start. Feel free to send me a message if you are interested and you will be interviewed after a due application is filed. Keep also in mind that the following is required:
1. Applicant must be active ingame
2. Applicant must know how to use Discord and must ensure to use it for daily operations (if you don't know how, we can teach you)
3. Applicant must keep in mind that a report will be required from the SoS from time to time.
4. The applicant must be able to successfuly p a CIA background check.

As some of you the Congressional elections are a few hours away and we will be hoping to elect as many of our representatives as possible, however I need to inform that we are looking also at the quality and activity of this same representatives.
Make no mistake, Congress is an important job and it only works if it collectively works together, so to all congressmen out there who are hoping for reelection and to the new ones who are in the hope of being elected, I leave you a couple words:
1. Join us on the Discord server that is used for Congress. We need all of you to step into the game so there is a clear debate regarding the issues and ideas to improve our country.
2. Follow the law and the apropriate procedure, if you don't know how, make sure to ask one of the oldest Congressmen, they will know how to ist you.
3. Be active. If you have an idea that can improve the country, don't hesitate to bring it to the table, even if you think it's a stupid idea. Sometimes a really good idea can be born from something that wasn't originally as good.
All in all, come together. Work hard in the areas you are igned to and you may be very well looking at a new horizon for this great nation!

Seal Team 6

This are just really small updates but they will make a difference in what regards how the Military Unit will be managed from here to the future. There were some changes in the military command but we will release the full list as soon as it is complete and the last confirmations done.
On another front, I take the chance to inform all Seal Team 6 soldiers that we are working on a partnership in order to increase the amount of supplies the MU produces, as soon as this partnership is concluded, we will most likely revise how many supplies are to be handed out to each division and the economic impact in all the people owning and holding these factories. I take the chance to publicly thank Tricky Dick for considering this partnership and for working together with us in order to make this Military Unit a fearceful military force in the battlefield!
I also take the chance to inform that due to what was previously mentioned regarding this partnership, we will also be looking into switching some subscription options into Weapon raw materials. The tables and everything in consideration will be also released in a very near future.
If you want to join the train, fight hard and get helis, feel free to visit us in Seal Team 6 Discord server here: https://discord.gg/0zyoLO0QGytFiWwV

Letter to the Returning Citizens
First of all, I owe an apology to a few of you. I snapped at you a couple times recently majorly for two reasons: The fact that you left the country leaving it more vulnerable in all aspects and the fact that you several times attempted to critize USA. I'm not saying the criticism is invalid, that is not even the question. What I was saying is that you don't disregard the country you called home and disgrace it among members of the international community. This last bit is mostly towards old high profile members of our community whose words do have effect in the reputation our country holds towards the eWorld. Remember always this: You may hold whatever flag in your profile, but USA is your country of birth and your words do matter out there, so the least you can do is to not disgrace it for whatever reasons you may have.
Regardless of everything else, I am glad that most of you already returned home and I welcome you all back. I look forward to work with you all once again and I look forward to build a stronger USA!

This is all I have to say for now. You may all return to your regularly scheduled clicking!
Thank you and kind regards,

ATEHTATOPOTKinyasGiovanno69Tricky DickКоментари (17)

First denied!


Special thanks to Shirogane for giving me the idea to name the first section of the article 

Fantastic edition of the Herald Abe. Looking forward to all the sections presented! 07

Great article, Abe. o7


No problem 07

can you please replace the last screenshot with that: http://image.prntscr.com/image/aaffc225c187476e8b94b5e7916ecc00.png
So we are more accurate 

*my citizens desire to recover our lost bonuses
they have expressed a deep dissatisfaction with our current rental deals, and so I must reject a renewal of our agreement* --- *many of the citizens in US who still do not like Japan, is because of that deal same goes for Mexico* --- and then https://www.erevollution.com/en/country/law/73/United-States/14051 I guess you do not wish to open a second front to your ally right? Maybe reclaim some lost bonuses? That you so much hated they occupied? Hmmm...


Time to visit Munich, I hear it s nice in this time of year 

oh sete!

OMG, Izanagi not again man, but please dont talk about shaving, you know how last time has ended

I never talked about any kind of shaving. And I dont know how last time ended because I wasnt there. But this time I will. Prepare yourself Jerry.