Објављено у Paraguay - Први кораци у игри - 17 Oct 2016 12:21 - 29

English translation
I write this article because recently temporarily banned my friend and downgraded his expensive Workout Area that bought in the Discount, because an account level low and 2 clicker lent him a few golds. Golds that I can win in a day in Black Market. Banned for a piece of gum.
This article talks about eRevollution rules. I see people complaining of absolute power of the administrators, but the rules say this:

That is in the rules, administrators warn you that they can do whatever they want to punish you, no matter you've taken advantage of a bug and have won 10g with that, they can erase your 5000gold value companies and workout area. And you accepted these conditions when signing up.

In fact, you can not even complain about administrators, because it is a dictatorship. If you complain you will either temporarily or permanently banned. I'm not complaining, just notice my readers to do not complain or they will get a BAN!

They also advise you that it is forbidden to have more than one account, which is quite logical. It also says that two people maximum can share the same IP, but can not make any kind of transaction makes sense also to avoid multiaccounts. Although, for example, the company providing Internet in my town has in my area approximately 500 IP for a lation of 6000, of course not everyone plays eRevollution, nor are connected at the same time, but if you move a little area, or you turn off the cellular, the signal changes, and changes your IP, so you're rotating with dynamic IP. At some point a player with the same Internet Company, can match an IP with any other player with that Company and they will have the same IP although at different times, someday. And this game is dynamic and is based on transactions would result in a ban, according to these rules.
Although all this was if internet you use from a cell phone. I play from my job computer, I think no eRev player in my Job, and if any, I would forbid give myself nothing !!! I also play from my home wifi, also will I have to forbid my friends playing eRevollution from my wifi !!! And sometimes there is war and I'm in some public place and I had to connect from the wifi from the square, shopping, whatever, also I have to prohibit all playing in that place to not donate me anything because admins will ban me! At the moment I think anyone in the mall, in the square or friends who went to connect from my wifi had no transactions with me. But the day they do that, I will feel the power of BanHammer... And for 1 gold that they donated to me, could erase hundreds of golds invested in companies.

Well, then it is forbidden to have multiaccounts, but some are pro cheaters and proxied to create multiaccounts, with this I do not tell you to create multiaccounts with proxy or anything. But well, those who do this, create legions of multis and make them work for free and get advantage in this game. Although many are detected, because in one hour the proxy is in Germany, the following is in France and in England the following, quite illogical for a human being, except Son Goku. But there are crazy paranoid that are ped with proxies because they are afraid to someone used their private data. Also it makes sense to ban exploit workers or be exploited by employers.

But in turn, eRevollution Team is not responsible if you was scammed. And if not responsible if you scam, then they should not even prohibit exploitation. Or put the sign of "Scammer" in scammers accounts that scams gold exchanging expensive things in the game with the black market and not paying their debt.

Traducción en Español
Escribo este artículo, porque recientemente banearon temporalmente a mi amigo y le downgradearon su Workout Area que le costó bastante en el Discount, porque una cuenta nivel bajo 2 clicker le prestó unos pocos golds. Golds que yo gano al día. O sea por un chicle le banearon.
Este artículo hablará acerca de las reglas de eRevollution. Veo gente que se queja del absoluto poder de los administradores, pero en las reglas dice esto:

Y al estar esto en las reglas, los administradores te avisan que ellos pueden hacer lo que se le cante la gana para castigarte, no importa que hayas aprovechado algún error de juego y hayas ganado 10g con eso, ellos pueden borrar tus empresas y área de entrenamiento por valor de 5000gold. Y tú aceptaste esas condiciones al registrarte.

De hecho, ni siquiera puedes quejarte de los administradores, porque es una dictadura. Si te quejas te van a banear temporalmente o permanentemente. Yo no me estoy quejando, sólo aviso a mis lectores que no se quejen porque o sino BAN!

También te avisan que está prohibido tener más de una cuenta, cosa bastante lógica. También dice que dos personas máximo pueden compartir la misma IP, pero que no pueden hacer ningún tipo de transacción, tiene su lógica también, para evitar multicuentas. Aunque, por ejemplo, la empresa proveedora de internet Claro tiene en mi zona como un aproximado de 500 IPs para una población de 6000personas, claro que no todo el mundo juega eRevollution, ni tampoco se conectan al mismo tiempo, pero si te mueves un poco de la zona, o apagas el celular, la celda cambia y te cambia de IP, por lo que vas rotando con la IP dinámica. En algún momento algún jugador con Claro, podrá coincidir una IP con algún otro jugador con Claro y van a tener la misma IP aunque en tiempos diferentes. Y como este juego es dinámico y se basa en las transacciones, resultaría en un ban, según estas reglas.
Aunque todo eso era en caso de que uses internet por teléfono celular. Yo juego desde la computadora de mi trabajo, creo que no hay ningún jugador de eRevollution en mi empresa, y si hay alguno, le prohibo donarme nada!!! También juego desde el wifi de mi casa, también le tengo que prohibir a mis amigos que juegan eRevollution conectarse desde mi wifi!!! Y a veces hay guerra y estoy en alguna plaza y me conecto desde el wifi de la plaza, también tengo que prohibir a todos los que juegan en esa plaza que no me donen nada, porque o sino me banearían! De momento creo que nadie en el shopping, en la plaza o amigos que fueron a conectarse desde mi wifi me han pasado nada por donación. Pero el día que lo hagan, me banearán... Y por 1 gold que me hayan pasado, podrían borrarme cientos de golds invertidos en empresas.

Y bien, entonces está prohibido tener multicuentas, pero hay quienes son vivos y usan proxys para poder crearse multicuentas, con esto no les digo que se creen multicuentas con proxy ni nada parecido. Pero bien, los que hacen eso, crean legiones de multis y hacen que trabajen para ellos gratis y así obtener ventaja en este juego. Aunque, muchos son detectados, porque en una hora la proxy está en Alemania, en la siguiente está en Francia y en la siguiente en Inglaterra, bastante ilógico para un ser humano que no sea Son Goku. Aunque existen también locos paranóicos que se pasan con proxys porque tienen miedo de que usen sus datos privados. Igualmente tiene su lógica que se prohíba explotar trabajadores o dejarse explotar por los empresarios.

Pero a su vez, eRevollution no se hace responsable si te estafan. Y si no se hace responsable si te estafan, entonces no deberían siquiera prohibir ser explotados. Ni de poner el cartelito de "Scammer" en las cuentas estadadoras que cambian gold por cosas costosas del juego en el mercado negro y no pagan su deuda.

Admins Translation (Translated by eRev Teem)
Ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban.
Ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban:

Ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban.

Ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban BAN!

Ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban. Ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban. Ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban.
Ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban. Ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban. Ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban. Ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban. Ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban.

Ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban. Ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban.

Ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban. Ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban. Ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban, but nice try.

spageTyraelThe FenixButtonesRenardGeneral RocaКоментари (29)

ban 4 ban 

All content published by users cannot contain spam, pornography, racism, flaming, insulting content, external advertising, vulgarity or violations of any real life law.
Content: Includes comments, articles, private messages, avatars, account names, Party Names, Military Unit Names, Donation/Report reason and other.
yeah, right...

Jajajaja sho soy inbaneable porque no hago multis

ban ban xD

as i see this game has a bright future xdd

o7 ban ban 

Nico volveeeeeeeh 

That s why this game is good as fun and casual clicker game. Investing lots of real money doesn t buy something solid you actually own if it can be taken away at their discretion.

voted, ban for ban? xD

yea ban

That is why this game is good as fun and casual clicker game. Investing a Real Money is stupid, as administration has right to remove any items from your account, delete your account and anything and everything can be taken away at their discretion. There are so many things that are forbidden or against the rules (that are used in game as a matter of fact) that just about ANY account can be banned if some over-eager administrator/moderator chooses to do so.

say baaaaaaan hummmer(yes i used U) with a feminine voice and Japanese accent and then u will have a new move in your arsenal


Бановање лудом радовање.

hahaha!!! ban ban!!

How about trading accounts? We know that it already happened and admires didnt do anything to ban these players. You just need to look at first top accounts and you know what Im talking about. The ones who invest tones of money in this game will never get banned.

@Mr Gabiru 749, I want to trade accounts too, because I met this game 6 months later, but is not permitted, so I will no trade my account. What the admins do to stop trading accounts? This http://prntscr.com/cvrf7r If you can t change your email, the traded account will never be yours, at least if you not completely trust the other.

Mr Gabiru, you talk about CelioMG buying Inspection account and changing his nickname to Patton? We don t know anything about it 🙊

ban o7

ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban. Ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban ban

He will receive a ban for write this xD

BAN jajajaja

Esto es como el doping al principio todo son disculpas, que si un filete con clembuterol que si me habrán echado algo en la bebida, luego siempre es lo mismo a tu amigo le han pillado con el carrito del helado pues a tirar para adelante y a seguir pero cumpliendo las reglas, te aseguro que no babean a nadie por una donación de un gold


@Choco Krispi: eso mismo le dije a mi amigo. Que dudaba que haya sido solo esa donación el motivo. Que tal vez esa donación fue el motivo para investigar su cuenta, pero no el motivo para tempobanearle.

It will actually change the plot idea of your story once anyone explorer just one line from your own article [-- account level low and 2 clicker lent him a few golds. --] I can say something as a suggestion but i wonder why should I? 

Sorry for my bad english, and thanks for the Media Mogul Medal