Објављено у Russia - Политичке дебате и анализе - 27 Oct 2016 15:49 - 15
Last Update: Day 267

The MPP Web is a simple tool to help understand the global political climate - all of the circles (nodes) are individual nations, while all of the lines (edges) are MPPs connecting two nations. The color of the nodes, the size of the nodes and the size of the text are all based on lation - a good, though not perfect, indicator of a nation's influence. Based on all of the MPPs that connect this world's nations, a web is created that clearly shows the political alignment of any given nation.
UPDATE: Apologies for the wait - matters in another world called my focus away from this one for a few weeks. No new features (besides French translation), though I am always experimenting with background details and ways to make the data-gathering easier. As always, I am open to suggestions and feedback.
Le 'MPP Web' est une utile simple qui vouz aidez a comprendre les politique du monde - toutes les cercles (nodes) sont des pays individus, et toutes les lignes (edges) sont les MPPs qui connecte deuz pays. La couleur des nodes, la taille des nodes et la taille de la texte sont toutes determine par la lation du pays - une bonne, mais pas parfait, indicateur de l'influence d'un pays. Avec touts les MPPs qui connecte les pays du monde, une web est cree qui montre clairement l'alignement politique d'un pays donnee.
UPDATE: Desoles pour l'attente - des matieres d'un autre monde ont prient mon attention pour quelques semaines. Il n'y a pas de fonctionnalites nouveaux (outre la translation francaise), mais j'experimente tourjours avec les petits details du web et des facons de faire la collection de data plus facile pour moi. Comme toujours, je suis ouvert a les suggestions - especialement sur mon francais, qui n'est pas terrible.
Albania, Denmark
Albania, Latvia
Albania, Lithuania
Albania, Ukraine
Albania, U.S.A.
Argentina, Austria
Argentina, Denmark
Argentina, Peru
Argentina, Thailand
Armenia, Iran
Armenia, North Korea
Armenia, Serbia
Armenia, Sweden
Austria, Brazil
Austria, Canada
Austria, Venezuela
Belarus, Bosnia
Belarus, India
Belarus, Latvia
Belarus, Serbia
Bosnia, Lithuania
Bosnia, Norway
Bosnia, Peru
Brazil, Denmark
Brazil, Latvia
Brazil, Thailand
China, Philippines
Colombia, Hungary
Colombia, Lithuania
Colombia, Peru
Colombia, Serbia
Colombia, Venezuela
Croatia, Peru
Croatia, U.A.E.
Cuba, India
Cuba, Taiwan
Czech Republic, Denmark
Czech Republic, Serbia
Denmark, Peru
Denmark, Portugal
Denmark, Russia
Denmark, Serbia
Denmark, Venezuela
Egypt, Sweden
Estonia, France
France, South Africa
France, Sweden
France, Ukraine
Georgia, New Zealand
Georgia, Poland
Georgia, Portugal
Georgia, Thailand
Georgia, Turkey
Germany, India
Germany, Japan
Germany, Peru
Germany, Russia
Germany, Venezuela
Greece, Latvia
Greece, Paraguay
Hungary, Peru
India, Ireland
India, Portugal
Indonesia, Nigeria
Indonesia, South Korea
Iran, South Korea
Italy, Lithuania
Italy, Portugal
Italy, Taiwan
Japan, Germany
Japan, Switzerland
Japan, Thailand
Latvia, Lithuania
Latvia, Mexico
Latvia, Taiwan
Latvia, Turkey
Latvia, Ukraine
Lithuania, Mexico
Lithuania, Poland
Lithuania, Portugal
Lithuania, Taiwan
Lithuania, Macedonia
Lithuania, Switzerland
Lithuania, Thailand
Lithuania, Turkey
Lithuania, U.A.E.
Mexico, South Korea
Mexico, Switzerland
New Zealand, Taiwan
New Zealand, Turkey
Paraguay, Sweden
Peru, Serbia
Peru, Thailand
Peru, Ukraine
Peru, Venezuela
Portugal, Moldova
Portugal, Sweden
Portugal, U.S.A.
Taiwan, Sweden
Macedonia, Sweden
Macedonia, Ukraine
Romania, Sweden
Russia, Serbia
Slovenia, Venezuela
Sweden, Ukraine
Thailand, Ukraine
Argentina, Spain
Australia, China
Australia, New Zealand
Australia, Taiwan
Australia, Saudi Arabia
Austria, Philippines
Austria, Saudi Arabia
Austria, Spain
Belarus, Brazil
Belarus, Croatia
Belarus, Ireland
Belarus, Macedonia
Belarus, Ukraine
Belgium, France
Bolivia, Bosnia
Bolivia, Canada
Bolivia, Hungary
Bolivia, Spain
Bolivia, Ukraine
Bosnia, Estonia
Bosnia, Latvia
Bosnia, Nigeria
Bosnia, Spain
Brazil, Colombia
Brazil, Croatia
Brazil, Hungary
Brazil, Lithuania
Brazil, Macedonia
Brazil, Slovenia
Brazil, Spain
Brazil, United Kingdom
Canada, Croatia
Canada, Denmark
Canada, South Korea
Canada, Spain
Chile, France
Chile, Indonesia
Chile, U.S.A.
China, New Zealand
Colombia, Germany
Croatia, Estonia
Croatia, Hungary
Croatia, India
Croatia, Montenegro
Croatia, Nigeria
Croatia, Ukraine
Denmark, Iran
Egypt, India
Estonia, Germany
Estonia, Hungary
Estonia, Slovenia
Estonia, Spain
Estonia, Ukraine
Georgia, Italy
Georgia, Spain
Germany, Ireland
Germany, Latvia
Germany, Lithuania
Germany, Netherlands
Germany, Poland
Germany, Saudi Arabia
Germany, Spain
Hungary, India
Hungary, Lithuania
Hungary, Spain
India, Philippines
India, Macedonia
India, Saudi Arabia
India, Spain
India, Venezuela
Indonesia, U.S.A.
Iran, Sweden
Ireland, Latvia
Ireland, Spain
Japan, Russia
Japan, South Korea
Lithuania, Spain
Lithuania, Venezuela
Mexico, Macedonia
Mexico, U.S.A.
Montenegro, Croatia
Netherlands, Germany
New Zealand, Saudi Arabia
New Zealand, U.S.A.
Philippines, Saudi Arabia
Poland, Taiwan
Poland, Switzerland
Macedonia, South Korea
Macedonia, Venezuela
Serbia, Spain
Slovenia, Spain
South Korea, Spain
South Korea, Venezuela
Spain, Ukraine
Spain, United Kingdom
Spain, Venezuela
Ukraine, Venezuela
United Kingdom, Venezuela
New projects are always brewing at Jeju Gungjeon, keep an eye out for new articles!
Disclaimer: I will identify nations in all of my articles and especially the MPP Web based on how this world designates them, with certain common sense adjustments to shorten the longer nation names. If any citizen of a country feels that their country is mislabelled on this map, they are welcome to send a message to discuss a potential relabelling. If anyone objects to the labelling of a country besides their own, they are also welcome to send me a message, but I will generally lean towards deference to the citizens of the country itself. I reserve the right to label my web however I like and politely ask any discussion of labels to be kept out of the comments below.
Kinyasno0bsailbotPalmerTyraelMiltiadosmu_loverMariscal CaceresPower GirlDreiКоментари (15)

Love these, great work!

Wow! Great job! V+

Great work!

Good work v+

Très bon travail 

Great job!

Excellent travail 




Perfect work 

Call me crazy, but I see a pentagram around Turkey. That s either good diplomatic geometry or a pact with the devil. Either way, seems to be working for them.
