Објављено у United States of America - Политичке дебате и анализе - 06 Nov 2016 01:16 - 25

Hello eRevollution citizens,
This is going to be a really short letter but it is about time that I put this out of my mind and move on. First of all, I would like to announce that I am permanentely and irrevokably leaving eRevollution. Some people will be probably confused since I was to leave the game about a week or so ago and I did leave due to very personal and delicate reasons, however someone from eUSA informed me they needed my help over something so they decided to try to wake up a dead former President in order to fix it.
I was going to give it a second try due to something I'd call "Messiah Complex" and I was willing to take time to actually help out, however due to a certain chain of events that took place in the past few days, I have no will to continue in here and I will present you my reasons as to why I will leave.
1. The personal problems I am facing in real life, while they have been lighter they are not entirely resolved. There is no saying on how they will be resolved and in or for how long, it is a delicate matter and it needs my attention.
2. I am tired of watching people fight and hopelessly trying to stop them. You can say in a way, I am fed up with the game and in some ways annoyed at certain atitudes people have. I won't be expansive on this, the ones contemplated here know who they are and I hope they can find over time a way to settle things amoung themselves and play honestly with their fellow countrymen.
3. The inconsideration the administration team showed to my person with one very specific lack thereof of atitude. I know some people will ask me what this is about but that is something I will only leave for very close friends and the admins will know exactly what I am talking about. I won't make that much of a fuss over it, after all, even though I am no longer a moderator and I am leaving, the rule still applies: "What happens in the Mod room... stays in the mod room".
Now that I have placed my reasons, I leave here my last will and testament:
1. I have dissolved all my ets and the resulting money from it given to the eUSA Treasure holder Arith. Please use it for eUSA.
2. To all American allies: Please do me a favor and keep Hungary wiped for 6 months for shamefuly having attempted to PTO and rob the entire American treasure.
I could write a fair number of thank you notes to a lot of people who meant something to me and my gameplay experience in here, but then... it would be taking me another day just to write and address all of them, so without further delay and knowing those people know who they are, I would like to thank them for everything and for being here for me at all times. I am looking forward to see you once in a while and to talk to you outside of eRev atmosphere.
Good luck everyone and Farewell!

Abraham Lincoln signing off. You may all return to your regularly scheduled clicking!
Thank you and kind regards,

Коментари (25)

:,( Farewell Abe :,(

Cheers Abe!

Farewell everyone! It was a nice ride

Farewell bAbe!

Your leaving is great loss for eRev community. Take care my friend, it was an honor o7

Have a good chance irl

Good luck in RL!!

Farewell Abe! Good luck in real life!

Sorry to see you go, Abe. Wish I could change your mind, but I understand. Take care out there and I hope things go well for you in the future. Don t hesitate to stop by or say hi once in a while. o7

o7 gl

All best my bro and dont worry about Napgary i will personally pay attention to your wish.And this game lost a great man.Shiro has spoken o7

real life at first abe.
good luck

Farewell my friend o7 Dont forget to send me those cuban cigars
And regarding Hungary, well, nothing can surprise me from them

Hungary will be wiped again and again. Bye Abe.

farewell abe o/ good luck in rl

Farewell Abe and good luck in IRL

Cya Abe

Farewall brother o7

Farewell and good luck irl


bye Abe

Farewell and good luck.

Have not got to know you much, But I can tell you were an Icon for both the Game and eUSA. I bid you farewell and GL in your RL future endeavors.
