Објављено у Turkey - Друштвена догађања и забава - 13 Nov 2016 08:54 - 44
Today you have witnessed the reaction of German community, regarding a player who have no respect towards any value.
We ofcourse are mad at what he did but what brought issue to this point is attitude of management of this game.
The player Grey Wind made an article where he has a picture of country balls , and German ball is played as volleyball among the other countries.He insulted whole nation all day long and all moderators-admins just watched the event. Later, I personally sent an email to admins and explained the sensitivity of situation. They choose to ignore us, instead of interfering and finding a proper solution. I am sure that, If that player would have banned right after first action for few hours, everything and everyone would calm down but no, they choose to ignore it.
They did not only ignore it, but they also made fun with our community. So, around 13 erev time we have discussed about what to do about incapability of management and decided to show our reaction in every possible way. We have demanded proper action towards that player but instead of -at least- trying to understand why are we mad, they kept ignoring. Later, people just gave up and at that point we did not care about what is going to happen so published articles with beautiful drawning that explain the situation very well. It caused many of our players -me included- banned and still, instead of trying to aproach us, they threaten us with banhammer, like we care.
We understand that admin team may show more tolerant to their citizens. We have witnessed that even game moderators are insulting our country in Discord. However, we should remind you that German players consist quite important percentage of this community and we are also important contributor of this game. Or should I say we used to? I see that our citizens, my friends are already publishing articles to leave the game. The aim of this article is not threatening, not even close. I am just explaining the situation and what is going to happen. So, to the management of this game; If you are happy with the way this game is heading to, enjoy it with those toxic players, without us.
We won't tolerate our sacred flag to be treated like this. It's a game and major goal for all is to have fun. Don't spread hate against other nations. (even Turks)
Kind Regards,
German Community
orkanNoixcocoDiamond LadySeki333MisakichanКоментари (44)