Објављено у Bulgaria - Политичке дебате и анализе - 19 Nov 2016 12:34 - 33
Well, it have been a really long time since my last eRevollution article.
But time for a new one have clearly come.
In last days (since the end of NAP between Bulgaria, Romania, Iran and Ukraine) I kinda read plentyful number of bulls toward Bulgaria policy in Ukraine.
First of all, I will wish to thank to all Ukraine shouts "Смерть ворогам!" and etc that types, translated as "Death for the enemy". That deep emotional shouting both public shout, both plenty of articles toward the case will be remembered. I promise.
On topic - Bulgaria is holding Ukraine core regions in last approximately 2 months. All those region holdings was done BY WRITTEN AND SIGNED BY APPROPIATE GOVERNMENTS AGREEMENTS. Agreements in which Bulgaria side have always respect till the last dot of what is signed.
In order to take down speculations over the matter, I will ask Blackfury to approve, or if not - to disprove - the following :
- Does Bulgaria personally by me replaced Ukraine hospital taken down in MILITARY operation in war time.
- Does Bulgaria repaid and restore def system in regions occupied due to agreements.
- Does Bulgaria paid all their signed by agreement gold payments almost immediately after the signing of agreements.
- Does Bulgaria in any way caused diplomatical, military or economical attempts or succeed operations to harm in any way Ukraine name or economical stability.
- Does him (or even any Ukraine player) ever readed shouts consisting deaths, insults, out-of-game aggressive activities, no matter are they ment to harm name of their country or any single of their players.
(P.S. just in last two days I can drive out plenty plenty of such kind of behavior from Ukraine community members)
I believe he is a honourable guy, with which I enjoy talk and trust. He have the honour, and as community like say in last months - balls - to come say what I asked.
I am opened for such tyep of debate and questions too, at any time, article or whatever they come from.
Let me be clear:
Bulgarians in eRevollution is one disciplined and honourable nation which show adult and well mannered behavior toward all players. YES, some of our political game decisions may be controversial - some may see them in past as traitor behavior and so - but spoken into words, behavior, respect towards agreements and enemies, and allies, have always been priority task.
Many times our nation name, also our players, was provoked also by insults, in meaning of shouts, articles and so on. Some times some of our players, yes, lost their discipline, was harsh back and so, but we as community have ever been honourable enemy and ally.
We was in direct war literally with all our neighboards. All 6 of them. If any of them, ANY, show me article in which we scream "DEATH FOR ENEMY" and walk out insulting on national base and etc, I pay him 20 gold direct.
If you people start pay me 20 gold for each article I can come up with insulting us I will lag the server from golds.
Toward anyone who blame Bulgaria and etc for various things, some FACTS (accurate) :
- Bulgaria want to destroy Ukraine game and community:
= Bulgaria have paid fees of rent even after a won wars (confessed also by Ukraine leadership) bigger than any other ever paid rents ingame. (golds, hospitals, restored def systems and etc)
= Bulgaria never fully deleted Ukraine regions and territory, even when we was capable to (again confessed by ukraine leadership, due to unbalanced alliance and etc).
= In every war between those two countries Bulgaria was always opened for negotiations over the event, including being open for providing TW for Ukraine community and etc.
= When Ukraine was deleted Bulgaria and me personally worked as Ukraine get regions back and sign fair NAP deal. This can be approved by many.
- Bulgarian community never insulted any Ukraine leader, community member, or in no case specifically Ukraine nationality and name. Never. None by shouts, none by articles, none by comments, none by any way.
- Bulgarian community and government kept every single letter in what was agreed by mutual signed treaties.
I hope I spoken everything clear, especially since I very rarely anymore use media in eRev.
I will be happy to read if somebody have blames or disproves towards what I wrote. Please use facts.
In the end, there is no country President in this game more proud than me with my nation and all the people I met here, become friends with and have pleasure to cooperate in this game everyday.
This is over 55 people in skype chats, over 70 ppl in Discord. And I am proud with every single one of them.
And that numbers are not shown of power as some may think. If anybody think I type it because of this, sorry, but he is retard. I type it because this is dozens of amazing and cool people which make me play this game every day.
Thank you !
President of eBulgaria,
But time for a new one have clearly come.
In last days (since the end of NAP between Bulgaria, Romania, Iran and Ukraine) I kinda read plentyful number of bulls toward Bulgaria policy in Ukraine.
First of all, I will wish to thank to all Ukraine shouts "Смерть ворогам!" and etc that types, translated as "Death for the enemy". That deep emotional shouting both public shout, both plenty of articles toward the case will be remembered. I promise.
On topic - Bulgaria is holding Ukraine core regions in last approximately 2 months. All those region holdings was done BY WRITTEN AND SIGNED BY APPROPIATE GOVERNMENTS AGREEMENTS. Agreements in which Bulgaria side have always respect till the last dot of what is signed.
In order to take down speculations over the matter, I will ask Blackfury to approve, or if not - to disprove - the following :
- Does Bulgaria personally by me replaced Ukraine hospital taken down in MILITARY operation in war time.
- Does Bulgaria repaid and restore def system in regions occupied due to agreements.
- Does Bulgaria paid all their signed by agreement gold payments almost immediately after the signing of agreements.
- Does Bulgaria in any way caused diplomatical, military or economical attempts or succeed operations to harm in any way Ukraine name or economical stability.
- Does him (or even any Ukraine player) ever readed shouts consisting deaths, insults, out-of-game aggressive activities, no matter are they ment to harm name of their country or any single of their players.
(P.S. just in last two days I can drive out plenty plenty of such kind of behavior from Ukraine community members)
I believe he is a honourable guy, with which I enjoy talk and trust. He have the honour, and as community like say in last months - balls - to come say what I asked.
I am opened for such tyep of debate and questions too, at any time, article or whatever they come from.
Let me be clear:
Bulgarians in eRevollution is one disciplined and honourable nation which show adult and well mannered behavior toward all players. YES, some of our political game decisions may be controversial - some may see them in past as traitor behavior and so - but spoken into words, behavior, respect towards agreements and enemies, and allies, have always been priority task.
Many times our nation name, also our players, was provoked also by insults, in meaning of shouts, articles and so on. Some times some of our players, yes, lost their discipline, was harsh back and so, but we as community have ever been honourable enemy and ally.
We was in direct war literally with all our neighboards. All 6 of them. If any of them, ANY, show me article in which we scream "DEATH FOR ENEMY" and walk out insulting on national base and etc, I pay him 20 gold direct.
If you people start pay me 20 gold for each article I can come up with insulting us I will lag the server from golds.
Toward anyone who blame Bulgaria and etc for various things, some FACTS (accurate) :
- Bulgaria want to destroy Ukraine game and community:
= Bulgaria have paid fees of rent even after a won wars (confessed also by Ukraine leadership) bigger than any other ever paid rents ingame. (golds, hospitals, restored def systems and etc)
= Bulgaria never fully deleted Ukraine regions and territory, even when we was capable to (again confessed by ukraine leadership, due to unbalanced alliance and etc).
= In every war between those two countries Bulgaria was always opened for negotiations over the event, including being open for providing TW for Ukraine community and etc.
= When Ukraine was deleted Bulgaria and me personally worked as Ukraine get regions back and sign fair NAP deal. This can be approved by many.
- Bulgarian community never insulted any Ukraine leader, community member, or in no case specifically Ukraine nationality and name. Never. None by shouts, none by articles, none by comments, none by any way.
- Bulgarian community and government kept every single letter in what was agreed by mutual signed treaties.
I hope I spoken everything clear, especially since I very rarely anymore use media in eRev.
I will be happy to read if somebody have blames or disproves towards what I wrote. Please use facts.
In the end, there is no country President in this game more proud than me with my nation and all the people I met here, become friends with and have pleasure to cooperate in this game everyday.
This is over 55 people in skype chats, over 70 ppl in Discord. And I am proud with every single one of them.
And that numbers are not shown of power as some may think. If anybody think I type it because of this, sorry, but he is retard. I type it because this is dozens of amazing and cool people which make me play this game every day.
Thank you !
President of eBulgaria,
no0bsailbotElleonoraVioletaBattleHeroa6b1trubaduredinakaedinakaKUKATAКоментари (33)

жвсс o7 Hail Ukraine

Please STOP with this insulting nations bull****.You all are copying Turkey, it is a game and some aggressive approach from players is big +, since this is war game.

Hail Bulgaria o7

I really hope many nations giving to this shout channel stupid no lifers who only know to insult others cause of GAME will learn something from what you wrote...... Sadly I doubt.

but.. but.. I cannot understand why they riot. We are so kind oppressors.

ващє пофіг, ща винесем вашу Бомжоляндію

Еби ги в гъза бе кво им се обясняваш на тия ..

Ви радійте, що назва вашої недокраїни написана з великої літери.

Death of enemy it s one of nationalists slogans that is used in Ukraine. It doesn t mean any bad things in games like this. Don t need more articles or insults, let there be war and fun 

You used right of stronger together with Romania and conquer Ukraine. And when we became stronger you get scared and asking Romania help you out again. Because this time you would ask for NAP and we would conquer your regions. Doesnt seem like honorable nation

Vote. Agree, more or less. No need to go so far.

Удри с лопатата , ако не ще ги порим като риби , ще ги пълним като агнета :Д

One is Jus7LeTHaL ! o7

We are proud with our President too :-)

Слава Україні!!!

Героям Слава! Смерть ворогам!

slava ukraine

Let it be, brother. They will not see such kindness again.

See you in Donetsk, guys!

We are going to get our land back again 

Remember the time when Bulgaria was removed. How many were crying. And if Ukraine is not sat on bonuses, though she could. But something changed in this game. What are you doing?
And another thing, chipped Bulgarian brother of Turks?))

OMG, Kinyas your ego is bigger than FYROM-ans wish to be in some kind of alliance

СЛАВА НА ПУТИН !!! смърт за тия хохли бе кво им се обесняваш !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It always make me fun justletal s words that he is Cp. if there is smth difference between dictator and president in this game it should be shown on our example :d you have more CP medals than me congress ones

LOONEY TUNES goes more for the name of your newspaper ....
AtilaBG and Jus7LeTHaL = Laurel and Hardy - full comedy .... 

Changing sides again?

Any nation or people in real life, were strong and the weak (occupied by other nations). Only in times of occupation - prompting people to liberation bootby. It is at such times and there were different slogans as: Glory to Ukraine - Glory to Heroes or Glory of the Nation - Death to the enemy. These slogans do not have to sound like an insult, or contempt for other nations or nations. they are intended more to raise the spirit to unite the nation and cohesion against the occupier. So, I hope you are now on the other will take these slogans.
In the case of abusive comments on the part of some of the e-e-citizen of Ukraine, I am sorry for them, it s still a schoolboy, and they sometimes characterized as follows entertainment. They simply have not understood the possible consequences of such fun. Once again I apologize for them.
Let s just enjoy the game without mutual insults. I hope the image will not be here not from anyone. Let win sporting interest and tactics. Thanks for understanding. I wish you enjoyable entertainment!

Its simple : Bulgaria winning side, so Bulgaria get bonuses at the detriment of Ukraine. Ukraine angry, so ukraine riots. That is pretty much a resume of this game


death to enemies isnt insult. its just ukrainian slogan, same like other players write hail_name_of_their_country, in ukraine players use these slogans- glory to ukraine, glory to heroes, glory to nation, death to enemies.

We are so honorable conquerors and Ukraine should apologize to us becouse we conquere them and dont want to give them their regions back. Because we are so full of honore. We honorably betrayed our former allies and honorably lick Turkish balls so we could achive all of that. We proudly and honorably attacked our neighbours when they were honorably attacked by at least 3 more countries at the same time. We were doing that for one side first becouse they were so powerfull but when Turkey become stronger we honorably got afraid and honorably and proudly changed sides. Becouse we are so honorable.