Countryball Report

eVokasi - Новине из Serbia -

Објављено у Serbia - Друштвена догађања и забава - 21 Nov 2016 11:31 - 51


Phantom986thekrekcfaganerosEsseninPatroklosThunder88Thunder88G 4 M p3trOs V E Rvariola veraTorpedjoMrSkr1kversDora TonksChrisGeoRMcount zeroNikola RSNikola RSNikola RSNikola RSNikolaosG 4 M p3trOs V E R

Коментари (51)

v c
one pic lol. That is way below your level vokasi no vote this time !!!
Bravo !!!!
wow u keep failing hard at ur comics ... Nice try 0/10
Yesterday-s piece was better.
not even greeks are laughing...
Thats the most dumbass article ever.
That is reaction after DNA test.
remember your previous article of how Macedonia was born ?? I think that process actually was going backward. u peace of $..T . PS. dumbest article EVER
@Jus7LeTHaL Basically every of his article is one picture, mostly separated by dark lines. Cheeky
The best of: Servian creativity LMAOOOO
njab Laugh
Ne bi valjalo da si bio opsirniji, fyROMI sa svojom inteligencijom ne bi razumeli eo ako nisu skontali Laugh
jebiga sto moze covek ss mozak na vrapce da objavi osven ovoj !!!
meh at least you tried Sad
Try it with Croatia s flag.. it look better.. and also put the letters M a s t e r A l t a i r on top.. it looks even better
LoL, when we write article about KOSOVO, great(!) mod phantom was crying to admins... and Tropico was removing articleSmile but #NoRulesforServiansSmile GO servia GO, Admins r with u Smile
hahahahaha great humor as always Wink
reVokasi : cry me a liver...
Take the vacum cleaner from your mother and think what you write. Spineless creature
Ahahaha fyrovians are born in a kneeling position and they serve turks as slaves for their entire lives, and this poor child is calling someone spineless xD puppy go back to your master.
Piroman, that article was about how fyrom was born.
reVokasi setise ovog artikla kad nekad otides u KOSOVO
@jus7traitor u backstab one more ally :-) i remember when u say how much u hate fyrom and now you attack greece u are just a traitor
Ne idem u kosovo, i boli me uvo za isto.
Well, as I see some guys from MDP v2.0 aren t voting article hahah
ReVokasi i think yoi have mistaken the point .. The truth is macedonia went to toilet and you was born that way.. And after the nap you will see the true power of Mkd.
Haha Vokice prevazisao si samog sebe.Srce moje
Nope he wasnt mistaken, FYROM exists for 25 years and that is how it was made.
U will see true power of Serbia before end of nap
nije baš nešto...
reVokasi the true power ...learn your grammar, pathetic serbian ex CP
Your Mother don t Learn you how to Su*k! Try Harder next Time
Алеке, граматички сам поткованији од много људи.
Kade te potkovale? Hahaha
@piroman, what do you mean that process going backwards?? in that article from pile of $hit was created Macedonia... are you saying that from Macedonia is now created pile of poo ???
top secret , you know my point dont try to be smart a$$ Smile
We love Fyromians
sho e fintata ako pisuvas statija posle sekoja izgubena bitka protiv Makedonija ?