Објављено у Iran - Друштвена догађања и забава - 28 Nov 2016 12:05 - 14

Ministry of culture
Introduction :
Iran is a wide country in southwest/central Asia neighboring the
Caspian Sea with landscapes that vary remarkably at different seasons.
All southern borders of the country end to the shores of the Persian
Gulf and Sea.
Iran is one of the few countries that have all four distinguished seasons. And at any time of the year, in each section of the country,
one of the four seasons is visible. Iran's variety in terms of
temperature, humidity and rainfall differs from place to place and
season to season. Length of the seasons differs in different regions.
It is a land of unique landscapes such as limpid water springs, Pomegranate orchards, pistachio gardens, rows of Lombardy poplars,
decampment of nomads in different seasons, rocks,
mountains, endless high and low lands, extinct volcanoes, luxuriant
forests of Alborz mountain range, and coastlines of the Caspian sea are
among the eye-catching and memorable landscapes of Iran’s nature which
leaves unique memories in the minds of tourists.
Northern Iran includes the Southern Caspian regions representing provinces of Gilan, Mazandaran, and Golestan of Iran.
The Mysterious Forests of Gilan Province

The Ancient Mountain Village Above the Clouds

Gilan & Mazandaran - Beautiful landscapes of Kamarposht

One of many Lake Villages of Shomal

Ramsar River of the Poets

The Relaxing Roads of Shomal

Shomal - Mazichal - Village Above the Clouds

The beautiful Mazichal Forest Village

Gilan & Mazandaran - The Colorful Amol Mountains

Gilan & Mazandaran - Kapourchal Lake

Gilan & Mazandaran - Dohezar Valley, Tonekabon

Landscapes near Ramsar City

Colorful Landscapes of Shomal in the Summer

Gilan - Ancient Village of Masule

Rice Paddies in Shomal

Peach Blossoms in Shomal

Neka County in Mazandaran during Fall

The Valley of Mazandaran Province

The Forests of Mazandaran during Fall

Colorful Landscapes of Shomal during Fall

Gorgan Rice Fields during Fall

Gilan Forests in Wintertime

Gilan Cabins in the Woods in Wintertime

Mountain Forests of Golestan Province in the Winter

Mountain Forests of Golestan Province in the Winter

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Awesome one,you must love this country o7



This is the North ! o7

Iran is very very beautiful
Tanks Roblex.
I recommend traveling to Iran

Wonderful picture


Nice collection... search about babolkenar road photos

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