Објављено у Turkey - Друштвена догађања и забава - 21 Dec 2016 12:08 - 26
06:58 Independence March of Turkey and opening
07:00 Left in Memories
08:00 Turkish Folk Music
08:30 Full Full Anatolia
10:30 Writing and Reading for Adults
12:00 Let's Play Drums
12:55 Turkish Clical Music Concert
14:20 10th İstanbul Turkish Music Days
15:10 One Composer
16:20 Folk Songs Night
17:20 Preparing for the Battles
18:30 Meeting at Discord
19:15 Germany´s happiness
20:00 Sycophancy of Spain
20:30 Battle of Saarland
20:35 Vur Vur Dağcı Komando o7
20:40 No Balance in the Game
20:45 Crying
22:30 Spiritual Hour
23:30 Anatolias Voice with Kubat
00:30 Independence March of Turkey and closing
06:58 İstiklal Marşı ve Açılış
07:00 Anılarda Kalan
08:00 TSM Solistler Geçidi
08:30 Dolu Dolu Anadolu
10:30 Yetişkinler İçin Okuma Yazma Öğretimi
12:00 Çalsın Davullar
12:55 TSM Konseri
14:20 10. İstanbul Türk Müziği Günleri
15:10 Bir Besteci
16:20 Türkü Gecesi
17:20 Cepheye hazırlık
18:30 Discordda Toplantı
19:15 Almanyanın Sevinci
20:00 Ispanyanin yalakalığı
20:30 Saarland Savaşı
20:35 Vur Vur Dağcı Komando o7
20:40 Oyunda Denge yok
20:45 Ağlama
22:30 Diyanet Saati
23:30 Kubat'la Anadolu'nun Sesi
00:30 İstiklal Marşı Ve Kapanış

06:58 Independence March of Turkey and opening
07:00 Left in Memories
08:00 Turkish Folk Music
08:30 Full Full Anatolia
10:30 Writing and Reading for Adults
12:00 Let's Play Drums
12:55 Turkish Clical Music Concert
14:20 10th İstanbul Turkish Music Days
15:10 One Composer
16:20 Folk Songs Night
17:20 Preparing for the Battles
18:30 Meeting at Discord
19:15 Germany´s happiness
20:00 Sycophancy of Spain
20:30 Battle of Saarland
20:35 Vur Vur Dağcı Komando o7
20:40 No Balance in the Game
20:45 Crying
22:30 Spiritual Hour
23:30 Anatolias Voice with Kubat
00:30 Independence March of Turkey and closing
06:58 İstiklal Marşı ve Açılış
07:00 Anılarda Kalan
08:00 TSM Solistler Geçidi
08:30 Dolu Dolu Anadolu
10:30 Yetişkinler İçin Okuma Yazma Öğretimi
12:00 Çalsın Davullar
12:55 TSM Konseri
14:20 10. İstanbul Türk Müziği Günleri
15:10 Bir Besteci
16:20 Türkü Gecesi
17:20 Cepheye hazırlık
18:30 Discordda Toplantı
19:15 Almanyanın Sevinci
20:00 Ispanyanin yalakalığı
20:30 Saarland Savaşı
20:35 Vur Vur Dağcı Komando o7
20:40 Oyunda Denge yok
20:45 Ağlama
22:30 Diyanet Saati
23:30 Kubat'la Anadolu'nun Sesi
00:30 İstiklal Marşı Ve Kapanış

Aurielhnzdno0bsailbotHadriellmperiushnzdAli Beg60d0ct0rward0mShadowsMeCutssPeakykeykubaTRMeTaRoRSilent ScreamTunga AlpSiPaHiКоментари (26)




gece kuşağı yok, olmamış bu

Bu baya iyi işte
sesli güldüm.

Yav öldüm gülmekten işte yaratıcı makale eline koluna sağlık büyük başkan 



Actually you are the one who continue to troll about balance and cry, but i dont see anyone complaining
Good battle o7

Gece kuşağı yok victoria s isteriz

V ,

gece kusagi icin Fashion TVye

Hail Turkey o7

Just Tell me one thing, did you ever hear that Germans are crying for unbalanced game. We simply wont sign Nap, we have pride and we are fighting, even we know outcome. You can say everything, but dont say that we are crying. At least respect us, as we respected you, we were first one that approach you when your friend passed away, forgetting that we are enemy.

This article is only troll, i dont say that you said balance the game or that you are crying. It was a good battle. Sign a nap and you are free 

Search and see what Kind of NAP Germany proposed, one to Japan and other to Poland, and learn how we respected enemy, this kind of NAP that MDP propose are shamefull

ahuahuahu xdxd

its not my concern your old NAP´s, you can also propose VV a NAP

Diyanetten sonra Kubat iyi gider 

zaaaaa xdxd

we lost that war too. we are ally of the germany. people cant understand we can have fun even when we lose 

:-D:-D tatatatatatatata

ahaha güzelmiş