Објављено у Georgia - Друштвена догађања и забава - 23 Dec 2016 06:47 - 29
my friends laughing with my bad English.
so i call my English Genglish :D
so my article will be in two language Georgian and Genglish :D
so i will start by Genglish
most of u know that Georgia have triple bonuse and we have tax refund
on produce and upgradeing companys.
u think that i will write about it again? :D
noo :D
u wrong
i'm going to show my friends and whom who wants to visit to Gurgia(peaky)
one video. when u saw it u really want to became in Georgia.
o duchman i'm waiting u
so now my promised video whichs long is 15 minute.
please don't be lazy and watch this
we will waiting u
we need u
ohh sorry ready to die i forget.
and weed from GAMA
lets have fun :D :D :D
Grizzly021General BlackCaesarXIIDstranGETomiALBno0bsailbotCaptain HarlockZE BUNDAErfan094Erfan094Gomasugiovinco10Коментари (29)
da video sadaa
v c
Badly english users of the world, unite! -Inarius Marx
i think we should do that...
unite bad english users o7
#cometogeorgia and #producehere
magaria GEORGIA
grimish video devs da sad edzeb?
ძალიან მაგარია!
amazing . . . but where is our Weed? ((((
ready to die especialy for u
Дај мало ћирилице.
მე თქვენ მიყვარხართ
will i get daily portions of weed if i join GAMA? if so, i am leaving Brazilian Army right now xDDDD
sure, but you must change location in irl too , and you will have the best job offer
It looks like beautiful country
sori for my bed england
Oh yeah I m so coming @beast
Love u dude
we are waiting u all guz. with best wishes Gurgians.
lol. best of luck to our Georgian friends.
Great video, o7
At least you know one more language and that is bonus if you ask me. Doesnt need to be perfect but as long as you understand each other in conversation it is great!
thnks willy o7