The Bag Man

Објављено у Serbia - Друштвена догађања и забава - 03 Feb 2016 14:34 - 22


Zašto greška u startu?  

Vidim mnogi ljudi se bune,peglači kartica odjednom dobijaju veliku prednost.
Okupirane države su obezglavljene i nemaju šansu za razvoj.
Bugari se ovde s pravom bune>

Stari igrači sa drugih servera bi tačno znali šta da urade i da postave igru 
tako da je primamljiva za igranje svima,ali ne.
Igra je loše postavljena od početka.
Sve se radi na prečac i tako da kreator pokupi neki rl novac za kratko vreme ali to
neće ići,igri prosto nije dato vreme da se razvije.
Prvo ratovi su prerano započeli neke države imaju svega 20 ili nešto
više stanovnika, poneki bez i jednog Mpp.
Kako su te države sposobne da odbrane od bilo koga posebno od napadača
koji je brojniji i pritom ima neke saveznike.
Ovde nema strukture i nije ni pokušana da se stvori igrači su bačeni u oganj sa 
nadom da će se sve samo od sebe ispraviti samo zato "što je nova igra" slična nekima iz proslosti.
E pa neće ako se ovako nastavi admin će ostati sam sa nekoliko multija i peglača
kartica i igra će završiti u ćorsokaku.

Ljudi su pobegli od sistema besmislenih ratova,prevelike pohlepe za rl novcem što prouzrokuje da igrači koji ne kupuju gold postaju topovsko meso, koji u igri imaju ulogu ikebane.
Drugo,igri nedostaje mnogo toga,nema shoutbox-a,sve opcije su nepregledne,ima dosta praznog prostora na osnovnom meniju.
I admin bi to čak i da naplati?

Ako nekako može da se utiče na kreatore da se stanje promeni,bilo bi idealno.
Da se organizujemo i SVI šaljemo isti tiket adminu.
U suprotnom igra neće imati neku svetlu budućnost.

Theodor Bagwell


I see many people argue, gold buyers suddenly get a big advantage.
Occupied countries were decapitated and have no chance to develop.
Bulgarians are firts to revolt against crazy rules>

Old players from different games know exactly what to do with the game and
how game should be developed to be tempting for all but no one ask us.
The game is a bad set from the beginning.
Everything is done so fast so the creator want to collect money from players
for a short amount of time but that will not p.
The game is simply not given time to develop.The first wars were started prematurely some states have only 20 or something more people,
some without any Mpp.
They are not in a position to defend from anyone especialy from stronger
states which is more numerous and have some allies.
There is no structure ingame and not even attempted to create, players are thrown into the fire with hope that all problems will go away just
because this is "the new game" similar to some in the past.
Well, that will not gonna happen,admin will be left alone with
a few Multi acc and gold buyers and the game will end in a stalemate.

People fled from the system of meaningless wars, excessive greed for money, causing players who dont buy gold to become cannon fodder.
Second, the game lacks a lot, no shoutbox? some options are inaccessible,bad design, there are plenty of empty space on the main menu.
And they even try to collect money? For what?LoL

If we somehow can affect creators to change the situation, it would be ideal.
To organize us ALL and send the same ticket to admin.
Otherwise the game will be dead for a short time.

Theodor Bagwell


BelgorMatan Danziger

Коментари (22)

slazem se u potpunosti. Umesto da promene ono sto ne valja u originalu ovde su u startu sredili mnoge igracke zajednice, i samim time iako sam dao nesto para, ne vidim da cu to ponoviti jer igra nece dugo ziveti ako se neke stvari ne promene. Umesto da igra brzim tempom raste sa novim igracima meni licno izgleda kao da je vec dostigla maksimum i to samo sa igracima sto su dosli iz originala.. ne vidim kako ce privuci nove igrace ako je sve poptuno isto i ako ne rade nista povodom resavanja probelma
Odlicno napisano ! big vote ! o7
bice bolje , kontam da nema ti sa karticama, mi bi odmah osvojili sve , ovako zanimljivije ... XD
thank you o/
Vote from Poland. Game became highly unfair.
guys go to FB page of this game and ask there some questions. I did that exactly, few times actually . here is link if someone needs it
Nešto vrlo slično sam napisao na onaj post od bugare sa nadom da če ga šta više ljudi pročitati. Isto mišljenje imamo. Namesto da gledaju na svi nas kao potencijalni potrošači samo hoču da zarade šta brže i šta više. I recimo ja, uzet ču sebe kao primer, sam hteo da nešto kupim sa RL novac ali kako mi smrdi neče trajati dugo ova igrica i prosto se ne isplati. Samo bi bacao novac. Pozdrav.
Good Article! V+
I can't have a say in gold buying , other than I am not a p2w player. Also the admins should consider not to have so many countries yet. I see countries like north korea or UAE with very low RL population become puppet of countries etc.
staeno sub,vote,komentar
SUB & VOT, beack:
What do you expect? This game is almost 100% copy of another game. You realize nothing is free in the world. Those servers cost and the people behind this game need to get some profit from it all. Wink
@Erutan U are right they need profit and I am not against it,I am against this insane greed. People complain to me too,so I listen. This game will be over before it started cuz there is to few things this game (in this form) can offer. Thay are making the same mistakes that was made in E...cant say the rest. The E have some reputation so admin managed to extract some fast money from it but now its dead. This game have no history,no permanent players and downfall will be fast one. I dont want this to happen so I write.
I cannot imagine why would anybody give RL money in this game, really people, you should know better.
Good article v