Објављено у Turkey - Финансијске анализе - 17 Jan 2017 11:36 - 33

Hi! Welcome to my "Market Analysis" series, where I present you with the average prices, industry bonuses and a lot more!
I update this article during the two days it is up on global, and after that you can consider it outdated.
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Q5 Warships' price is up, more towards the 0,07g
Q5 Helis are still around the 0,055g, and might stabilize around it due to the new update...
Iran is now the best country to produce in.

Q1-Q4 - 2100 - 2200 energy, per Gold
Q5 - 1800 energy, per Gold
FRM - Food Raw Material = 0,0003

Q1 Helis = 0,018 - 0,020
Q2 Helis = 0,023 - 0,025
Q3 Helis / Q5 Tanks = 0,032
Q4 Helis = ?
Q5 Helis = 0,055 - 0,056
WRM - Weapon Raw Material = 0,0003

Q1 = 2,4 - 2,5
Q2 = 2,8 - 3,0
Q3 = 3,0 - 4,0
Q4 = 6,5 - 8,0
Q5 = 9,0 - 10,0
HRM - House Raw Material = 0,0006 - 0,0007

Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 Warships = ?
Q5 Warships = 0,07
SRM - Ship Raw Material = 0,0005 - 0,0007

Per work = 1,50 - 1,55

In this section I'll introduce the best countries for each industry.
The cheapest to the most expensive go from left to right, except on the strengh industry, where all are the same.
The strengh industry line consists of the countries that have the lowest CC value (0,005g), and are therefore the best ones to workout in.

Best place to produce in - Iran

If you think any of the information is not correct, feel free to comment it down below, with due respect.
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no0bsailbotno0bsailbotthekrekchaftvudsepoysepoyLiveD666ePazAlessandro IКоментари (33)

【Looking for EMPLOYEES】 Salary = 1.55G






Romania has 100% bonus one houses

Update: Romania has 100% house bonus

can you upload images to another host like http://prnt.sc/ ??we cannot see the images from imgur :/

Rusia has 140% bonus on vodka.

Correct @TheHellTeam and @asmin, thanks for the heads up!
@22inch, nice dick, but what do you suggest?

@XerTaLT corrected some of the things you mentioned, even tho most were already there xD Thanks

Also UPDATE: Q4 House = 7 - 8 gold to few lower than 7 GOLD
) You have to be *ME* to find them that low

Corrected @asmin, thanks 

Nice article o7

Houses q5 8.5g, 4 stock of houses per day - send Mp
heli q5 q4 q3 q2 q1 - warship q5 q2 q1

@DaltonicD just upload it another host man,your article looks like http://prntscr.com/dwwnue in turkey,just upload it another host,btw thanks for the comment about my dick.

But other hosts are also blocked in other countries... haven t found one that works for everyone


@22inch Uploaded everything on prntscr, your welcome

@daltonicD thanks man you are king!But still so democrat..

i cant understand how they can sell q5 food for 180/1g with 1.5g salary. 1 worker produce 200 with 100 bonus isn t it ?

Ships Q3 round 4g

Q5 food at 1800 energy per 1g? Never.

Albania has lowest cc value too.. 0.005g

I still refuse to buy whoreships out of spite for the split system even though some night I know I will drink too much and wake up to find my gold gone and a bunch of them in my storage. sigh


Georgia have 100 % on house too