Објављено у Portugal - Друштвена догађања и забава - 02 Feb 2017 10:40 - 66
Hey guys,
Just notifying whoever might care that I'm quitting eRev, mainly because I've been really busy. I therefore declare that whoever wants to take on the Market Analysis Series now has my endorsement.
PS: Abraço a todos os Tugas, foi um prazer jogar convosco!
Just notifying whoever might care that I'm quitting eRev, mainly because I've been really busy. I therefore declare that whoever wants to take on the Market Analysis Series now has my endorsement.
PS: Abraço a todos os Tugas, foi um prazer jogar convosco!
Yamamotosalamandra123RothbartAlessandro IPanzer AceLeFrancaisno0bsailbotiOSD3vEnver PasaКоментари (66)

Good bye Daltonic

Daltonic o/

No one can replace u man! Gl in RL! o7

o7 bb hope u ll rejoin.

i love you!


Srecan ti put......

Good luck in real life bro

noooooooo : (

OMG srsly? How would I know best prices on market now? ;_; We ll miss you DaltonicD. Hope to see you playing erev in future o7

I accept any amount of gold from you Daltonic
.... oh, and good luck 

Good bye Daltonic :,(

Good luck in life D

sry to hear that

Good luck in RL man. Take care

Come back when you get more time bro o7

Adeus e que tudo corra bem na RL.

Bye Bye!
Boa sorte.

Good bye

cheers o7

Espero que seja temporário, és um grande jogador e analista, é preciso gente como tu aqui!

Im intrested about the economic aspects of the game and I have published some articles: https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/21554 , https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/22319 , https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/21782 , I d like to mantain a comparative table of prices, that with your support I could call it [Daltonic Index]

Boa sorte, volte logo o/

GB bro!!!...
.....all the best in RL.....Your PericSS who seel beer

give us a visit here and now, all the best in RL o7


Good luck in RL bro, sometimes We had unhappy moments in erev but We have find a solution everytime.
Have a good life and come back as soon as you can

see u in future o7

Que pena, sentirei falta das analises.

Good luck man . U helped too much. See you o7

Damn didnt expect it to be you quiting, you are one of the people that i would actually care about them quiting or not... Anyway thx for what you have done so far and gl with rl


GL bro!

Thanks for all your hard work

Sucesso com a vida real e que você consiga um dia voltar! o7 MÁXIMO RESPEITO

GL o7

Goodbye, my dear friend. I hope we meet again.

Good luck IRL

Goodbye Daltonic! Goodluck in Real Life!
Whoever decides to take on The Market Analysis Series please message me and I will subscribe to your newspaper 



Boa sorte na vida real e que tudo possa dar certo, um abraço do eBrasil inteiro.

good bye and good luck o/

bye o7

Good luck irl dude. You will be missed.

Lamentável tua ida, caro patrício. Mas não podemos abnegar da RL... Quiçá um dia retorne quando estiveres com mais tempo ocioso e menos preocupações na moleira.

Bye friend, and thanks for the info you gave me when I was just an enemy citizen :-)


Goodbye Daltonic o/

Thanks to everyone, cya!




É uma pena...

ai am chems chagaras ra shenc ar myavde didi analitikosi 

Good luck in RL o/

To bad that you are leaving ... Come back when you can.

it s a shame,you had great articles.